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CIA gets nod to step up drone strikes in Pakistan

Yea like you played the Taliban game and after 10 years have still having American soldiers being killed.

Certain cities in the US have more deaths per year than US troops in Afghanistan. Taliban for all practical purposes are incompetent, failing to disrupt military bases, supply lines, control of infastructure. This time there is no second superpower to supply them with advanced weapons.

However they are pretty successful in Pakistan.
Thanks :)

No.. And I cant stay away from strip clubs when I travel to USA.. Some vices are hard to give up ;)


No.. I say this because you say that Pakistan will attack India and Israel if USA attacks Pakistan.. This is as absurd as it gets...Only an idiot at the helm of Pakistan will ever take that decision...

Welcome back...that's their MAD theory...kinda stupid, but India does consider such absurd thinking on their part. A wayward nuke could be harmful to an Indian city.
No.. I say this because you say that Pakistan will attack India and Israel if USA attacks Pakistan.. This is as absurd as it gets...Only an idiot at the helm of Pakistan will ever take that decision...

It is reported that both Israel and India were sent this message in 1998 by Pakistan in the event that Pakistan was attacked by Israel/India

Certain cities in the US have more deaths per year than US troops in Afghanistan. Taliban for all practical purposes are incompetent, failing to disrupt military bases, supply lines, control of infastructure. This time there is no second superpower to supply them with advanced weapons.

However they are pretty successful in Pakistan.

You and that AIPAC infested regime of yours are liars and understate the costs of war to America
Certain cities in the US have more deaths per year than US troops in Afghanistan. Taliban for all practical purposes are incompetent, failing to disrupt military bases, supply lines, control of infastructure. This time there is no second superpower to supply them with advanced weapons.

However they are pretty successful in Pakistan.

Iraq War Deaths Exceed Vietnam War Numbers

Department of Veterans Affairs Reports 73 Thousand U.S. Gulf War Deaths

By Gary Vey for viewzone

Editor's Note: This story was published in the early part of 2010 and received little attention until just recently. It's very satisfying as a writer to receive emails from readers who are finally realizing what kind of deception has been pulled on the American citizens. I also thank Rense.com for posting the link. For some reason, Rense.com rarely carries stories from viewzone.com, despite our common concerns and views. Anyway, thanks Rense! And thanks to the many readers who help spread the truth from websites like rense.com and viewzone.com -- we do it for you because we love this country and despise what it has become of late. Happy July 4th everyone!

More Gulf War Veterans have died than Vietnam Veterans. This probably is news to you. But the truth has been hidden by a technicality. So here is the truth.

The casualties in the Vietnam War were pretty simple to understand. If a soldier was dead from his combat tour, he was a war casualty. There are 58,195 names recorded on the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC.

Some of these brave men died in the jungles of Vietnam while others died in Medivac units or hospitals in Japan and America. A dead soldier can surrender his life anywhere in service to his country. It really doesn't matter where this happens. The location of a soldier's death in no way colors his sacrifice.

But something odd has happened with the Iraq War. The government, under the Bush administration, did something dishonest that resulted in a lie that's persisted since the war began -- and continues to this very day. They decided to report the war deaths in Iraq only if the soldier died with his boots on the ground in a combat situation.

What's the difference, you might ask?

The combat in Vietnam was in rural areas, far removed from medical treatment centers. Injured soldiers were treated by a Medic. Most died at the scene of the battle before they could be evacuated. Many died on route or were declared dead at the medical treatment facilities. The situation in Iraq is vastly different.

Fighting in Iraq is mainly in urban areas. Soldiers who are injured are quickly evacuated with armored personnel carriers or helicopters. It's a much more efficient system than what was possible in Vietnam, but for those that are seriously injured it means that death is more likely to happen while they are in transit or at the treatment facility.

Under the new reporting system, deaths that happen en route or post evacuation are not counted as combat deaths. This is why the number seems unusually low -- a little over four thousand as of 2009.

The actual figures have been hidden from the American public just like the returning, flag draped coffins were censored from the press. But the figures are now available and we can only hope that the American people will be outraged when they learn how they have been misled.

According to The Department of Veterans Affairs, as of May 2007, reports in the Gulf War Veterans Information System reveal these startling numbers:

Total U.S. Military Gulf War Deaths: 73,846
* Deaths amongst Deployed: 17,847
* Deaths amongst Non-Deployed: 55,999

The stastics for non-lethal injuries are likewise staggering:

Total "Undiagnosed Illness" (UDX) claims: 14,874
Total number of disability claims filed: 1,620,906
* Disability Claims amongst Deployed: 407,911
* Disability Claims amongst Non-Deployed: 1,212,995

Percentage of combat troops that filed Disability Claims 36%

I know you probably will think this is another conspiracy theory -- I did when I first heard about this -- so please read the original report for yourself. [Source: Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses - Page Not Found Note: Sometimes this link is not active so we have posted the pdf file on viewzone 393 kb.]

More deaths and mysery to follow...

More than 1,820 tons of radioactive nuclear waste (i.e. depleted uranium) were exploded in Iraq alone in the form of armor piercing rounds and bunker busters. This represents the worlds worst man made ecological disaster ever. 64 kg of uranium were used in the Hiroshima bomb. The U.S. Iraq Nuclear Holocaust represents far more than fourteen thousand Hiroshima's.

The nuclear waste the U.S. has exploded in the Middle East will continue killing for hundreds of years! That's how long these particles of radioactive dust will continue to blow around, get lodged in someone's lungs or be ingested. Scientists calculate that there is now enough radioactive material in Iraq to wipe out a third of the world's current population.

While we never found any WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) in Iraq, we sure made up for it by importing our own! Birth defects among Iraqi newborns are up a whopping 600% from before the war. The defects are typical of the kind produced by exposure to radioactive poisons. And these injuries are happening to the civilian population of Iraq -- the people we were supposedly "liberating."

This writer happened to visit Iraq back in 2001, at the time Saddam Hussein was still in power. The world's nations were imposing an embargo on all imports in an attempt to punish the nation for invading the neighboring nation of Kuwait. I remember the good people of Iraq who treated me with kindness and hospitality -- even while knowing I was an American. Despite the embargo on such vital things as medicine and hospital supplies, the markets were thriving with local produce. Children freely played in the streets and there was laughter. To see what this war has done to Iraq is especially painful and speaks loudly of the immorality that has caused these innocent people to suffer. And now, to see that this same immorality extends to the American people in the form of deception and lies crosses the line.

I live in a small town in New England. We have known of many casualties from Iraq -- too many. Yet the numbers being reported in the media make it seem that this is a rare occurrence. Just over 4,000? How can this be? In short -- it's NOT.

What will it take to awaken people and make them angry enough to hold our government responsible for these lies? A democracy is only good if its people are well informed. How else can we make decisions abou what's best for us? If we are fed s*** and kept in the dark we truly are a nation of mushrooms.

Before I end this I want to say a big THANK YOU to all the vets who put their country and its people before themselves. We are proud of you and believe that you put your lives on the line for something a little better than what we are currently experiencing with our government. Thanks to you we're still a democracy. So it's up to us, the people you fought for, to make your effort worthwhile.

What do you think about this? Do you care?

Surprise! Iraq War Deaths Exceed Vietnam War

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/afghan...es-surging-among-us-troops.html#ixzz1xEERiHms

Excellent News.

More Drone Strikes = More Dead Terrorists = Terrorists going to other places than Pakistan = Less Terrorism in Pakistan = Win Win for Pakistan, USA and the World

More collateral damage more Pakistanis die but what do you care??
Pakistan would of been attacked right after 9/11... Musharaff saved millions of lives and was willing to work with us on the War on Terror....

We made it clear from day 1 that we will go find these terrorist and fight them as well as those who harbor them.

I agree with you. Talibans were not american enemy, they refuse to eliminate AQ, they refuse to ocoprate. If pakistan would have done the same, they would have met the same fate what taliban did.

I am surprised to see that many pakistani members forget what happen a decade ago.
Welcome back...that's their MAD theory...kinda stupid, but India does consider such absurd thinking on their part. A wayward nuke could be harmful to an Indian city.

Only when a suicidal maniac is at the helm of affairs in Pakistan, will the nuclear weapons of Pakistan will be used.. Till then, its simply an empty threat, specially in an eyeball to eyeball confrontation with USA.

It is reported that both Israel and India were sent this message in 1998 by Pakistan in the event that Pakistan was attacked by Israel/India

Thats exactly what I am saying.. Attacking India and Israel makes sense if either of them attack Pakistan.. But if you major ally decides to mess with your sovereignty (its already doing it though), attacking a neighbor which is not involved in that war is plain fanboy stuff and I expect you to know that..

Iraq War Deaths Exceed Vietnam War Numbers

Department of Veterans Affairs Reports 73 Thousand U.S. Gulf War Deaths

By Gary Vey for viewzone

Any mainstream media reporting this ?
I agree with you. Talibans were not american enemy, they refuse to eliminate AQ, they refuse to ocoprate. If pakistan would have done the same, they would have met the same fate what taliban did.

I am surprised to see that many pakistani members forget what happen a decade ago.

I am surprised that some Indians know very little. Taliban offered to give up Osama.
A full frontal attack by America should and would result in that. Israel controls American foreign policy and India is an American ally. What do you lot think that Pakistan will allow a full frontal attack with no response?

from somalia to afghanistan pakistan was with americansand u are claiming that india is american ally? Whats happened dude? confused?

Any american here please tell this gentleman that pakistan is american ally not india.
More collateral damage more Pakistanis die but what do you care??

More Pakistanis will die if these terrorists are allowed to live than die by they being killed.

A couple of months ago, a drone took out the terrorist who planned the Ahmedi Mosque bombing which killed hundreds.

And just yesterday, Drones took out Al Qaeda #2, god knows how many terrorist attacks he was planning.

Drones are a necessary evil.

Either Pakistan takes action to wipe these people out or then US has to.
Only when a suicidal maniac is at the helm of affairs in Pakistan, will the nuclear weapons of Pakistan will be used.. Till then, its simply an empty threat, specially in an eyeball to eyeball confrontation with USA.

The threat is very real, no one knows who is at the helm in Pakistan, and considering a build up of a full on US attack - those will be tense days and all the fundamental's/ radicals in Pakistan will become vocal and active and will bay for some kafir's blood - target of choice - India or Israel, desperation makes a man do weird things, homogeneous countries are no better. All other options having been exhausted the threat of MAD will be activated. No one expects sane reactions in desperate situations.
Only when a suicidal maniac is at the helm of affairs in Pakistan, will the nuclear weapons of Pakistan will be used.. Till then, its simply an empty threat, specially in an eyeball to eyeball confrontation with USA.

Thats exactly what I am saying.. Attacking India and Israel makes sense if either of them attack Pakistan.. But if you major ally decides to mess with your sovereignty (its already doing it though), attacking a neighbor which is not involved in that war is plain fanboy stuff and I expect you to know that..

Any mainstream media reporting this ?

Oh yea American bases would be attacked as well. Israel is valued more than America to Americans and India well first you are an ally of Americans and second it would be natural for Pakistanis to make sure India goes down if Pakistan goes.
A full frontal attack by America should and would result in that. Israel controls American foreign policy and India is an American ally. What do you lot think that Pakistan will allow a full frontal attack with no response?

So the scenario would be.....

America attacks Pakistan.........Pakistan Nukes India.......America laughs at Pakistan........India Nukes Pakistan......

And the outcome would be.....

Pakistan's game is over(just like America wanted)....India is devastated(just like China dreamt)....

CRAZY Pakistanis.......there are so many allies of America......why do you pick on India.......
America won't give a rats *** if India is nuked, instead it will be happy knowing that now India will do the job.....
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