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CIA Fails to Organize Prison Break for Doctor Who Helped Find Bin Laden - Source

Not correct.

He’s going to be release next month and move to the United States. The story above was in preparation for his release.

If true, the justice system has failed. This is a guy who broke the law and conspired with a rogue foreign spy agency against his own nation.
For sake of money he did collected the DNA samples and I am sure he didn't even know why he was doing it but greed and most probably settling in USA pushed him for that.
Courts should've also tried him for the killings of all the Vaccination workers by taliban due to his fake campaign but it's past now. He was given a sentence for 7 years and after that he is free to go where ever he wants. If we were unable to do anything back then, than there is no need to do it now.
OBL was in abbotabad and we failed to track him this is another reality which we need to accept and learn from our mistakes. We should remain neutral and focus on economical development of our country.
he must be kept in prison or we get another haqqani network
don't we have rough cops whom shoot him dead so this chapter closed ?
Whats done is done, might as well trade him for Asifa.

Shakil Afridi is a CIA asset while Aafia Siddiqui was never an ISI asset. There are many Pakistanis that ISI could exchange for Shakil Afridi, I don't think Aafia Siddiqui should be one.
Shakil Afridi is a CIA asset while Aafia Siddiqui was never an ISI asset. There are many Pakistanis that ISI could exchange for Shakil Afridi, I don't think Aafia Siddiqui should be one.

Can you explain in more details as to who can be swapped and why not Asifa?
Who the hell is US to be concerned about Shakeel Afridi health and why has Pakistan assured anything to the us regarding one of their own citizen? You see this is the whole problem, pakistani chutia sarkar giving assurances to another country over their own citizen instead of telling them to mind their own business. Pakistan is under no obligation to tell a third party about how they treat their own. This is wrong on so many accounts. Period.
Can you explain in more details as to who can be swapped and why not Asifa?

There are people who have been jailed in the course of trying to help Pakistan's nuclear and space program. Xun Wang and Imran Khan are two names that comes to mind right now. Aafia Siddiqui never did anything to benefit Pakistan.
I wonder since the news source is Russian, can it be possible that the Russians tipped Pakistan off?
There are people who have been jailed in the course of trying to help Pakistan's nuclear and space program. Xun Wang and Imran Khan are two names that comes to mind right now. Aafia Siddiqui never did anything to benefit Pakistan.

Thanks mate, i never knew about this Imran Khan, also i tried to search for Xun Wang but not getting any success. Can you share details if you have any.
Do you realise that we have no comparison so instead of playing with fire ...better kill the rat and end the story or be ready for some covert operation or some other bigger loss... They dirty games you can only play with your equals like India... but playing with USA can end very bad for us.... It is like Mehran hitting a standing MBT... or Marauder...

It's never about the Mehran, or what it hit
It's about the spirit and determination in the one driving the Mehran who can even make it crush a tank...
Thanks mate, i never knew about this Imran Khan, also i tried to search for Xun Wang but not getting any success. Can you share details if you have any.


Former PPG Manager Sentenced Over Export to Pakistan Nuclear Plant
Kristin Jones | Dec. 20, 2012

A former manager at a Shanghai-based subsidiary of U.S. chemical and paint company PPG Industries Inc. PPG -1.13% has been sentenced to a year in prison for illegally exporting specialty coatings to a nuclear reactor in Pakistan, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Xun Wang, who was a managing director of PPG Paints Trading (Shanghai) Co., pleaded guilty in November 2011 to conspiracy charges related to the illegal export of high-performance epoxy coatings to the Chashma II Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan in 2006 and 2007. She has also been ordered to pay a fine of $100,000 and perform 500 hours of community service, the Justice Department said.

The Chashma nuclear plant is operated by the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, which is responsible for Pakistan's nuclear program.

An attorney for Ms. Wang couldn't immediately be located for comment.

"Xun Wang was the most senior PPG Paints Trading corporate executive involved in this unlawful export scheme," said U.S. Attorney Ronald C. Machen. "This prosecution has already held corporations accountable for their violations of U.S. export laws, but today's prison sentence shows our determination to hold corporate executives personally responsible when they compromise our nation's security in the pursuit of corporate profits."

In a related settlement with the Department of Commerce last year, Ms. Wang agreed to pay a civil penalty of $200,000 and was placed on the department's "denied persons' list" for a period of five years, meaning she will be barred from exporting any goods subject to Commerce Department regulations.

Her employer, PPG Paints Trading agreed in a December 2010 settlement to pay $3.75 million in criminal and administrative fines, and more than $32,000 in restitution, the Justice Department said.

PPG Industries spokesman Jeremy Neuhart said the 2010 settlement concluded the matter as it related to the company, and added that the chemical company is committed to compliance with U.S. export-control laws.

Mr. Neuhart added that PPG Industries doesn't comment on matters related to personnel.

Source: WSJ

Aafia's case is a humanitarian cause and it should not be mixed with a spy exchange if there is ever one.

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If US was thinking for such misadventure then surely this was been planned in fortress US Embassy.
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