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CIA chief Petraeus resigns over extramarital affair

As I said, start a new thread on this theme.

Pakistani society is far from perfect. A noticeable chunk of populace within Pakistan does not properly adheres to Islamic teachings. Still Pakistani society is subject to lot of misconceptions and stereotyping in WEST.

Part of me wants to believe most are just normal people, but then theres the thing of this extremist minority (hopefully?) having such a big and disproportionate effect on the acts of the majority that it in effect erases any good perception. Add the media with its policy of always reporting the worst....

Unfortunately, WEST isn't looking much better in current times in comparison after decades of internal decay. Heck, it is lot worse in some aspects. So the propaganda of civilized West no longer holds. Accept it and move on.

The article i reference above explains well the societal pressures in a Muslim society. Safe to say nothing like that would be happening over here. Nobody is perfect ofcourse.
I dont mean to talk about it much more, its off topic and ill get infracted.
It debunks the myth of Islamic countries being safe havens for women, where the females are free from sexual harassment, like some of you gays claim.

80% of the 3000 women that are in prison in Pakistan today for adultery are actually there of the 'crime' of being raped.

What many of you see as adultery back home, sane people would see it as rape.

So cut the crap, you're not fooling anybody.

Utter and incoherent nonsense, not even worthy of a rebuttal. Some of you're memes I have addressed in an earlier post, so I'm not repeating myself.

You're right, and that's why I'm disengaging from this topic.

No one ever claimed that
ANd there is no Sharia in Pakistan, forget rape, even adultery isnt a crime (if it was why would they be in prsn?)
Part of me wants to believe most are just normal people, but then theres the thing of this extremist minority (hopefully?) having such a big and disproportionate effect on the acts of the majority that it in effect erases any good perception. Add the media with its policy of always reporting the worst....
I would blame Western Media for extreme coverage. Thank you for showing broader perception here.

The article i reference above explains well the societal pressures in a Muslim society. Safe to say nothing like that would be happening over here. Nobody is perfect ofcourse.
I dont mean to talk about it much more, its off topic and ill get infracted.
Extremely bad things do happen even in Western countries. It is just that Western media is more controlled or selective on what to publicize.

I understand your reservations. Let us end discussion on this theme in this thread then.

No, I haven't been to Lahore, but I have been to places like Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, and let me say this, the much repeated respect for women, that I could not find there.
What happens in those countries is of little concern to me. These are just 3 countries among 50 in total.

Also, it takes some time to properly evaluate these kinds of affairs in any country. As an example, it is possible that women are treated badly in some parts of India. However, this may not hold for entire India.

What are you trying to prove with these links? You think that any society can survive by mistreating women to such a disagree at large scale? No.

Their are crimes/problems in every country. Media sources mostly focus on events that garner attention.

Come to Lahore and see with your own eyes.
No, I haven't been to Lahore, but I have been to places like Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, and let me say this, the much repeated respect for women, that I could not find there.

That may be the case in your experience in your home town, but using your own experience to form general conclusions about millions of people and the rest of society, does not mean that what you say reflects the general picture. One needs to look at the trends and developments presented in the media, to see a different picture than what you're claiming:

Sexual Harassment of women on the streets of Pakistan- by Shazia Nawaz*|*LUBP

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan's taboo on sex abuse

The Creepy Men Of Pakistan's Sexual Harassment Calendar

Eve teasing, sexual harassment rampant in overcrowded buses in Pakistan capital | Pakistan News

Pakistan News - Ladies-only buses launched in Lahore to save women from sexual harassment

Varsity teacher suspended for harassing girls | DAWN.COM

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - President signs bill to protect women against harassment at workplace

Maheen Usmani: Pakistan's Sexual Harassment Problem

Your local mullah is a very poor substitute for information of what happens out there in the world.
Every nation you named, has its own share of political sex scandals over the years. The country which your pride yourself to be allied with so often, China, their most revered leader Mao, as a member pointed out, was the epitome of sexual indecency.
Why your mullah hasn't told you to hate the Chinese beats me, because the China you hold so dear is all about infidels, heathens and atheism. Not a very good source, like I said. Try harder.

Putting mullahs in the driving seat of society is the problem. They manipulate the natural and normal social order between male and female, raise women to the status of holy cow them complain about harassment. This is why political icons like scarf and burqa should be banned.
Petraeus mistress had substantial classified data on computer: sources

(Reuters) - A computer used by Paula Broadwell, the woman whose affair with CIA Director David Petraeus led to his resignation, contained substantial classified information that should have been stored under more secure conditions, law enforcement and national security officials said on Wednesday.

The contents and amount of the classified material - and questions about how Broadwell got it - are significant enough to warrant a continuing investigation, the officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to comment publicly.

The details about material held by Broadwell, a reserve officer in military intelligence, emerged Wednesday as the Pentagon suspended her security clearance. There are growing concerns among military and law enforcement officials about the potential fallout from the affair between Petraeus and Broadwell, who co-authored a biography of the retired general.

full story: Petraeus mistress had substantial classified data on computer: sources | Reuters
No, Chinese people have 2 or 3 wife because they want to, not beause they want to have child as it wil lstill be the same, it's not like if you can't have a boy in your first wife, you can move on to marry another one and the count restart, it did not work that way

Haa Haa vary funny So how did you spouse Chines have re-intercourse for second child with first wife after the first birth of female or male child.. They always need second marriage to fulfill their desire..
1) its all about one child policy.
2) If they have the different policy in which they have right to give birth one or more child then they need not second marriage, but in some females secret birth problem. Like unproductive women..:pleasantry:
Haa Haa vary funny So how did you spouse Chines have re-intercourse for second child with first wife after the first birth of female or male child.. They always need second marriage to fulfill their desire..
1) its all about one child policy.
2) If they have the different policy in which they have right to give birth one or more child then they need not second marriage, but in some females secret birth problem. Like unproductive women..:pleasantry:

Honestly i don't know what the heck are you talking about, my wife is not Chinese, i am, but i do not live in China anymore.
And you cannot use the 1 child policy on your first wife who give out a girl and move on the the second wife for child, you will get fine for it.

And if you have money, you could have 3,4,5 or 6 women if you want, well, a traditional Chinese value is you need to buy house for your wife, so if you have money to buy 10 house, you can have 10 wives. Having multiple wife HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SINGLE CHILD POLICY
Honestly i don't know what the heck are you talking about, my wife is not Chinese, i am, but i do not live in China anymore.
And you cannot use the 1 child policy on your first wife who give out a girl and move on the the second wife for child, you will get fine for it.

And if you have money, you could have 3,4,5 or 6 women if you want, well, a traditional Chinese value is you need to buy house for your wife, so if you have money to buy 10 house, you can have 10 wives. Having multiple wife HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SINGLE CHILD POLICY

Well it is good enough to say how you can hold one or more wife..
We are debating on intelligence related person who have never see on other women,s due to training they hold.. General public is never compared with person touching with Intelligence work coz its is Heard patient situation ever person cant hold.
You need some intelligence official mind to understood my level of talking.. Mostly in china most of person doing more marriage due to one child policy..As you assume the tradition is the causes then you cant hand the reality..
there is other country have same tradition and religion which allow them to do more marriages..
But it is best to be a single Wife even you have a lot of money...
If you cant satisfied with one women you never satisfied with 100. second marriage is necessary when you cant take you child from first marriage...
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