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CIA bomber in video with Hakeemullah Mehsud

BBC News - 'Afghanistan CIA bomber' shown vowing revenge

The clip purportedly shows al-Balawi with Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud.

Video of a Jordanian said to have blown up seven CIA agents in Afghanistan has shown him vowing revenge for Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud's death.

In a clip broadcast on al-Jazeera TV, suicide bomber Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi says Mehsud must be avenged "inside and outside America".

The footage appears to show him next to Mehsud's successor, Hakimullah Mehsud, although he is not named in the video.

Eight people - seven CIA agents and one Jordanian officer - died in the attack.

The attack at Forward Operating Base Chapman in Afghanistan's Khost province was the deadliest against US intelligence officials since the US embassy in Beirut was bombed in 1983

Humam Balawi is said to have been a Jordanian doctor turned double agent, having originally been recruited by the Jordanians to spy on al-Qaeda.

His father, Khalil Balawi, said that the man who appeared on the video was definitely his son.

Speaking in Jordan, he blamed "American oppression against the Muslim world" for his son's act.

'Blood of our leader'

In the video clip shown on al-Jazeera, Humam Balawi says he is sending a message to the "enemies of Islam", who he names as Jordan's intelligence services and the CIA.

We say that we will never forget the blood of our leader, Baitullah Mehsud," he says.

"What remains is to avenge him inside and outside America."

The Jordanian, speaking in Arabic, says the Pakistani Taliban leader paid with his life for offering to shelter al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

He appears to dismiss the idea he himself was in the service of the Jordanians or US, saying that a Muslim jihadist "will not sell his religion".

The IntelCenter, a US-based group monitoring extremist sites, said the video had been released by the Pakistani branch of the Taliban.

The bombing of the American base was an audacious attack which sent shockwaves through Western intelligence services, the BBC's Orla Guerin in Islamabad reports.

So far there has been no comment from the authorities in Pakistan, she says, but the video is bound to increase pressure on them to crush militant groups on their soil who attack Western forces across the border in Afghanistan.

Baitullah Mehsud was killed in a US missile attack in the tribal region of South Waziristan, which borders Afghanistan, in August last year.

Two months later, the Pakistani military launched a major offensive in the region.

More than 600 people have died in militant attacks in Pakistan since then, most of them believed to be in reprisal for the army's campaign against the Taliban.

Correspondents say Hakimullah Mehsud is thought to be in South Waziristan.

Forward Operating Base Chapman, a former Soviet military base in Afghanistan, is used not only by the CIA but also by provincial reconstruction teams, which include both soldiers and civilians.

The airfield is reportedly used for US drone attacks on suspected militants in neighbouring Pakistan.
CIA bomber struck just before search

By R. Jeffrey Smith, Joby Warrick and Ellen Nakashima
Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Jordanian had been "heralded as a superstar asset." Until Dec. 30, none of the Americans at the base had laid eyes on him. The Jordanian doctor arrived in a red station wagon that came directly from Pakistan and sped through checkpoints at a CIA base in Afghanistan before stopping abruptly at an improvised interrogation center. Outside stood one of the CIA's top experts on al-Qaeda, ready to greet the doctor and hear him describe a way to kill Ayman al-Zawahiri, the organization's No. 2 and a man long at the top of U.S. target lists.

The Jordanian exited the car with one hand in his pocket, according to the accounts of several U.S. officials briefed on the incident. An American security guard approached him to conduct a pat-down search and asked him to remove his hand. Instead, the Jordanian triggered a switch.

A sharp "CLMMMP" sound coincided with a brief flash and a small puff of smoke as thousands of steel pellets shredded glass, metal, cement and flesh in every direction.

A moment that CIA officials in Washington and Afghanistan had hoped would lead to a significant breakthrough in the fight against al-Qaeda instead became the most grievous single blow against the agency in the counterterror war.

Virtually everyone within sight of the suicide blast died immediately, including the al-Qaeda expert, who led the CIA team at the base; a 30-year-old analyst; and three other officers. Also killed were two American security guards contracted by the agency, a Jordanian intelligence officer and the car's driver. At least six others standing in the carport and nearby, including the CIA's second in command in Afghanistan, were wounded by pellets that had first perforated the vehicle.

The CIA base at Khost is one of two in Afghanistan that the agency controls directly; the others are all located within larger military bases that provide more layered security under American control. Its strength -- and also its vulnerability -- stems from its location less than 10 miles from the Pakistani border and the tribal region of North Waziristan, where a Taliban faction known as the Haqqani network reportedly is headquartered.

Current and former officials who have visited the base describe it as a targeting center for Predator strikes and other operations inside Pakistan. Some involve Pashtun tribesmen loyal to the West who are accustomed to traversing the porous border for intelligence-gathering, bomb-targeting and other missions.

CIA bomber struck just before search - washingtonpost.com
BBC News - 'Afghanistan CIA bomber' shown vowing revenge

There goes ur Yarana clip between cia bomber and TTP chief.

Acc to my sources the vidio is fake and is carved out to meet narrow interests ....
I think we should face the fact that the way things are carried out in intelligence matters are completely different from those facts which are actually projected in media . Their activities are highly confidential and are designed to meet purely the interests of state and inorder to that they are obliged to hire almost any dirty trick which suits their ops. They call it the most dirty job in the world for nothing ...:P
I know who Haqqani and Hekmatyar were. So? Are you so foolish as to believe the taliban are comprised of uzbek, tajik, Hazara, and turkomen who were former afghan mujahideen?

I hope not.

There's no correlation between the mujahideen and the afghan taliban. You should know that by now but if you insist otherwise (as seems your wont with bald facts) please do so with my complete derision. 1994 in Oruzgan. Kandahar. Kabul.

Educate the others here. They need it. So, evidently, do you.

Faizullah and Rehmen bother you? Good. They are about seven years BEHIND you and residing in a land far less prepared to repel them than Pakistan had been.

At least they know they may be attacked at anytime. Your lackeys? Supreme confidence that their comfortable abodes shall remain undiminished. By choice of the Pakistani government.

It'll become worse for Pakistan after your minions seize control of Afghanistan and put its people under the barrel of their guns again.

From the NYT-

Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi Calls C.I.A. Attack Revenge - NYT Jan. 9, 2010

"That image, and Mr. Balawi’s praise for Baitullah Mehsud, seemed to support the Pakistani Taliban’s claims that they were the main player in the attack and had trained Mr. Balawi.

But other militants allied with Afghan Taliban factions and Al Qaeda claimed responsibility, too, suggesting another possibility: that all those militant groups are cooperating more than ever. That strikes at the heart of American concerns in the region and has led to increased tension with Pakistan as the Obama administration pushes its government to go after Afghan and Pakistani extremist factions on its soil in addition to Mr. Mehsud’s network."

There's little doubt but that a loose confederation exists facilitating the work of each other within that grouping despite some divergence in near-term objectives.

I'm sure A.Q. intends to bring it all full-circle and back into the fold as one seamless movement in time. If so, the pathway to such is greased with these types of actions.

There's little functional difference in the intent that afghan taliban possess for afghans and that of the Pakistani taliban for Pakistan. Increasingly, there's little operational difference as those like Faizullah find succor and assistance from men like Rehman in Konar/Bajaur.

A.Q. is the linch-pin that binds these communities towards a common goal.

Good hit, by the way. CIA must be in a shock.

CIA is not in Shock, they are aware of the hazards whilst operating in hostile territory. But who are in shock are their families, Americans and nonetheless me who not every day finds out that MOD of a reputed defense forum celebrating and taking pride over death of soldiers instead of condemning this heinous act. So while your strategic assets become pain in your strategic areas of backside and american families and nation mourns in pain, a bit of sympathy, respect and solidarity can be expressed by an ex-vet to fellow soldiers.

RIP :cry: brave souls. :usflag:

P.S: I would request you to please delete your post.
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The US has created this whole mess just like they have everywhere else .. i know that the Americans here don't like to hear this i know from first hand cuz i my self am a Pakistani American and i know how we americans react when we are caught red handed lol its is our dirty work that others like Pakistan have to pay for.
CIA is not in Shock, they are aware of the hazards whilst operating in hostile territory. But who are in shock are their families, Americans and nonetheless me who not every day finds out that MOD of a reputed defense forum celebrating and taking pride over death of soldiers instead of condemning this heinous act. So while your strategic assets become pain in your strategic areas of backside and american families and nation mourns in pain, a bit of sympathy, respect and solidarity can be expressed by an ex-vet to fellow soldiers.

RIP :cry: brave souls. :usflag:

P.S: I would request you to please delete your post.

Would be better that before you open your mouth and start BSing, understand the meaning of the Good hit.

It did not meant any kind of disrespect to the men killed or their families.

Good hit meant, it was cleverly planned, executed and achieved the result it was intended for.

Good hit means the planning part and the execution part.

So first understand the meaning or ask before you come up with BS replies.

And i can't :cry: for these men the way you are doing, as we don't see none from your side for our loss, except for hidden laughs and sarcastic remarks and war mongering attitude.
presence of hakim ullah(baitullah's successor) and qari hussain(baitullah's lieutenent)..in this world is very much doubtfull
"...we don't see none from your side for our loss..."

taimikhan, that's untrue. I've left countless messages of condolences for lives lost on your side in the course of suicide bombings-all as sincere and heartfelt as I can possibly make them.

You've a short and self-serving memory.

That's too bad.
May the fallen rest in peace and May God give their families strength to overcome the grief of the loss of their loved ones . Amen..!

Theres no greater loss then the loss of life...!!!

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