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Churches burnt in India

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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About 12 Churches (its the latest figure) were burnt by Hindus in Orisa State of India on Chirstmas Day.

Wednesday December 26, 12:17 AM
Phulbani (Orissa), Dec. 25: Curfew was imposed in four towns after a youth was killed and six churches and a minister’s houses were targeted on Tuesday, Christmas Day, in largescale communal violence and arson in Orissa’s Kandhamal district following an attack on a VHP leader who led an anti-conversion movement.

A youth was killed in mob violence at Barakhamba, a senior police officer said, adding that he was yet to be identified. At least six churches, mostly built in thatched houses, were either ransacked or the vacant premises set on fire since Monday night as tension built up in the area, revenue divisional commissioner Satyabrata Sahu said. Two police outposts and a police vehicle were set on fire, he said.

"Following largescale violence, we have imposed curfew in the district headquarters towns of Phulbani, Baliguda, Daringibadi and Brahmanigaon to prevent any further flareup," Mr Sahu said.

Unconfirmed reports said 12 churches were targeted by vandals since Tuesday night and additional forces deployed in sensitive pockets of the district, where of the total 6.50 lakh population more than one lakh belong to the Christian community.

The violence, which began at Brahmanigaon village in the Daringbadi police station area on Monday, gradually spread to other parts of the district with miscreants attacking two houses of the state’s steel and mines minister, Padmanabha Behera, at Phiringia and Nuapadar villages, 10 km from here.

While three churches were set on fire at Baliguda on Monday night, three others were burnt on Tuesday in different villages of Nuagaon block, official sources said. Churches at Chakapada, Giringia and Phiringia were also ransacked before being set on fire, the sources said.

A police station and a police outpost were also set on fire and the official jeep of the circle inspectors of Phulbani and Tikabali were torched by mobs, which attacked the offices of some organisations, including an orphanage run by Christian missionaries, in different parts of the district.

Policemen who went to Daringbadi, Phiringia and Chakapada blocks were not allowed access by the mob, which took to the streets after 80-year-old VHP leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati was allegedly attacked on Monday.

"The situation is tense but we are trying to get back control," Orissa director-general of police Gopal Nanda said, adding that additional armed forces were being sent to the violence-prone areas of the tribal-dominated district. The DGP said IGP (Special Armed Police) Pradip Kapoor was camping at the district headquarters though police movements were restricted due to the felling of trees on the road.

A large number of trains were delayed and the movement of vehicles on the roads hit as bandh supporters blocked railway tracks and highways in Cuttack, Balasore, Bhubaneswar and Bhadrak during the four-hour shutdown.

Activists of the VHP and Bajrang Dal blocked traffic in many areas and moved in groups to enforce a four-hour bandh called in protest against the attack on Saraswati.

Thirteen persons were taken into custody in connection with the alleged attack, the IGP, Mr Pradip Kapoor, said. Expressing concern over the violence on Christmas Day, Orissa chief minister Naveen Patnaik appealed to the people to maintain peace and communal harmony.

Thousands of people were denied entry into churches in different

parts of the tribal-dominated district to offer special prayers and

services on the occasion of Christmas as saffron activists started picketing during the bandh called by them in protest against attack on Saraswati.


Orissa churches burnt - Yahoo! India News
After killing Muslims now the Terroists of VHP and Bajrang Dal got Christians :angry:
These Hindu terrorists want India for themselves. They will always attack people of other faiths.
illitracy and extremism in every society goes hand in hand.
mujahideen i wont blam the entire India but these VHP and Bajrang Dal all such Terrorists whome the Indians are proudly calling their democratic politicians needs to be thrown out of politics
here is the latest update
Bruce Loudon, South Asia correspondent | December 27, 2007
POLICE reinforcements were rushed to the Indian state of Orissa yesterday after Hindu mobs burned down 15 Christian churches in the worst outbreak of religious violence in the areasince Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons were burned to death eight years ago.

"The situation is desperate and there is fear and anxiety among Christians," the Reverend Raphael Cheenath, Archbishop of Bhubaneshwar, the state capital, told reporters.

A report in the respected newspaper The Hindu described the situation in the worst affected areas as "a virtual war zone".

As curfews were imposed in those areas, the state's Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik, made an urgent appeal for calm.

A former close associate of Mr Staines was quoted as saying that the violence showed "the same hatred and trouble is brewing again".

Most of the violence took place in the Kandhamal district 250km west of the capital, after members of the state's 800,000-strong Christian community tried to put up a decorative Christmas arch.

About the same time there was an as yet unexplained attack on a leader of the Vishwa Hindu Parisha, which has been leading a campaign against conversions to Christianity in the state, and clashes immediately erupted across a large part of the district, with Catholic as well as Baptist and Pentecostal churches coming under attack.

"Some fundamentalists forcefully removed a Christian welcome arch," Archbishop Cheenath said. "This was followed by heated arguments.

"Within minutes, a group of people with sticks and knives pounced on the group making preparations for Christmas."

Soon, according to local reporters, 15 shops had been looted and burned and Christian churches were under attack from a mob screaming "death to all Christians".

Priests and Christian worshippers were bashed, and there was an unconfirmed report of one death.

Orissa director-general of police Gopal Nath said armed police were being rushed to the area. "The situation is tense but we are trying to get back in control," he said.

At a time when millions across India - members of the dominant Hindu religion as well as adherents of Christian and other minority faiths - have been celebrating Christmas, the outbreak of violence in Orissa is embarrassing to the strongly secularist Government in New Delhi.

The state of Orissa remains a hotbed of anti-Christian and anti-conversion ferment eight years after Mr Staines and his two sons, Philip and Timothy, were burnt to death in their station wagon in an atrocity by religious extremists that remains seared in Indian consciousness as one of the worst acts of bigotry in the country's history. One of Mr Staines's former co-workers in Orissa, Subhankar Ghosh, told Indian newspapers "the current incidents in Orissa bring back the horrific memories of 1999" when the Australian missionary and his sons were killed.

Christians in fear as Hindus burn churches | The Australian

Indian churches come under attack

Swami Laxmananda
Mr Saraswati was allegedly attacked by a mob
A curfew has been imposed in parts of the eastern Indian state of Orissa after Hindu hardliners attacked up to a dozen Christian churches, police say.

One person was killed and more than 25 injured in the violence in the Kandhamal area on Tuesday, police said.

Christians said it was sparked by Hindus objecting to a performance they were staging to celebrate Christmas.

But a Hindu group said it began when Christians tried to attack a local Hindu leader on Monday, Christmas Eve.

It said a group of people surrounded the vehicle carrying Swami Laxamananda Saraswati as he was on his way to the area. He was taken to hospital but was not seriously hurt.

Now 'under control'

However it started, the violence appeared to culminate in the attacks on churches on Christmas Day.

Christians were chased out of several churches - in many case just mud huts with thatched roofs - before they were set alight, officials said.

One person was reported killed in the violence, but it was unclear whether that was a Hindu or a Christian.

Hundreds of police were deployed following the violence, which had largely died down by Wednesday, a local government official said.

"The situation is tense but under control," said BB Mishra, a state inspector-general of police.

Orissa, which is mainly Hindu and has a tiny Christian minority, has seen violence between the two communities in the past.

The state has a law obliging people to ask for police permission before changing religion - thought to be a measure aimed at Christian missionaries.

Hindus have accused Christian groups of forcing low-caste people to convert.

Christians say they often convert willingly because of their treatment as outcasts.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Indian churches come under attack
mujahideen i wont blam the entire India but these VHP and Bajrang Dal all such Terrorists whome the Indians are proudly calling their democratic politicians needs to be thrown out of politics

Agreed. I think that these Indian politicians need to change their thinking. They must learn to live side by side with peoples of different faiths. India in my opinion is neither secular or democratic. It may be democratic in the sense that they have elections, but this is exactly what the Hindus use as their weapon. They have a majority and use this to do what they want. Even their national anthem reflects a Hindu point of view. Now I ask them how is India a democracy or a secular nation?
But a Hindu group said it began when Christians tried to attack a local Hindu leader on Monday, Christmas Eve.

It said a group of people surrounded the vehicle carrying Swami Laxamananda Saraswati as he was on his way to the area. He was taken to hospital but was not seriously hurt.

You Mean same way how Muslims started the fight in gujrat please minorities in India Always starting the Trouble yet end up paying the heaviest price.

Unless all the Minorities in India are retards or some thing smells here.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Indian churches come under attack
A curfew has been imposed in parts of the eastern Indian state of Orissa after Hindu hardliners attacked up to a dozen Christian churches, police say.
One person was killed and more than 25 injured in the violence in the Kandhamal area on Tuesday, police said.

Christians said it was sparked by Hindus objecting to a performance they were staging to celebrate Christmas.
But a Hindu group said it began when Christians tried to attack a local Hindu leader on Monday, Christmas Eve.

It said a group of people surrounded the vehicle carrying Swami Laxamananda Saraswati as he was on his way to the area. He was taken to hospital but was not seriously hurt.

Now 'under control'

However it started, the violence appeared to culminate in the attacks on churches on Christmas Day.

Christians were chased out of several churches - in many case just mud huts with thatched roofs - before they were set alight, officials said.

One person was reported killed in the violence, but it was unclear whether that was a Hindu or a Christian.

Hundreds of police were deployed following the violence, which had largely died down by Wednesday, a local government official said.

"The situation is tense but under control," said BB Mishra, a state inspector-general of police.

Orissa, which is mainly Hindu and has a tiny Christian minority, has seen violence between the two communities in the past.

The state has a law obliging people to ask for police permission before changing religion - thought to be a measure aimed at Christian missionaries.

Hindus have accused Christian groups of forcing low-caste people to convert.

Christians say they often convert willingly because of their treatment as outcasts.
Curfew in Orissa towns after violence
Sib Kumar Das

BERHAMPUR: Curfew was imposed in four towns of Orissa’s Kandhamal district on Tuesday after violence which broke out on Monday escalated. A youth was killed, six churches were vandalised and two houses of a Minister were targeted in largescale communal violence and arson, following an attack on a VHP leader, who led an anti-conversion movement.(clearly indicates guy was in those areas Trying to stir up Trouble)

The youth, yet to be identified, was killed and 25 were injured in mob violence at Barakhamba, a senior police officer said. Six churches, mostly thatched, were either ransacked or the vacant premises set on fire since Monday night, Revenue Divisional Commissioner Satyabrata Sahu said.

Two police outposts and a police vehicle were set on fire, he said. “We have imposed curfew in Phulbani, Baliguda, Daringbadi and Brahmanigaon to prevent further flare-up,” he said.

Unconfirmed reports said 12 churches were vandalised and additional forces deployed in sensitive pockets of the district, where of the total 6.50 lakh population, more than one lakh were Christian.

The violence began at Brahmanigaon village under Daringbadi area on Monday, gradually spreading to other parts of the district with miscreants attacking the houses of the Steel and Mines Minister Padmanabha Behera at Phiringia and Nuapadar villages.

The Hindu : Front Page : Curfew in Orissa towns after violence
I am ashamed of what has happened in My Country.
Though the majority of people are moderates, there are some fundamentalist basterds, who do not give people the freedeom to choose their religion. I see nothing wrong if a person wants to convert to christainity, its his right to do so. These fundsmentalist elements should be punished as per law to ensure secular freedom for the next generation of people.

I am not the kind of person who supports VHP and BD for their illegal activities. No matter who they are, these organizations should be banned and the culprits should be punished heavily.
i had made a comment on a different thread, which was regarding the economic condition of muslims in india. salim then proceeded to attack my comments using the alleged plight of minorities in pakistan as the main thrust of his rebuttle.
the killing of christians, the state sponsured killing of muslims then the election of the leaders of these parties to govt shows the terrible social plight of minorities and of course the general very low standards of living for the vast majority of that country. i am glad that that we have our own country and not forced to sing vandramatram, infact all minorities have rights in pakistan aswell as enjoying a far better standard of living.
the killing of the priest is a henious crime and makes a shambles of an alleged secular society. but india is a country of smoke and mirrors.
infact all minorities have rights in pakistan

Amend constitution to allow a kaffir become President. Make a Hindu and Muslim equal in all manners - change the constitution. Go ahead. Godspeed. :tup:

I see nothing wrong if a person wants to convert to christainity, its his right to do so.

Well, all so true my friend. But If you're running around mocking others Gods, trying to take over their temples and preach Christianity to kids in schools then don't expect everybody to take it lying down.

Conversion is OK by all means but the minute you're running a systematic campaign to 'preach the message' you're confronting another religion.

And confrontation always leads to such law and order problems.

BTW whats with every problem in India being related to secularism ? One obsessed bunch most of us are!

PS : I don't have a girl friend. Is that because I'm not secular enough ? :smokin:
Hindus burn churches in India

Thursday, December 27, 2007
BHUBANESWAR, India: Hindus attacked at least 10 churches in eastern India leaving one man dead and 30 injured on Christmas night, police said on Wednesday.

Protesters backed by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) set fire to six churches and ransacked another four in the heart of Orissa state, police officer Narsingh Bol told AFP. One young man was killed in the attacks and 30 more people hurt, according to local administrative official Satyabratu Sahu. Police would not specify the religion of the casualties.

The authorities imposed a curfew on four towns in Kandhamal district, where the violence broke out some 300-km southwest of the state capital Bhubaneswar, he added. The state’s chief minister appealed for peace.

“Orissa is known for its long tradition of communal amity. Let’s maintain it,” said Naveen Patnaik in a televised speech. Some 500 policemen were deployed to restore peace, state police chief Gopal Nanda said, and more were on the way.

Gouri Prasad Rath, a state leader of the Hindu council, told AFP that Hindu temples had been attacked as well but police could not confirm the claim.

Authorities say the church violence came after a Hindu leader called Swami Laxmananand Saraswati, who has campaigned against what he calls the “forced” conversion of low-caste Hindus to Christianity, was attacked on Christmas Eve. India’s Catholic leadership meanwhile said the church was shocked and urged New Delhi to provide security for the community.

The “well-planned attacks on innocent Christians and their leaders have completely shocked us,” the Catholic Bishops Conference of India said in a statement. “We are deeply pained at a time when we are celebrating peace and harmony of Christmas. It is most important that the tiny minority community of Orissa feels safe and secure to carry on with their normal life and activities.” Christian missionaries have long found willing converts among India’s neglected tribal communities or “untouchable” Hindus — known as Dalits — who still face massive discrimination.

In Kandhamal, the majority of Christian converts are Dalits. Orissa’s four-decade old “Freedom of Religion Act” requires every change of religion to be cleared by the authorities. Hindus say the missionaries fail to do so.

A Hindu man is serving a life sentence for burning alive an Australian Christian missionary and his two sons as well as a Catholic priest in Orissa in 1999.
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