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Christine Fair: after losing war in Afghanistan let's bomb Pakistan

correct they are deeply frustrated.. if could bomb Pakistan they would done so by now.

I believe the American deep state will be using Hindustan in the near future for another attempt. We need to be vigilant. This nexus works in sync. The Indians didn't carry out the attacks without US consensus and approval. The US definitely gave a green light. What the US didn't anticipate is the kind of ruthless coordinated response from Pakistan.

The US would never embarrass its lackey Hindustan by admitting that it got spanked on the 27th. Deep down the US fully realizes that its little rape punk got bullied on the 27th.
I believe the American deep state will be using Hindustan in the near future for another attempt. We need to be vigilant. This nexus works in sync. The Indians didn't carry out the attacks without US consensus. The US definitely gave a green light.

of course , India historically never does any thing with out the blessing of at least one super power.....

the basic problem for them is Pakistan is self correcting it;s self be it slowly and has alot more friends to day than a few years back. Russia and China do not see Pakistan as problem but part of a solution
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Which veteran respects this c*nt? Oh I see all the comments virtually every one from an Indian.
If she wants the US war to go to war with Pakistan she needs to try harder.
One of the reasons why I hope Trump wins next year is this c*nt hates Trump and nearly died when he was elected.

The bitch is allergic to Trump LOL

Hahaha yes bro did you see her Twitter feed when he won? The bitch went berserk and needed a rabies shot.
The likes of her, have everything to cry but nothing to prove and very less of performance. However, it is a fine tuned hateful post merely to vent frustration, hide their own incompetence and telling a lot about the failed strategy as well as the cowardliness being thrown at POTUS in a mix to please Delhi boys that US is with you and they are gearing up so Modi will have less to face something like 27th Feb again.

On a serious note: The likes of her are only to fuel hatred and somehow pull out more Indian money in the name of lobbying so them some Congressional faces will always smile for the sponsorship money to spend some good holidays.
The likes of her, have everything to cry but nothing to prove and very less of performance. However, it is a fine tuned hateful post merely to vent frustration, hide their own incompetence and telling a lot about the failed strategy as well as the cowardliness being thrown at POTUS in a mix to please Delhi boys that US is with you and they are gearing up so Modi will have less to face something like 27th Feb again.

On a serious note: The likes of her are only to fuel hatred and somehow pull out more Indian money in the name of lobbying so them some Congressional faces will always smile for the sponsorship money to spend some good holidays.

The Indians must be pulling their hair considering how she recently roasted their performance LOL The Indians are paying this bitch to be ridiculed LOL
The Indians must be pulling their hairs considering how she recently roasted their performance LOL The Indians are paying this bitch to be ridiculed LOl

Such kind of assets are never reliable nor performing. These mouths are good at certain occasions while attempting to take center of stage but on other hand, well known to the sane minds and they don't pay much attention. This is kind of American RSS brigade hates Pakistan too much similar to RSS in India or in general, you call them Nazis at rise again.
I seriously wonder what we exploded under her pants for her to be this aggressive against a country!!! Instead of being apologetic for her country raping other countries, this mindless ragging old bitch wants to bomb another country now.

She found an American killer vet on Christmas day who wants to bomb Pakistan LOL

This bitch is obsessed with Pakistan on Christmas.
Not to character assassinate, few take her seriously, she is deranged and mentally unstable.

In January 2017, Fair was involved in a Twitter dispute with Asra Q. Nomani. In response to Nomani's tweet that as a Muslim, she voted for President Trump, Fair tweeted that she had "written [Nomani] off as a human being" and that Nomani had "pimped herself out to all media outlets." Nomani responded by filing a complaint with Georgetown University, Fair's employer, alleging discrimination and harassment.[20]

In May 2017, Fair began an altercation with white nationalist Richard B. Spencer at a gym in Alexandria, Virginia. While the two were working out, Fair approached Spencer and accused him of being a Nazi, along with a number of other accusations, leading a third gym patron to intervene on behalf of him. This incident resulted in Spencer's membership being terminated by the manager of the gym.[21]

In January 2018, Fair was involved in an incident at Frankfurt Airport. When her bag was flagged for possibly containing explosives, it was searched and German Federal Police instructed Fair that she would have to dispose of a liquid deodorant or transfer it to her checked bag. German police stated that Fair was uncooperative, as she accused them of sexism and of being Nazis and thugs, and directed expletives at them. Fair was charged with slander under Germany's defamation law. She subsequently published an article on HuffPost partially rejecting the police account of the incident.[22]

In the midst of the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination hearings in September 2018, Fair tweeted that Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee were "entitled white men justifying a serial rapists' arrogated entitlement" and that they "deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps." She made additional comments expressing support for post-mortem castration and corpse desecration of the senators.[23] At least one student expressed the fear that Fair's comments would cause students who hold opposing views to feel threatened. Georgetown University responded by saying that her expressions did not violate the university's policies.[24] The university later responded by moving up her scheduled international research leave.[25]

Fair has accused the historian Dipesh Chakrabarty of sexual harassment.[26]

She found an American killer vet on Christmas day who wants to bomb Pakistan LOL

This bitch is obsessed with Pakistan on Christmas.

She suffers depression, no man wants her and she roams the twitter sphere hurling abuse. This is what loneliness does to you, she couldn't even find someone to spend Christmas with.
Many of these veterans come from the Bible bashing Evangelical Christian America, they basically believe they are on a holy mission to kill hajis, Sand niggers and Mozlems(Christian version of ISIS), that's their wording not mine. So its not surprising they're still not satisfied with killing hajis in Afghanistan and still failed to control all of Afghanistan and lost to goat herders with Soviet era ak-47s. :lol:
Please do read the comments LOL

The 'Muricans cannot get over their desire to bomb Pakistan. It seems drone strikes weren't enough.

Unfortunately, brainwashing from both radical rightwingers and leftwing activists have reached such a state that it seems no Muslim country is safe from this kind of warmongering, esp not strong ones like Turkey and Pakistan.

However these are simply the wishes of a majority of Americans, they don't have the geopolitical and military clout to carry out any direct actions against Pakistan.

Not to character assassinate, few take her seriously, she is deranged and mentally unstable.

In January 2017, Fair was involved in a Twitter dispute with Asra Q. Nomani. In response to Nomani's tweet that as a Muslim, she voted for President Trump, Fair tweeted that she had "written [Nomani] off as a human being" and that Nomani had "pimped herself out to all media outlets." Nomani responded by filing a complaint with Georgetown University, Fair's employer, alleging discrimination and harassment.[20]

In May 2017, Fair began an altercation with white nationalist Richard B. Spencer at a gym in Alexandria, Virginia. While the two were working out, Fair approached Spencer and accused him of being a Nazi, along with a number of other accusations, leading a third gym patron to intervene on behalf of him. This incident resulted in Spencer's membership being terminated by the manager of the gym.[21]

In January 2018, Fair was involved in an incident at Frankfurt Airport. When her bag was flagged for possibly containing explosives, it was searched and German Federal Police instructed Fair that she would have to dispose of a liquid deodorant or transfer it to her checked bag. German police stated that Fair was uncooperative, as she accused them of sexism and of being Nazis and thugs, and directed expletives at them. Fair was charged with slander under Germany's defamation law. She subsequently published an article on HuffPost partially rejecting the police account of the incident.[22]

In the midst of the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination hearings in September 2018, Fair tweeted that Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee were "entitled white men justifying a serial rapists' arrogated entitlement" and that they "deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps." She made additional comments expressing support for post-mortem castration and corpse desecration of the senators.[23] At least one student expressed the fear that Fair's comments would cause students who hold opposing views to feel threatened. Georgetown University responded by saying that her expressions did not violate the university's policies.[24] The university later responded by moving up her scheduled international research leave.[25]

Fair has accused the historian Dipesh Chakrabarty of sexual harassment.[26]

She suffers depression, no man wants her and she roams the twitter sphere hurling abuse. This is what loneliness does to you, she couldn't even find someone to spend Christmas with.

Lol, what a crazy lady.
Comments like this make me fall in love with Pakistan's military strategists.

Imagine what kind of power they would have over Americans and in Afghanistan that USA was neither able to go offensive nor leave Pakistan out yet continued to suffer and face defeat after defeat - still knowing who was responsible for it. World's best technology, money, military, tactics, gimmicks, political maneuvers, media, influence and what not - everything failed because of Pakistan? LOL!

I am not saying it a lie - but imagine if this was true... what kind of game Pakistan would've played that Americans are f* in-side-out and can do nothing against Pakistan.
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