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Chitral district (khyber pakhtunkhwa)

Forests of Kumrat



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Sheringal, Dir

History of Chitral from wiki

"Chitral was a Hindu country before the extension of Islam, and traces of Buddhism are also found.[7]
A British garrison, sent from Gilgit to oversee the smooth transition of power to the heir apparent after a ruler was murdered, was besieged in Chitral Fort for over a month in 1895.[8] Frontier corps public school Drosh $ Chitral also working in chitral since 1992."

Who hindu nutter wrote that? Hindu country?

Not Hindu, idol worshiper, same religious mentioned in the Quran, read the store of Ibrahim (a.s) and many other prophets.
It's original name is Sanatana Dharma

Hindu is foreign word and However, the Persians could not pronounce the letter "S" correctly in their native tongue and mispronounced it as "H." Thus, for the ancient Persians, the word "Sindhu" became "Hindu.".
They people who live on the other side of River Sindh river.
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