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Chinese Warships Circle Japan

Imagine being spanked so hard by Japan that you think everyone disagreeing with you is name calling :lol:

Mushi Mushi
Japan called, they want to remind you of how they made Manchuria their concubine and took Shanghai like it was a cheap h.....
Next time, they will make America their colony and you their slave if they get their way...
So why not learn from history stop playing this idiotic imperial game?
Especially against nations you have a history of loosing to.
Humble yourself, stop lying and accept that the Chinese navy, right now, can't take on Japan, much less the US and other allied navies.
Deng once said, walk softly but carry a big stick.
Unfortunately, you commies have forgotten those wise words and are trying to bully your way across the globe.
Lol, we learn from history that's why we are this big now, all who defeated China turned out to be defeated later in the history and most of them even become part of today's China. this is what you should learn, don't be so eager to show your ignorance to everyone here.
Next time, they will make America their colony and you their slave if they get their way...
That is all you have?
C'mon bro, you are wasting my tax money with your level of education.
We pay good money to educate you, teach you ESL, I expect more from you.
That is all you have?
C'mon bro, you are wasting my tax money with your level of education.
We pay good money to educate you, teach you ESL, I expect more from you.
You guys get racially discriminated by the white on daily basis but still choose to bark for them, why?
So why not learn from history stop playing this idiotic imperial game?
Especially against nations you have a history of loosing to.
Humble yourself, stop lying and accept that the Chinese navy, right now, can't take on Japan, much less the US and other allied navies.
Deng once said, walk softly but carry a big stick.
Unfortunately, you commies have forgotten those wise words and are trying to bully your way across the globe.
Lol, Japan can beat China today ? In your wet dream.
Lol, we learn from history that's why we are this big now, all who defeated China turned out to be defeated later in the history and most of them even become part of today's China. this is what you should learn, don't be so eager to show your ignorance to everyone here.
So you want to conquer Japan now?
How about conquering not eating gutter oil first?
And I do apologize for my ignorance. I wasn't brainwashed in patriotic education by the commies like you were.
That is all you have?
C'mon bro, you are wasting my tax money with your level of education.
We pay good money to educate you, teach you ESL, I expect more from you.
Who are you ? Lol.
So you want to conquer Japan now?
How about conquering not eating gutter oil first?
And I do apologize for my ignorance. I wasn't brainwashed in patriotic education by the commies like you were.
gutter oil? lol, we have longer life expectancy than US, so what do you eat?
Racially discriminated... like these Africans who were kicked out of their homes in China for being black?

I'm not American :)
So you were never discriminated against in Canada? I lived in north America, I know how they treat you guys, worse than they treat Chinese.
So you were never discriminated against in Canada? I lived in north America, I know how they treat you guys, worse than they treat Chinese.
Not Once :)
unlike those poor Africans, no one in Canada would ever DARE to kick you out of your home for being black.
China on the other hand... poor guys. Could you imagine living in an apartment, paying rent, having your belongings, not causing any problems. And one day a Chinese says "You can't go back to your home because you are black, now you must sleep in the streets."
Chinese people must really reflect on their racism and address it.
Not Once :)
unlike those poor Africans, no one in Canada would ever DARE to kick you out of your home for being black.
But unlike you, they don't have to bark for China. why you bark for the people who despise you, look down on you?
But unlike you, they don't have to bark for China. why you bark for the people who despise you, look down on you?
LOL what does that sentence even mean?
Bro, seriously, return your salary out of pure shame. You are robbing the CCP by taking their pay.
Racially discriminated... like these Africans who were kicked out of their homes in China for being black?

I'm not American :)

A tax payer who paid into you getting an education in Canada.
You were not born in Canada, so you just got in, Lol.

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