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Chinese view of Pakistan


Jun 14, 2010
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A lot has been said about why I support Pakistan so much when I should ONLY be concerned with myself and maybe China. Well...today, I'll tell you the answer to this mystery that has been puzzling all the Indian pretend-Pakistani posters on this forum. My true reason for such dedicated support to Pakistan has nothing to do with the Alliance between Pakistan and China although that itself is enough to support Pakistan. Not to mention, there has been a lot of talk that China is in it ONLY for selfish motives and ultimately, for the money. That is wrong, why??? Here goes...

My heart felt admiration of the Pakistani military is because through out it's history it has proved to be ultimately a valiant force that has stood the onslaught of enemies 10 to 50 times bigger than them. Please don't say that it is owing ONLY to China. China itself has only been able to supply any form decent weaponary to Pakistan since the late eighties. Prior to that, even during its wars when the USA happily slapped embargoes on them, China at best was only able to supply a hand full of the JJ-6 fighters, T-59 tanks and some gun-boats all three of which were obsolete to begin with and stood a miniscual chance of making a dent in the enemy let alone intimidate them. Until the end of the 1980s, Pakistan had around 300+ J-6 (F-6) fighters the first of which was supplied right after the 1965 war. It took China a period of 20 to 25 years just to supply barely 300 fighters. Needless to say readers, it required a hell of a lot more than just that for the Pakistanies to keep themselves on the maps with their heads up high let alone keep themselves on the map at all.
40 F-16s where exactly that...JUST 40. Sure, there for a while, there was the American guarantee for about 8 years due to Afghanistan but that soon ended.

That, my friends, shows me that prior to and through out the 70's to the late eighties, a small military with barely enough bullets stood against a menace 10 times it's size and not only to survive but also to grow into an influencial regional power that is now one of the few, the proud, the nuclear. Classic case of "David and Goliathe". I won't count the ninties as China's military was of age by then so that'll just be an excuse to use. In a way Pakistan reminds me of our own military. After Russia deserted us, we too barely had enough bullets in our guns and were surrounded by enemies including the USSR itself. I, as a Chinese know the fire and hell that our men in arms when through JUST to keep what ever equipment we had functioning properly so we may be able to protect our motherland for any invaders, what to say of manufacturing anything. Our men literally slept out in the cold and the heat while they kept the weapons inside just to keep them from getting harmed by the atomsphere. I know because I had a number of relatives in the PLA. Whatever Russia had given us was stopped dead in the waters and the transfers of technologies they promised weren't even close to being complete. In our times of dire need and assistance, Pakistan chose to stand alone with us and do their best to help us when they could've had the world handed to them on a platter by the United States JUST for deserting China and becoming a US-block dedicated to China's destruction. Needless to say, had the Pakistanies chosen to do that, today they could've been as prosperous as can be and we could've been nothing but a joke on the maps. The struggle for every nail and every bolt that we went through just to keep our flag raised high gives our men and women in arms the same heart that today beats insides the chests of Pakistani defenders.

For those who dis-agree, let the games begin. But today...as of this very day...as of this very minute...let me as an ambassador of my people on this forum unequivically say to those who have ANY doubt what...so...ever:

NOT FOR ALL THE MOUNTAINS OF GOLD IN THE WHOLE WORLD WILL WE EVER BUDGE FROM THE SIDE OF PAKISTAN. Let the world be warned, us Chinese people don't forget our enemies and nor do we forget our friends. Pakistan stood by our side in our struggle and so shall we REGARDLESS OF WHAT COME MAY!!!!
it's touching. China has gone through the unimaginable technology embargo by the US till today, and the former USSR's.

yet they never give up their own efforts, and always inspire Pakistanis through all difficulties.

Long live the brotherhood between the two nations.
This thread.....makes me wish I was Chinese or Pakistani..... I really do love those two nations.

It does not matter how or when it war written haters. The fact that it was written is good enough.
How Chinese view Pakistan

This is from 2001, there too it mentions taken from ''another forum''!

Even for a poster known for scraping the bottom of the barrel, this is a new low.

Long live bubblehood!

I've never seen an article where a country says they will stand by india no matter what. Or is it just the case where only indians like indians? and that is teetering on the edge.
Are you hurt that nobody likes indians except indians? :rofl:

I've never seen an article where a country says they will stand by india no matter what. Or is it just the case where only indians like indians?

Nahin bhaiyya, I'm pretty comfortable in my own skin, need no anonymous blog posts written by others to make me feel good. Thanks for your concern though.

I'm just curious why one would post a 10 year old anonymous blog entry to feel good?

What has China done well lately, that makes us all admire it? Invested in infra and education, kept religion to a minimum, completely disallowed any kind of non state actors to develop and operate, maintained excellen law and order, invested in science, not used own people as cannon fodder for other countries and sent them across borders to die pathetic deaths. In all this, Pakistan has failed miserably. Hence a ''chinese'' sharing an opinion in 2001 in a blog his admiration for, well well - Pakistani Army is lame to say the least.
Only one thing puzzles me about the relationship...the Pakistanis relate very much to Islam, and Chinese communist promote atheism. How do you reconcile close friendship with "Khuffars"?

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