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Chinese Type 52C, "fragile like tofu" according to Chinese bloggers

which are those?? on paper they should be at the top, but like i've been saying China needs a small war to work out the kinks just like Russia did with Georgia.

China vs. Vietnam when :bounce::bounce:

A Baptism by fire in a Modern setting is a must for China. But so far it cant seem to find the right conflict where they can flex their muscles without interference from elsewhere.
I love how everyone says we have so many enemy, yet how many standoff we had in the last two years? Yet not a SINGLE country got the ball to come confront us. LOLOL
Get more cocky and it is just a matter of time.
Most of the vietnamese in the forum are native , ignorant and self rightous, hehe.
Thought make China lose face, but lose their face, :coffee:
hi friend i have asked one question about one machine,,,,,, could you please give me the details of it.......
I'm sorry, please don't hurt us. LOLOL
I have no illusions. After all, the totality of the Dutch navy comprises just 4 2650 ton Walrus class submarines, 4 6000 ton AAW frigates, a pair of 3400 ton general purpose frigates, 4 ocean going 3750 ton patrol vessels, a pair of LPDs (12,750 and 16,500 tons, respectively) and a 28,250 ton Joint Support ship (mixed AOR/sealift ship) , six 600 ton minehunters and some minor support vessels. But in life overconfidence inevitably invites (a) response(s), of which some will beneficial to the overconfident but many won't be. And so, allowing for sufficient time, pride Always comes before a fall

Opponents rarely go to war without thinking they can win--and clearly, one side must be wrong. This conundrum lies at the heart of the so-called "war puzzle": rational states should agree on their differences in power and thus not fight. But as Dominic Johnson argues in "Overconfidence and War: the havoc and glory of positive illusions," states are no more rational than people, who are susceptible to exaggerated ideas of their own virtue, of their ability to control events, and of the future. By looking at this bias--called "positive illusions"--as it figures in evolutionary biology, psychology, and the politics of international conflict, this book offers compelling insights into why states wage war.
isbn:0674039165 - Google zoeken
With this naval tradition chinese posters boast about sailing thousands of miles into the indian ocean and taking control from IN,hmm.Hopefully JMSDF and USN will be merciful .
You became PDF think tank/analyst for making these idiotic posts? Affirmative action have finally come to PDF.

Well, PDF has many this type of 'think tank', while a true professional like @Martian2 hasn't received this kind of promotion yet. It is always unfair.

They got the Viet troll/flame baiter like gambit as the 'professional', but meanwhile he was also banned for the constant trolling.
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Well, PDF has many this type of 'think tank', while a true professional like @Martian2 hasn't received this kind of promotion yet. It is always unfair.

They got the Viet troll/flame baiter like gambit as the 'professional', but meanwhile he was also banned for the constant trolling.
Blood is always thicker than religion.
Blood is always thicker than religion.

Pakistan is our trustworthy ally, but the problem is that not all Pakistanis have to be pro-China. We have to understand that.

I think sometimes some Chinese members are requesting too much from Pakistan, not even all Chinese are pro-China, then we cannot expect too much from the people of another country.
You became PDF think tank/analyst for making these idiotic posts? Affirmative action have finally come to PDF.

Heh,i'm just yanking your chain...something chinese forumers are ver eager to do in any indian setback.:P
Anyway good luck with ur new navy,i guess the chinese aren't coming to the IOR after all.

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