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Chinese troops training Pak Army near India-Pakistan border, BSF tells NSA Ajit Doval

Thank you for your kind words. These are my genuine concerns and not even one week passes on the LoC without an incident. Journos mayadd a bit of masala...but there must be atleast 10% truth to what they say. And kashmir insurgency is the longest one as far as I know. So, there must be some truth to what the media reports. Atleast the causality figures on both sides says so.

militancy is down since '89.....the discontent is there but the struggle is more peaceful in nature than it used to be
TTP is behemoth when compared to their kashmiri counterparts. And ALL major players have their presence in Af-Pak region. Most heavily funded intel agencies play BIG BIG role in that part. So, we cant really compare both the situations.
First, carrying out an ambush in rugged terrain does not require the support of any "behemoth". Second, these groups are all inter-linked in various ways, which is why there is such a raging debate in Pakistan over the need for the military to not cut "peace deals" with any faction (beyond short term tactical reasons). TTP is itself not a singular organization, it is a conglomerate of various local extremist groups (typically organized by tribal affiliation), Al Qaeda, Uzbeks, and various other sectarian terrorist groups.

If the TTP and associated groups can develop the capacity to carry out the kinds of complex assaults on military targets in Pakistan, then don't be surprised if other India-focused insurgent groups also develop/possess the same capabilities.
Good thing we are looking to our defence at last. Instead we were cowering from the Indians in past. We should make a bold statement with our troop positioning that explains we will not tolerate a repeat of Siachen. In fact it was Siachen war which resulted in the Kargil episode. Indian aggression should be stopped on the border.
Siachin war - Early 80's.
Kargil misadventure of Mushy - Late 90's.
Any connection you are trying to prove?
india wont b/c it cant, and i wouldnt suggest it try any such thing....pressure or no pressure
It's not the question of wont or cant. These things keep happening on the LoC. That is because there is no clear boundary defined. Your forces enter this side of the border and ours will as well. If you have a friend deployed near the border, ask him. It's not a new thing. One of the [In]famous one being our forces entering your side and beheading your solders and writing a provocative message on the walls with the dead soldier's blood.

In classified protests to a United Nations watchdog that have never been disclosed till now, Pakistan has accused Indian soldiers of involvement in the torture and decapitation of at least 12 Pakistani soldiers in cross-Line of Control raids since 1998, as well as the massacre of 29 civilians.

Locked in U.N. files, 15 years of bloodletting at LoC - The Hindu
Funny thing, Pakistan would know better how to handle in the LOC region than Chinese. Is BSF really that bad?
Keep thinking like this...may be its Pak Army training the Chinese. Pakistan Army is self sufficient to control and train own tps.
Hmm i didnt know we trained our rangers right in front of indian post and everything going on in here could be observed so clearly :P
what you think Indians don't have RAW agents inside Pakistan?
A question for the Indians here - does the Indian media (or government/military, assuming that they are the ones feeding this nonsense to the media) not have anything better to do than concoct inflammatory stories to propagate hatred towards Pakistan amongst Indians?

For all the whining and complaining in the West about the Pakistani media brainwashing Pakistanis, I see far more absurd and frequent examples of this fear and hate-mongering on the Indian side than I do on the Pakistan side.
Media runs after TRPs ... you would be amazed what kind of cr@p dominate Debate hours on prime time on these channels. Social Media has taken over such channels and they are being named and shamed every day. People in India watch such things due to lack of entertainment quality of Indian soaps.
I find this pretty amusing and surprising!!The Pakistanis who have fought so many wars with both India and on the Afghan front should be the ones imparting training to the Chinese on how to fight a war.I mean the Chinese Army has been sitting idle for the last several decades and are hardly battle worthy without any experience in counter insurgency or warfare in the recent pass.If I am not wrong several years ago a Chinese General made a statement that it was about time that the PLA start to train for real warfare and do away with all the antics of breaking bricks with their heads and all that nonsense.I do not know what the Pakistanis could possibly learn from them cause the PLA do not have any credentials to impart training in real warfare.
Sounds like Doval is already making up false stories to stir up conflict.
A large scale war will crash it. More spending on foreign intelligence activities will not, neither will there be any political pressure on opponents of huge defence purchases . This is a cry for more funding for India to formally ramp up its proxy war divisions.

They want no conflict for the next 6 years. Absolutely nothing till 2020.

If you feel that Doval/GoI is setting up stories for conflict after 2020, then it would be possible. Not before that.

In case you do not know - Manohar Parrikar - the Chief Minister of Goa was just made to resign(3 days back) and join the GoI as the Defence Minister.

To get the significance of this - Manohar Parrikar is probably the most competent administrator in India after Narendra Modi. Runs a very tight ship, gets things done. He was the second best Chief Minister in entire India. Ridiculously efficient.

You dont make someone like Parrikar resign Chief-Ministership and take up Defense Ministry. That Modi is willing to lose the BJP's face of Goa to get a Defense Minister, should tell you something. 2 things in particular.
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The average Pakistan Army soldier is far better trained than a Chinese soldier. Also the Pakistan Army officers are much more experienced in modern warfare. It is China who should take lessons from the Pakistan Armed Forces.

Indian Media. Do I need to say more?
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