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Chinese troops intrude into Indian territory in Ladakh, erect a tented post

Mani, as long as border disputes are not resolved such intrusion's are normal and mostly resolved through existing mechanism in place.

our anti Chinese media report's half story,

mate neither am i asking from your guys to have a bash at them ....my point was about detection ......all i am saying is the intruders came in stayed there even erected a camp without being getting noticed ...even if they got it was too late ....so why there was no mechanism or active approach to detect the intruders at first place...i dont know about the media but the fact remains that China and india are hostile nations and history has it on record so you cant let off your areas in the vicinity to be open for any intrusion....it was an intrusion by 50 guys and not 1 or 2 or even a dozen ....thats all wat i said
mate neither am i asking from your guys to have a bash at them ....my point was about detection ......all i am saying is the intruders came in stayed there even erected a camp without being getting noticed ...even if they got it was too late ....so why there was no mechanism or active approach to detect the intruders at first place...i dont know about the media but the fact remains that China and india are hostile nations and history has it on record so you cant let off your areas in the vicinity to be open for any intrusion....it was an intrusion by 50 guys and not 1 or 2 or even a dozen ....thats all wat i said

Short coming from our side, we can't patrol those area 24/7,
unlike LOC, LAC is tranquil. existing mechanism in place are enough to resolve these, i don't think if any Chinese media outlet is reporting on this issue. Indian side is exaggerating it.
mate neither am i asking from your guys to have a bash at them ....my point was about detection ......all i am saying is the intruders came in stayed there even erected a camp without being getting noticed ...even if they got it was too late ....so why there was no mechanism or active approach to detect the intruders at first place...i dont know about the media but the fact remains that China and india are hostile nations and history has it on record so you cant let off your areas in the vicinity to be open for any intrusion....it was an intrusion by 50 guys and not 1 or 2 or even a dozen ....thats all wat i said

In that area detection is very tough. Any one can cross the border without being detected the exact time. Even if India does the intrusion Chinese will come to know rarely. Patrol parties are sent for these detection but it is not possible to watch every route. There are uncountable routs to cross mountains.
There are just 15 - 20 of them remaining. What happened to the rest? :guns: :china:


India will take every step to protect its interests: Defence Minister AK Antony on China incursion in Ladakh

New Delhi: More than a dozen Chinese soldiers continue to be stationed a remote camp some 10 kilometres (6 miles) within Indian territory in Northen Ladakh.

"India will take every step to protect its interests," Defence Minister AK Antony said today.

The Indian army set up its own temporary camp just 500 meters (1600 feet) from the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers after the incident on April 15. "On April 17, 5th Battalion of Ladakh Scouts was sent to the sector to take on the PLA challenge and they are also camping there now," a senior official said to Reuters.

Top sources told NDTV that 15 to 20 soldiers of the People's Liberation Army continue to be stationed in tents pitched in open ground in Indian territory.

Small incursions are common across the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto border that runs some 4,000 kilometres (2,500 miles) across the Himalayas, but it is rare for either country to set up camp so deep within disputed territory.

The two countries hold frequent meetings to diffuse tensions, but high-level talks to resolve the dispute have not produced results.

The latest incident took place at Daulat Beg, where India established a landing strip during the 1962 war. At 5,100 meters (16,700 feet), the strip is one of the world's highest. It was reopened in 2008.

Last week, a meeting between an Indian team led by a Brigadier-level officer and a senior Colonel from the Chinese side failed to break the deadlock.

Although the Indians have asked for another delegation-level meeting with the Chinese, there has been no response to the proposal yet.
The motive of PLAis to stall the talks and adamantly stay there till everything cools down, then proceed with constructing a permanent concrete base and claim it as its teritroy. It's good that IA sent a battalion up there sending the message that even though the region is barren and unpopulated, and the border is undemarcated, there is no way IA will let PLA take advantage.

Isolate the camp and cut off supply routes until they back off.

They send a platoon, you send a whole batallion. Let the situation escalate to a complete military standoff, let the world watch two nuclear armed Asian Countries going to war over something as trivial as a lost patrol party.
The motive of PLAis to stall the talks and adamantly stay there till everything cools down, then proceed with constructing a permanent concrete base and claim it as its teritroy. It's good that IA sent a battalion up there sending the message that even though the region is barren and unpopulated, and the border is undemarcated, there is no way IA will let PLA take advantage.

Isolate the camp and cut off supply routes until they back off.

They send a platoon, you send a whole batallion. Let the situation escalate to a complete military standoff, let the world watch two nuclear armed Asian Countries going to war over something as trivial as a lost patrol party.

Do you ******* believe they would send 15 regular half trained idiots to invade India?
Do you ******* believe they would send 15 regular half trained idiots to invade India?

Its not the invasion I fear, it's thier policy of "eat away territory like termites while the opponent is not watching" I fear. They are doing same thing in South-East Asia and other Nations are pissed too.
Hey are your people constructing something there around the TAC HQ 17680ft outpost?
I don't think it possible for PLA to face off at far west sino-indu border when the whole country are focusing east on the sea islands.

Multimegaton thermonukes versus 15 kiloton atomics?

Yeah yeah you and your megaton farts.

last thing china needs is India in US bags.

or china is sending out a messages to all nations in SCS it could pick up a fight with a stronger neighbour so just give me my islands
HongWu India's medical tourism is World Class and famous. How would you like if it if I asked my Uncle MBBS to perform a lobotomy on you. Trust me you will feel much better.
Yeah yeah you and your megaton farts.

last thing china needs is India in US bags.

or china is sending out a messages to all nations in SCS it could pick up a fight with a stronger neighbour so just give me my islands

India has always been in the American camp. That's why we don't trust India.
India has always been in the American camp. That's why we don't trust India.

India has not been in US camps

So your higher than mountain and deeper than ocean friend is in US camps?

This means you dont trust them?
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