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Chinese troops incursions in Indian controlled territories - News updates and Discussions


Yaar bhai baat thodi uper say guzar rahi hai, Kindly explain please.

The actual LAC is at finger 4 as you have said as well, beyond finger 8 is China - between these 2 lines is disputed region which is already under Chinese control since 62 then why Indians are crying over something which they've lost in 62? And why are they claiming the line at finger 8 to be LAC which it is not?

The line at finger 8 is International border of China with the disputed region where both India and China have claims and is under control of China since 62.

Plus I also want to ask, the actual LAC is at finger 4 as you've said, is that the China claim line as well or they claim beyond that? Like finger 1, finger 2, finger 3, Merak area , the whole pangong lake or the whole of Ladakh etc? And please excuse my ignorance.

If India was a house in a harry potter world, it would be Slytherin. They lost This area, and most of if not all of galwan river valley in 1962 war. If your read the unilateral ceasefire announced by China in 1962, they chose to pull back 20 km (12 miles) from the LAC, abandoning some of the areas they have liberated. Before 1962, India used to patrol deep into aksai chin (shown in pic below). For Nehru, that was LAC. China pulled 20 km from the its claim line to maintain peace after 1962 (atpangong tso lake this meant going back to aksai china and china border) and Indians have since tried to sneak in every now and then like they did in Siachen.

For the most part, China's claim aligns with what the western line represents. But then again, the border depends on Beijing's mood like it did in 1962. They haven't officially crossed their own line as of yet. Maybe a little bit here and there but for the most part they have tried to secure their own claim line from Indian intrusions. Might cross next time India eyes Chinese territory.

So overall around 40 sq km of area?

Yes, minimum. Controlling that 40sq km area with a motorable road also means controlling heights north of the lake.

Reiterating his offer to mediate on the border dispute between India and China, US President Donald Trump has said that he spoke with PM Narendra Modi about the "big conflict" and asserted that Indian Prime Minister is not in a "good mood" over the latest flare-ups between the two countries.

Speaking with the reporters in the Oval Office of the White House on Thursday, Trump said a "big conflict" was going on between India and China.

"I like your prime minister a lot. He is a great gentleman," the president said.

"Have a big conflict ...India and China. Two countries with 1.4 billion people (each). Two countries with very powerful militaries. India is not happy and probably China is not happy," he said when asked if he was worried about the border situation between India and China.

"I can tell you; I did speak to Prime Minister Modi. He is not in a good mood about what is going on with China," Trump said.

A day earlier, the president offered to mediate between India and China.

Trump on Wednesday said in a tweet that he was "ready, willing and able to mediate" between the two countries.

Responding to a question on his tweet, Trump reiterated his offer, saying if called for help, "I would do that (mediate). If they thought it would help" about "mediate or arbitrate, I would do that," he said.
India on Wednesday said it was engaged with China to peacefully resolve the border row, in a carefully crafted reaction to Trump''s offer to arbitrate between the two Asian giants to settle their decades-old dispute.

"We are engaged with the Chinese side to peacefully resolve it," External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Anurag Srivastava said, replying to a volley of questions at an online media briefing.

While the Chinese Foreign Ministry is yet to react to Trump''s tweet which appears to have caught Beijing by surprise, an op-ed in the state-run Global Times said both countries did not need such a help from the US President.

"The latest dispute can be solved bilaterally by China and India. The two countries should keep alert on the US, which exploits every chance to create waves that jeopardise regional peace and order," it said.

In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday that both China and India have proper mechanisms and communication channels to resolve the issues through dialogue and consultations.

Trump previously offered to mediate between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue, a proposal which was rejected by New Delhi.

The situation in eastern Ladakh deteriorated after around 250 Chinese and Indian soldiers were engaged in a violent face-off on the evening of May 5 which spilled over to the next day before the two sides agreed to "disengage" following a meeting at the level of local commanders.

Over 100 Indian and Chinese soldiers were injured in the violence. The incident in Pangong Tso was followed by a similar incident in north Sikkim on May 9.

Source: NDTV
Sorry to hear Modi Jee is not happy.
All Modi Jee has to do is bomb his own military convoy somewhere, make sure he kills around 40 of his own soldiers, blame it on China, get his media beating the war drums, send his air force to teach the Chinese a lesson, job done.
Worked a treat last time he tried it.
Sorry to hear Modi Jee is not happy.
All Modi Jee has to do is bomb his own military convoy somewhere, make sure he kills around 40 of his own soldiers, blame it on China, get his media beating the war drums, send his air force to teach the Chinese a lesson, job done.
Worked a treat last time he tried it.
Ouch...will there be tea. Will it be green tea?
Sorry to hear Modi Jee is not happy.
All Modi Jee has to do is bomb his own military convoy somewhere, make sure he kills around 40 of his own soldiers, blame it on China, get his media beating the war drums, send his air force to teach the Chinese a lesson, job done.
Worked a treat last time he tried it.
The best part of this plan is that he doesn't even have to win.
His supporters are so low IQ that even when they loose they will claim victory and vote him back in.

It's a win win for Modi Jee.
The best part of this plan is that he doesn't even have to win.
His supporters are so low IQ that even when they loose they will claim victory and vote him back in.

It's a win win for Modi Jee.
Modi and trump have same IQ supporter and why is it my little nephew who is not quite 3 has a greater vocabulary than trump and is more coherent when addressing us
Was Modi in a good mood when he butchered thousands of Kashmiris and Muslims? Was he happy when he killed 40 of his own soldiers to synthesize blame for Pakistan in Pulwama?
It is a good reversal of a very stupid Indian policy from the 1950s of not developing infra in border areas.
true. what we build in our territory should be of no concern to anyone and we should make it clear to our neighbors. No matter what objection they bring, as long as it doesn't intrude in their territory, they have no locus standi on the matter.
I would suggest that Pakistan should start trolling India........what about if we (Pakistan) offer India to mediate between India and China :enjoy: :yahoo::welcome:

Pakistan already has offered the role as the country shares border with China and India both.
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