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Chinese troops incursions in Indian controlled territories - News updates and Discussions

You made me laugh bro.... there were less than 25000 soldiers ... the rest were civil servants etc ...and no India came with 300000 soldiers to fight probably the most asymmetrical war but we fought for two weeks and we are proud of that...

In 1965 we returned 5000 Indian POws ...
Lol. Civil servants can't be PoWs. You can be proud of whatever you want. Doesn't change facts.

grow a thicker skin. 35,000 sq/ miles you are down so far! and here we are mr Indian ? as usual it’s Pakistan hahaha..... username jackdaws is Christian name! I prefer you too use a Indian name like dipshit if we are to carry on with this debate
Haha. Looks like I touched a raw nerve. Calm down.
Lol. Last week Pakistanis were cheering Nepalis. This week it is the Chinese. The irony of cheering a predominant Hindu nation and then a Communist Godless nation because your own country can't do anything is amusing to say the least.

All Indians member giving this post "a thumb up" ....this is PDF not bharti rakshak :p: ...and have some shame...just see the poster your army displaying in front of enemy forces who have just intruded land under your control....and now your are requesting them to leave.....

Just launch your Bhramos & Agni missile to your own decision makers and GHQ. have you ever seen this type of banners...in any war? BC.:lol:

after banners display what next? ....a Bollywood item song in Chinese language requesting them to leave ......
Chinese marking area telling Indians to F ... off .... no barbed wires no bunkers no machine guns or mortars .... a simple sign is enough for Indians to run away ...


Breaking news :

Indian cabinet is in emergency session. they are discussing if General Akshay Kumar or General Sunny Deol will
Lead the charge to liberate gao mata land ...
All Indians member giving this post "a thumb up" ....this is PDF not bharti rakshak :p: ...and have some shame...just see the poster your army displaying in front of enemy forces who have just intruded land under your control....and now your are requesting them to leave.....

Just launch your Bhramos & Agni missile to your own decision makers and GHQ. have you ever seen this type of banners...in any war? BC.:lol:

after banners display what next? ....a Bollywood item song in Chinese language requesting them to leave ......

Will you be cheering Myanmar next week?
There Two LAC eventually.

Chinese did not cross what they consider to be the LAC but did cross what India considers to be LAC & pitched tents in the area between these two lines. Indians trying to underplay it as much as possible is understandable. They know they cant make the Chinese leave unless they PLA decides to, so no point beating the war drums.

Can you show us the second line which the India considers to be the LAC? The second line which the google map is showing that line leads to Aksai Chin as well that means if China is to stay on that line then they'll have to Leave Aksai Chin as well?

Latest satellite images from Pangong Tso area show all new construction by Chinese are inside their side of LAC
That is there (Chinese) side of LAC. the line you guys are claiming to be LAC is actually the border line of Aksai Chin with China. Which is already under control and part of China. This kind of rona dhona will get them nothing.


Don't know why Modi is having meetings with Doval and 3 chiefs

Anyways India loves to whine. These meetings might be part of that behavior

Also since constructions are on Chinese side there is nothing to object for India and chinese should continue with their constructions
Playing dirty politics as always, trying to create confusion about LAC which will get them nothing.

check this out:



The LAC the indians are claiming is actually the border line of Aksai Chin with China. Lol sharab aur peeshab mix kar k peee lia hai inhoo ney lagta hai. :D
Can you show us the second line which India considers to be the LAC? The second line which the google map is showing that line leads to Aksai Chin as well that means if China is to stay on that line then they'll have to Leave Aksai Chin as well?

The eastern red line is the Indian claim line while the western line is China's claim line and also the LAC. Indians used to patrol up to Finger 8 near to their claim line (according to the Indian media). The Chinese to finger 4, or 3 further up north. The Chinese have not crossed the LAC but are, according to the Indian media, constructing structures between 4 and 5, as shown in the satellite pictures in the original post above, which will hamper future Indian patrols to finger 8. If you cant go somewhere, it's not yours anymore.

Indians have lost 20 km without china firing a shot!

pangang tso.png
The eastern red line is the Indian claim line while the western line is China's claim line and also the LAC. Indians used to patrol up to Finger 8 near to their claim line (according to the Indian media). The Chinese to finger 4, or 3 further up north. The Chinese have not crossed the LAC but are, according to the Indian media, constructing structures between 4 and 5, as shown in the satellite pictures in the original post above, which will hamper future Indian patrols to finger 8. If you cant go somewhere, it's not yours anymore.

Indians have lost 20 km without china firing a shot!

View attachment 636322

20 Km in this lake sector or overall?
Lol. Civil servants can't be PoWs. You can be proud of whatever you want. Doesn't change facts.

Haha. Looks like I touched a raw nerve. Calm down.

No your just being silly and now babbling on for nothing. That’s clearly adamant from your poorly written responses
20 Km in this lake sector?
Yes. Over 22 km between the two claim lines and about 20 km from the current Indian positions immediately east of finger 4 and finger 8 which Indians used to patrol according to Indian media. (were most likely challenged at 4 and went no further yet Indian claims so to further enhance its claim I suppose. Or maybe they are referring to pre 1962 era).
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Yes. Over 22 km between the two claim lines and about 20 km from finger 8 and current Indian positions immediately east of finger 4 which Indians used to patrol according to Indian media. (were most likely challenged at 4 and went no further yet Indian claims so to further enhance its claim I suppose. Or maybe they are referring to pre 1962 era).

Can you provide a similar breakdown of Galwan Valley?

Yes. Over 22 km between the two claim lines and about 20 km from finger 8 and current Indian positions immediately east of finger 4 which Indians used to patrol according to Indian media. (were most likely challenged at 4 and went no further yet Indian claims so to further enhance its claim I suppose. Or maybe they are referring to pre 1962 era).

So overall around 40 sq km of area?
The eastern red line is the Indian claim line while the western line is China's claim line and also the LAC. Indians used to patrol up to Finger 8 near to their claim line (according to the Indian media). The Chinese to finger 4, or 3 further up north. The Chinese have not crossed the LAC but are, according to the Indian media, constructing structures between 4 and 5, as shown in the satellite pictures in the original post above, which will hamper future Indian patrols to finger 8. If you cant go somewhere, it's not yours anymore.

Indians have lost 20 km without china firing a shot!

View attachment 636322


Yaar bhai baat thodi uper say guzar rahi hai, Kindly explain please.

The actual LAC is at finger 4 as you have said as well, beyond finger 8 is China - between these 2 lines is disputed region which is already under Chinese control since 62 then why Indians are crying over something which they've lost in 62? And why are they claiming the line at finger 8 to be LAC which it is not?

The line at finger 8 is International border of China with the disputed region where both India and China have claims and is under control of China since 62.

Plus I also want to ask, the actual LAC is at finger 4 as you've said, is that the China claim line as well or they claim beyond that? Like finger 1, finger 2, finger 3, Merak area , the whole pangong lake or the whole of Ladakh etc? And please excuse my ignorance.
So is China going to return the territory? What implications does this have for freedom of Kashmir and Pakistan? I think its a great opportunity to galvanize anti India sentiment in Kashmir.
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