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Chinese troops incursions in Indian controlled territories - News updates and Discussions

Forget about 60 km. According to the indian government, China has already annexed over 38,000 square kms of indian territory:

in 1962 china stopped capturing indian territory when they think its enough for then they change all the area controls and took as much as they want . indian army was not only loss the war but also failed to protect 2nd 3rd lines of defenses too .
sir we are not vietnam , we are 120 crore people with a fully equipped army , we will not sit with folded hands seeing our land go to china .
You cant do a damn about it. When you Indians selected idiots like Modi as your leaders that was the time when you prepared your own coffin. Now tell that Modi to take the areas back
It's just rubbish
Countries don't give up 1km and you guys claim 60km
Remember when India forced changes in Kashmir last year and you guys threatened war . Even nukes.
Modi took no notice did what he wanted.
Remember docklam last year . India made China leave.
No one is taking inch
We don't even acknowledge your government and you are talking about article 370.:D
Hurry up.... you got to make up for the lost time, as well!
these guys will fight larai main 2 thapar lagty hain to bhag jaty hain . never heard in my whole damn life common indians are brave . yes heard many times afghans usa russians even somalians are brave guys

We don't even acknowledge your government and you are talking about article 370.:D
imran khan slapped modi many many times but these guys can see . last time modi was sitting with advisor of imran khan for health in meeting
these guys will fight larai main 2 thapar lagty hain to bhag jaty hain . never heard in my whole damn life common indians are brave . yes heard many times afghans usa russians even somalians are brave guys
In the entire Indian Army only Gurkhas, Sikhs and Ranghars (rajpoots) have a better record, rest all are useless
What are the latest updates ? I have heard from Indian sources 15000 acres area has been taken over by China from India so far.
Bollywood has been writing cheques which Indian Army cannot get encashed on the battlefield. Ha ha
bollywood win them wars which indian forces loss on battle ground :rofl: abhinandan is hero :lol: if he was paksitani i know people of pakistan will eat him and PAF alive . think about it social media was full of insults jokes on PAF by pakistanis . even politicians were talking trash on tv shows .but in india a loosser is hero
Lol. Last week Pakistanis were cheering Nepalis. This week it is the Chinese. The irony of cheering a predominant Hindu nation and then a Communist Godless nation because your own country can't do anything is amusing to say the least.
Hehe, the ironies that you see on PDF. It seems that the Pakistanis favor the cow urine drinkers of Nepal over the cow urine drinking Indians and the kaffirs of China over the kaffirs of India. Not to mention that they incite civil war in fellow Muslim country Afghanistan and got separated from another Muslim country BD because of racial differences and apparently differences on how a good Muslim should act, dress and behave.
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