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Chinese troops enter Sikkim sector, destroyed two bunkers


Would you suggest the search keywords for this particular incident?
Sorry nang2 - someone had sent me a video, but on checking I realize the date is incorrect.

I have, however, seen numerous videos of Indian and Chinese stand offs. I think some of them are available in PDF if you want to see. They are taken by the soldiers themselves. It is so funny to see both sides holding up cameras and recording every single thing.

My sense is that the Chinese don't really much care about this border right? More want to use like a diplomatic bargaining chip?
What is chinas end game with these provocations ?
Is it just to keep the border issue alive as india will never voluntarily give any land to china like pakistan did in kashmir ?
Or is it in the character of the chinese to behaviour in a particular manner with nations they feel are militarily weaker ?
As i have had no interaction with chinese people , whats their thinking these actions will achieve ?
Both Indian and Chinese armies frequently destroy makeshift bunkers of the other side on LaC.
What is chinas end game with these provocations ?
Is it just to keep the border issue alive as india will never voluntarily give any land to china like pakistan did in kashmir ?
Or is it in the character of the chinese to behaviour in a particular manner with nations they feel are militarily weaker ?
As i have had no interaction with chinese people , whats their thinking these actions will achieve ?
My question too.

I don't think the Chinese have the same emotional connection to AP as they do for Taiwan.

It's just a bunch of barren mountainous land. Very distant to the Han homelands . So why this attitude?
Sorry nang2 - someone had sent me a video, but on checking I realize the date is incorrect.

I have, however, seen numerous videos of Indian and Chinese stand offs. I think some of them are available in PDF if you want to see. They are taken by the soldiers themselves. It is so funny to see both sides holding up cameras and recording every single thing.

My sense is that the Chinese don't really much care about this border right? More want to use like a diplomatic bargaining chip?
That is OK. I know such a stand-off is common. Even when I was a kid (30 years ago), I heard stories like this (I grew up in Chinese military). That is why I am more curious about the bunker than the stand-off.

But Chinese do care about all its border, even if it is used as a diplomatic bargaining chip. If they don't care, how effective could this bargaining chip be?
I guess you didn't read your own history, China defeated India in 1962 and took both Aksai Chin and AP completely. In fact India was comprehensively defeated in the AP sector.

The only reason India has AP today is because China voluntarily withdrew, and allowed the Indian Army to sneak back in under the cover of night. India never won AP via military victory, they lost that fight completely.
Actually you haven't read the complete history. The Cuban Missile Crisis ended and Kennedy decided to send military help to India. China then got scared and withdrew. Given the paucity of Chinese military success, I can see why Chinese people cherish it so much. It's like as if Nazi Germany had entered some border province of France, occupied the territory and then withdrawn and claimed that it had defeated France. Sadly for China, the world works in a different way.
What, do you mean the same Donald Trump who constantly boasts about his "close friend" Xi Jinping, and who keeps saying that China is doing an "amazing job in the region"? :P
Trumps entire exercise with Jingping was to humiliate him and it worked well as Jingping and China got severely humiliated as it got proved he could not even handle North Korea.
That is OK. I know such a stand-off is common. Even when I was a kid (30 years ago), I heard stories like this (I grew up in Chinese military). That is why I am more curious about the bunker than the stand-off.

But Chinese do care about all its border, even if it is used as a diplomatic bargaining chip. If they don't care, how effective could this bargaining chip be?
AP has no economic , cultural or defensive value for China. i have never met a Chinese person who gave a fig about exactly where the line should be.

To be honest, it doesn't really have any vital importance for India either, except that it clears our land route to SE Asia.

Honestly if the two sides get together , the current LOC can be made into an IB.
The same way they have made Pakistan a Chinese colony ?
Am I right. U can read history China has history of providing loans on own terms to weak countries and indebting them afterwards conquering most productive landscape.
Bangladesh,Sri Lanka etc are recent examples.

So how will it look now we destroyed better ?
Or you becoming colony better ?
My question too.

I don't think the Chinese have the same emotional connection to AP as they do for Taiwan.

It's just a bunch of barren mountainous land. Very distant to the Han homelands . So why this attitude?
Chinese citizens don't have an opinion on anything. They pretty much parrot whatever their Communist masters tell them.
Chinese citizens don't have an opinion on anything. They pretty much parrot whatever their Communist masters tell them.
Dude, that's not true.

There is much resistance among Chinese citizens. The communist do not allow them to join up to form a political force but otherwise people who understand Chinese say that there is a lot of criticism and debate even on the internet. The party however stops people from forming coalitions and dislodging them from power.

It is ok for people to be nationalistic about their own country you know!
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