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Chinese troops enter 25 km deep into Indian territory: Sources

but pakistani cheerleading is amazing hahahah...:rofl::rofl:

We get it cheap and we use it well. You guys are the biggest arms importer in the world and even with that cannot intimidate Pakistan, a country 7 times smaller. So 1 Pakistani for every 7 Indians if not 10 is really true, last 68 years have proven it.
yeah i agree...:sarcastic::sarcastic:
We get it cheap and we use it well. You guys are the biggest arms importer in the world and even with that cannot intimidate Pakistan, a country 7 times smaller. So 1 Pakistani for every 7 Indians if not 10 is really true, last 68 years have proven it.
USA is the strongest country and can not Intimidate North Korea, Iran. Pakistan is a nuclear state and can not intimidate Afganistan. Is not it ?

Indians are really good at giving a spin to things. It clearly says that IA noticed PLA in its territory and that the Chinese have refused to budge. IA has just proven what we have been debating on this forum, no balls.
That it is who ? Who said that it clearly sees PLA, who is that ?
You are a Pakistani and we have all seen your bravery when hundreds of Pakistani soldiers surrendered to 20 odd teens. 50,000 of you have been killed by a small terrorist group and we have all seen what your country has done. You can't protect your GHQ, airports, naval assets, even that most incompetent intelligence agency in the world...

2 billion Ummah is getting crushed by a small country of 6 million and here you think your pathetic bravado on kaffir internet changes anything. ;)

Don't worry about our fratacide. We will overcome and will be stronger as result of it. Even the American and rest of the western world have failed where we are winning. You guys cannot even control Maoist with their bows and arrows and shot guns. How long do think Israel will last without US support? The concept of Ummah is only in your mind and the terrorist. But just imagine if they achieve their goal of a united Ummah, than you guys are in real deep doo doo, maybe another 1000 years of Muslim domination of India - again?


USA is the strongest country and can not Intimidate North Korea, Iran. Pakistan is a nuclear state and can not intimidate Afganistan. Is not it ?

and why the Afghans and even US troops in Afghanistan have been shouting their mouths off about Pakistani shelling and there have been recent reports of even PAF bombing targets within Afghanistan. We still control large portions Afghanistan, we don't need to intimidate it. We are just bidding our time, all your investment in Afghanistan will go down the drain,
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No intrusion by Chinese personnel, says Indian Army

No intrusion by Chinese personnel, says Indian Army | idrw.org

@Aeronaut @Chak Bamu please close this trool topic now

The Indian Army always says the same thing that we say, the border is not demarcated, there are differences in perceptions of the LAC, sometimes there will be cross overs from either side.

They said the same thing last time too, and the time before that, back when Anthony was in charge.

But it NEVER stops the hysteria. The media needs a sensational story to sell, luckily our media houses in Hong Kong prefer other types of sensationalism (celebrity BS) rather than this warmongering, which no one is interested in.
The Indian Army always says the same thing that we say, the border is not demarcated, there are differences in perceptions of the LAC, sometimes there will be cross overs from either side.

They said the same thing last time too, and the time before that, back when Anthony was in charge.

But it NEVER stops the hysteria. The media needs a sensational story to sell, luckily our media houses in Hong Kong prefer other types of sensationalism (celebrity BS) rather than this warmongering, which no one is interested in.
While the Indian media might act over board sometimes, it does cover some positives too
For an instance when chinese soldiers entered Indian territory for 21 days straight and high-level meetings were needed to settle the dispute
Constant air violation is a no-confidence thing too

in the end, as time passes by, Indian are becoming more and more anti-chinese which IMO would destabilize our relationship and trade in the future ... Something for CCP to take into consideration
in the end, as time passes by, Indian are becoming more and more anti-chinese which IMO would destabilize our relationship and trade in the future ... Something for CCP to take into consideration

The Indian Army said there was no incursion, the Indian media says there is an incursion.

You think the CPC can do anything about the Indian media? They can't even control my local Hong Kong media.

So who's fault is it? The Indian Army already said the Indian media is lying.
The Indian Army always says the same thing that we say, the border is not demarcated, there are differences in perceptions of the LAC, sometimes there will be cross overs from either side.

Completely Agree...:tup:

But it NEVER stops the hysteria. The media needs a sensational story to sell, luckily our media houses in Hong Kong prefer other types of sensationalism (celebrity BS) rather than this warmongering, which no one is interested in.
sadly agree.....
The Indian Army said there was no incursion, the Indian media says there is an incursion.

You think the CPC can do anything about the Indian media? They can't even control my local Hong Kong media.

So who's fault is it? The Indian Army already said the Indian media is lying.

sir i am talking about in the incident in the past ! Just 2 weeks ago there was intrusions into Indian side by China, acknowledged by IA
This might be a dicy one, Business Standard is a well reputed news paper and won't publish anything without any sources
still Debatable

I am talking about CPC's intention about intrusions into across LAC and not controlling media !

The Indian Army always says the same thing that we say, the border is not demarcated, there are differences in perceptions of the LAC, sometimes there will be cross overs from either side.

In todays world of GPS thats a lame excuse IMO
there is a Buffer zone on the LAC too, which both country adhere too, which is crystal clear, these soldiers had crossed the buffer zone and were entering the patrolling area
in the end, as time passes by, Indian are becoming more and more anti-chinese which IMO would destabilize our relationship and trade in the future ... Something for CCP to take into consideration

Remember this goes both ways.

China is the one with the huge cash surpluses, India is the one who needs investment, India is the one with the poor fiscal situation.

The Indian media can say "INCURSION" all day long, while the Indian Army says "No that's not true" but most of you guys will only hear the first one. Even though it is a pure lie.

And if you check the polls (Pew global research), all the anti-China hysteria in the Indian media is having an effect, Chinese are viewing India less positively as time goes on. So it's not a one way street, it goes both ways.
Remember this goes both ways.

China is the one with the huge cash surpluses, India is the one who needs investment, India is the one with the poor fiscal situation.
we have other investments sir, we have been avoiding chinese investments for this long, and with recent commitments from Japan, i think we will manage just fine
Also new approach to floated Bonding issuing by Govt of India, we would be able to generate cash at home

The Indian media can say "INCURSION" all day long, while the Indian Army says "No that's not true" but most of you guys will only hear the first one. Even though it is a pure lie.
IA has also acknowledged incursions by PLA si in the past, what are you trying to prove ??

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