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Chinese troops enter 25 km deep into Indian territory: Sources

:lol: I know how ISI scampered to take some residual credit when Osama was killed. Pakistani establishments behave like a man who after being slapped hard by someone, thanks the slapper for killing the mosquito on his cheek. All to avoid the embarrassment, not knowing that with the lame excuse he is embarrassing himself even more

Okay so we hid OBL ... What you gonna do about it son?

Regretted after months .. Nice if that's enough for your govt for restoring its sovreignity :D

Google it dimwit ... A super power apologised for an incident of "friendly firing"... N yeah we cut down NATO supplies .. Thts called "balls".. Which you lack no wonder Chinese are raping your so called sovereignity.

That's the equation you believe in ? A mid level diplomat (what's with education in Pakistan. Dont even know the difference between an ambassador and a foreign service staffer) being strip searched in foreign land, is equal to multiple incidents of bombing and killing of civilians and military alike by a foreign power on your own territory. Looks like you have no clue what sovereignty means. Frankly, I am not surprised.

You shouldn't be when your female ambassador gets her "cavities" searched by Americans n cries on indian national tv... As for civilians .. Yeah I bet mehsud etc were innocent civilians ... N drones didn't fly from a base given by Pakistan to USA ... N the cordinates of high value targets provided by Pakistan.. Unless some D-bag believes USA had presence in North waziristan ... As for the civilians .. It's a war n if you hide or shelter a terrorist you can get killed...

Can't take the heat? Calling for reinforcements? Lame man. First you bring up the topic of sovereignty, and when shown the mirror, you start calling for mommy like a little girl ?

Nah lady .. It's just tht I don't actual have the patience to reply to low life's politely for much long.. (Just got a warning).

They atleast go back without a fight. In your case, every Tom, Dick and Harry, (Read Uzbek, Afghan, American) can chose to stroll into Pakistan, kill civilians and or military and calmly stroll back. And PA keeps launching "successful operations" every two years to take back its own land :D

And die like a bitch... In your case any neighbourin country can come kill indian soldiers n go back or.. They can just come not give a single ...@ and stay there as long as they like ... As of right now .. While you cheerlead for terrorists.

As if you have a choice :rofl:

Oh yeah Afghanistan is a supa powa just like india .. One supa powa literally smuggled every damn thing from wheat to tractors n is dependent on Pakistan... The other one is a naked,starving,toilet less supa powa .. Tht is getting owned right now as we speak by a couple of Chinese soldiers..

And so are the above mentioned Uzbek, Afghans and Americans :)

They are what your husbands? OH wait currently it's the Chinese.

Oops.. I touched a nerve there it seems ;)

Nope.. You are just showin your frustration in a thread where Chinese are "violating" mother Indians "sovereignty"..

I think you need some history lesson, India learnt its lessons back in 67

Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And no a single ... Was given tht day..
Not bragging. ?Just giving you a simple example since Indians are trying to hide behind USA for face saving.

Good that you accepted the fact that IA is involved in acts like beheading.
lets cut the crap,what do you suggest we give up the land to china like you guys did and feel great about it and have taller than montain deeper than ocean and sweeter than honey,friendship.
That proves your incapability, you cant fight in face to face that's why using proxy or coward acts.

But USA killed your soldier is well known fact and they even accepted that fact so comparing those coward act with USA can not be justified.

Scumbag friendly firing incidents happen in war .. The fukin supa powa (not the naked starving one) apogised for it ..Chinese aren't a super power yet they are screwing you... N so did USA when it didn't give a fuk abt diplomatic immunity n search the "cavities" of your girl.. I've replied n owned you in this thread but you are so damn shameless ... Well atleast we know why why you are tht way ... Without tht any person with shame would commit suicide .. Or better go fight PLA intruders.. Running your mouth here won't change the reality..

Thank you come again.

Not bragging. ?Just giving you a simple example since Indians are trying to hide behind USA for face saving.

Good that you accepted the fact that IA is involved in acts like beheading.

They would accept anything when shit hits the fan..there is a reason why they have always been ruled by foriegners.
Scumbag friendly firing incidents happen in war .. The fukin supa powa (not the naked starving one) apogised for it ..Chinese aren't a super power yet they are screwing you... N so did USA when it didn't give a fuk abt diplomatic immunity n search the "cavities" of your girl.. I've replied n owned you in this thread but you are so damn shameless ... Well atleast we know why why you are tht way ... Without tht any person with shame would commit suicide .. Or better go fight PLA intruders.. Running your mouth here won't change the reality..

Thank you come again.

Scumbag .... only shameless can call it friendly incident when USA killed first in 2008 then in 2011. But oh sorry its friendly firing.

USA diplomats allowed to kill people in your country just for same money and you here talking about suicide for Indians?

They would accept anything when shit hits the fan..there is a reason why they have always been ruled by foriegners.

Ruled by others but not chanced our religion again and again and neither pretending like rules after changing religion.
lets cut the crap,what do you suggest we give up the land to china like you guys did and feel great about it and have taller than montain deeper than ocean and sweeter than honey,friendship.

You are already giving the land. What I should suggest you about?
Scumbag .... only shameless can call it friendly incident when USA killed first in 2008 then in 2011. But oh sorry its friendly firing.

Turd.. Do you think NATO aircrafts attacked the troops knowing they were Pakistani soldiers ? Professional military aren't chutiyas like yourself..

USA diplomats allowed to kill people in your country just for same money and you here talking about suicide for Indians?

And still he was prosecuted !! We didn't make or amend any law for him .. It was already there and the families of the Vic's chose diat clause .. It has nothing to do with the govt or state of Pakistan...

Meanwhile your ambassador isn't just arrested despite diplomatic immunity but humiliated n ends up cryin on indian national tv .. And what do you do? Keep shut.

Ruled by others but not chanced our religion again and again and neither pretending like rules after changing religion.

I didn't change my religion nor did my ancestor "Change n change" .. They were zoarastians or pagans n chose Islam n I'm happy abt it .. Your so called pride must be your women .. Tht you married to muslim converts like Akbar,Jahangir and so on ...

Now coming back to this topic .. Go fight the Chinese or stfu.

Forget US. Iran sent its border guards inside Pakistani territory to Pakistani theives stealing its oil. TTP roam around their borders freely. Since they guys can't do anything on their own, they are reduced to cheerleading for china.

Na tht must be your mama telling you shitty stories .. The iranian guards were arrested n later handed to iran.. Ttp is getting fucked as we speak .. While PLA is ... You as we speak.
Turkey has one of the most powerful armies in the the world.

If india were to go against Turkey face-to-face, a lack of toilets wouldn't be the only concern for bharat mata

It would be the amount of Brahmos, Shauryas, Agnis that India in it's inventory to worry about.

We are not exactly a super-powa.... but let me think.....i can't imagine Greek tanks, penetrating into Western Thrace...response would be fried Greek tanks... also Soviets were our former neighbours...i don't remember we faced something like this...

This is a far more complicated thing. India is dealing with border patrol violations and this at the same time.

China offers to finance 30 per cent of India’s infrastructure development plan - Economic Times
You got it wrong. Sealing a border is never an easy task.

For example, after US slaughtered your soldiers mercilessly at Salala while they begged for mercy, Pakistan couldn't seal the border even after that incident. Movement of Taliban was unrestricted. Same is case with Indo China border. We can't seal it.

No asss wipe tht were indian soldiers crying n begging for mercy while "BAT" was beheading them... @Chak Bamu. @WebbMaster. @Oscar. The insect has been using disgusting n disturbing language for our martyrs n now has deleted the posts ... Sob should be banned.

It would be the amount of Brahmos, Shauryas, Agnis that India in it's inventory to worry about.

Conventionally Turkey would own you .. And as a NATO member turkey also hoists nuclear weapons..
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Na tht must be your mama telling you shitty stories .. The iranian guards were arrested n later handed to iran.. Ttp is getting fucked as we speak .. While PLA is ... You as we speak.
Actually what is happening is you guys are cheerleading for china wearing miniskirts while no one is paying attention towards you.
You got it wrong. Sealing a border is never an easy task.

For example, after US slaughtered your soldiers mercilessly at Salala while they begged for mercy, Pakistan couldn't seal the border even after that incident. Movement of Taliban was unrestricted. Same is case with Indo China border. We can't seal it.

Actually, with regards to USA, the border was closed, which forced them to issue an apology. So please, get your facts straight, and this thread is not about Pakistan, but rather Chinese incursions into India, violating the impregnable sovereignty of India, which most Indian trolls claim could not happen. So yes, while you can deny all you want, don't try to change the topic at hand just so you don't have to face some really harsh facts.
Actually what is happening is you guys are cheerleading for china wearing miniskirts while no one is paying attention towards you.

I'm wearing an underwear .. Not cheering for anybody ..As for attention.. Says the illw life on a Pakistani forum .. 18 pages later.
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Pakistani members I suggest you pay these insects in the same coin .. If these Gutter insects mock our solders don't show patience ..
Conventionally, India would do just fine. Has a large air force, navy, and a large army. Plus amounts strategic munition as well.

Yeah right ... Turkey is a country of what 8 crore ? And over a trillion dollar economy .. With a much modern military n an industrial base chunni g sophisticated systems .. Be it navy,airforce or army..
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Pakistani members I suggest you pay these insects in the same coin .. If these Gutter insects mock our solders don't show patience ..

Dirty indian turds bringing Pakistan into this discussion, whereas PLA is bending their mothers over in Laddakh.

Pakistan is the automatic leg spreader for indian gals.

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