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Chinese to Build Mega City

China has in the study "Controlled nuclear fusion", and the USA should more quickly than we.

It will solve the problem of future energy.

Nuclear Fusion only useful for cities: produce electricity, use subway/buses/trains. But americans live outside cities, they dont have public transportation in most areas, so they need rely on their cars which arent electricity.
It will not survive. The space*energy:population ratio for suburb is far far far higher than that of urban areas, not even counting transportation, once oil runs out, we should begin to see the collapse of the US.

my dear if oil runs out all major economies will fall apart,and that includes USA,EU,China,Japan,India etc

so for our own sake lets wish oil lasts for a little while longer :tup:
my dear if oil runs out all major economies will fall apart,and that includes USA,EU,China,Japan,India etc

so for our own sake lets wish oil lasts for a little while longer :tup:

Yes it will run out and this is why China is preparing now. The Chinese government has the foresight to prepare for what is coming down the line, while the attitude in other places is 4 years/8 years/whatever my terms is then it's not my problem.

China Leading Global Race to Make Clean Energy
Yes it will run out and this is why China is preparing now. The Chinese government has the foresight to prepare for what is coming down the line, when in other places it is 4 years/8 years then it's not my problem.


That is right, we are currently the number 1 producer of green energy, and growing rapidly.

According to some predictions, "wind power" alone will be able to satisfy ALL of China's energy needs by 2030. Bear in mind that this is just hypothetical of course, and most energy will likely still come from Hydro-power and coal.

Source is MIT Technology review.

China's Potent Wind Potential - Technology Review
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