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Chinese Super Project



[ 转自铁血社区 ÌúѪÉçÇø - ÌúѪÂÛ̳ ]


At 10:50 on August 18, 2007, China's first nuclear power plant in Northeast - Hongyanhe Nuclear Island nuclear power plant began pouring the first concrete tanks, marking the Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant of the main project started.

Liaoning Hongyanhe nuclear power plant plans to invest 50 billion yuan, is China's first nuclear power plant in Northeast China, Liaoning Province is the largest single investment project is the national "Eleventh Five-Year" period started construction of the first nuclear power project approved, is our government the first time agreed to four million kilowatt-class nuclear power plant units standardized, large-scale construction of nuclear power projects.

Liaoning Hongyanhe nuclear power project planning and construction of 6 million kilowatt-class nuclear power plant units, one phase of the project planning and construction of four nuclear power units, 18, started construction of Unit 1 of the main project is expected to completed and put into commercial operation in 2012 . By 2014, four generating units will be fully put into commercial operation, then, the annual electricity production will reach 30 billion kwh.

Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., one of the major shareholder - China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group Co., Ltd., experts told the reporter, the Guangdong Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant in the Mainland and Hong Kong has now become a well-known tourist attraction that would enable people to see the high standard of China's nuclear power plant safety . Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station in the global nuclear power plant of similar safety, environmental protection, many competitions, always in front. All the nuclear power plants in Mainland China, all in accordance with world-wide technical safety standards and environmental evaluation system to run and get the World Nuclear Organization recognized
By 2020, China will build 31 nuclear power plants a total investment of 500 billion




China will start construction in 2008 Ningde, Fujian, and Guangdong Yangjiang 3 Fuqing nuclear power project.

In the ensuing years, with the succession of the design work in place, the parties of these three projects will be dropped thousands of billion yuan. However, everything was only China's "nuclear power" the beginning of the dream because, according to China's nuclear power industry development plan, by 2020, China's total installed capacity of nuclear power to reach 40 million kilowatts, in the construction of 18 million kilowatts. This means that in the next 10 years, China started construction of an annual average of 3 to 4 sets million-kilowatt-class nuclear units, which is history.

In this blueprint, in the next 10 years, China will drop at least 5,000 billion yuan. In fact, China opened describe "nuclear blueprint" is not a momentary impulse. In the context of scarce energy resources, nuclear power has become the most realistic option. In the future, China, from the coastal areas of Guangdong, Zhejiang and Fujian inland Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, dozens of nuclear power plants will be erected.

July 4, Friday, before the signing of the contract which is the last weekend, Tang red key office door has been open. That day, the subordinates from his office and out, from small to clothing color, large enough to address the leadership of the sort, subordinates who in turn reported to him, and waiting for his determination.

However, in the Tang red button appears, it's all for the future numerous similar to "July 8" Such a day of service, after all, that is "billion" as the unit's big business. Prior to this, they rarely experience, and in this, they dream of going through every day.

The energy crises of China

Nuclear Power Design Institute of the business so well, Tang Hong-key in addition would like to thank my colleagues in the struggle day and night, and the other is the need to thank the looming energy crisis in China.

What is the urgency of the energy crisis? Chinese Academy of Sciences, nuclear reactor engineering expert Wang Dazhong had used a set of data has made Description: China has become the world's second largest energy producer and consumer countries, the largest coal producer and consumer countries, the second largest oil consuming countries and oil importing countries, the second-largest electricity producer.

Under the 2020 development goal of quadrupling China's GDP is estimated that the domestic power generation capacity of about 800 million ~ 900 million kilowatts, but there are only 400 million kilowatts installed capacity. However, the existing power structure, a single coal accounted for 74% of them. This also means that if electricity demand to double each year will be more than 1.6 billion tons of coal, while the long-distance transportation of coal will intensify pressure on the environment and transport. In addition, earlier this year the ice disaster in the South, just because of transportation difficulties, coal supply, coal shortage caused by downtime more than 37 million kilowatts, 19 provinces and autonomous regions blackouts. But such a large consumption of coal, sulfur dioxide and soot emissions from each of the additional 5 million tons and 53.26 million tons or more.

In addition, utilities subject to objective conditions, its development proved difficult. The solar, biomass and other renewable energy development bottlenecks encountered in the core technology, the use of cost had risen. Therefore, in the next 30 years, these new energy sources do not have to become China's main energy conditions. Therefore, clean, efficient nuclear power became the alternative.

In 1957, humans began to build nuclear power stations and the use of nuclear power generation, up to now, nuclear power accounts for about 16% of the world's electricity.

However, since the former Soviet Union in 1986 took place since the events of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant fuel leaks, nuclear power has become many people's minds the devil, China is no exception. The global nuclear power industry has entered a low ebb. According to International Atomic Energy Agency's statistics, the end of 2000, the global nuclear power reactors are running a total of 438, by March 2003, increased to 441, only by 3.

But the reality of the energy crisis changed all that.

In the context of the energy crisis, people thirst for survival over concerns for fear of Europe and the United States were frozen 30 years of nuclear power plans have thawed. But here, influenced by many factors, China's nuclear power development strategy from being the "moderate" to "positive."

TANG Hong keys like to use the "road twists and turns" to describe the development process of China's nuclear power industry. Tang red button in the mind, as early as age 50 in the last century, China's nuclear power industry had started, but then mainly in order to break the nuclear monopoly of the two superpowers to enhance China's national defense forces, rather than for civilian power generation purposes. Until the last century, 70 years, Premier Zhou Enlai put forth in the relevant meetings, to nuclear power for civilian use, to build commercial nuclear power plants.

Shortly thereafter, China's first commercial nuclear power plant Qinshan Nuclear Power Station began to build, and in December 15, 1991 grid. "This is the end of the history of China-free nuclear power." Tang said the red button.

Nuclear power industry a strategic shift

"In the past 30 years, although the arrangement is to adopt a single, decentralized form of the building, in the preparation of individual nuclear power projects, the country's electricity planning has never been put under the broad framework of consideration, but China still has a relatively small number of the world, a complete the nuclear industry system, one of the countries, "referring to China's nuclear power during the course of development, Tang said the red button. However, against this background that fits in well at the time our country has been implementing the "proper development" strategy.

During this period, China's nuclear power industry history, the most iconic things in the participation of Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute to complete. In 2005, then-Vice Premier Zeng under the auspices of two Ling Ao nuclear power project-related design contract was signed. "This indicates that China already has a million-kilowatt-class large-scale nuclear power plant design capacity." Tang said the red button.

This time, in the conventional island design projects, Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute who won nearly 3 billion yuan design contract, "if handed over to foreigners, optical design fees would have at least 1.2 billion."

However, Tang red button It appears that the transformation of China's nuclear power development strategy has already seen signs. "In November 2003, the State Office for Nuclear Power led the country into a nuclear power independent of a leading group to develop the idea of nuclear power could be said to have began to take shape."

By September 1, 2004, China's National Defense Science, Technology, Deputy Director, National Atomic Energy Agency director Zhang Zhu of the State Council Information Office press conference revealed that the Chinese government to further promote the development of nuclear power to make a new decision-making, will accelerate the nuclear power development, and gradually increase the nuclear energy in the proportion of total energy supply.

From the "proper development" to "accelerate development", this time, China's nuclear power industry turned to the clarity of the self-evident.

From the "proper development" to "accelerate development", China's nuclear power industry have gone through 30 years. During this period accounted for the French nuclear power generation capacity of its domestic total for 78% of Japan's total domestic power generation capacity of 30%. In contrast, only 2% of China's nuclear power is really pitiful.

Up to now, China has put into operation four nuclear power plants, 11 generating units, installed capacity of 8.42 million kilowatts. In addition, the country has started construction of 22 generating units. 50 years from the 20th century, since the countries of the world were built more than 440 nuclear power plants, power generation accounts for the world's total generating capacity of 16%. Therefore, to fill the gap, there are many way to go before China is doomed.

But with the November 2, 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission officially released China's "nuclear power development thematic planning (2005-2020)", China's nuclear power industry development goals is getting clear.

Big business 15 years, 500 billion yuan

"Planning" OK, by 2020, China's nuclear power generating capacity to run win to reach 40 million kilowatts; nuclear power generating capacity reached 260 billion years, ~ 280 billion kwh. In the current operation of nuclear power capacity under construction on the basis of 16.968 million kilowatts, the new production capacity of about 23 million kilowatts of nuclear power. At the same time, consider the follow-up development of nuclear power, nuclear power capacity under construction in late 2020 should be maintained around 18 million kilowatts.

This means that, if the plan is implemented, China's total electricity generation capacity of nuclear power will account for around 4%, electricity generation accounts for 6% of national generating capacity. This also means that in the next 10 years, will start the construction of new units of more than 30 million kilowatt-class nuclear power generating units.

In fact, at this time, the international nuclear power development environment has cooled, while China recently announced the development of nuclear power, many people abroad seem to play a "fill in the blank who" role, the next 10 years became the world's largest new nuclear power market. Blix, former Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency that China's nuclear power development situation of the world nuclear power industry is a huge encouragement.

Since it is not on paper, then put into the planning of the means. And nuclear energy "noble" status phase contrast, at present, the cost of nuclear power plants are also "lofty." At present, thermal power investment of 4000 yuan per kilowatt, while the nuclear power investment of 1330 ~ 2000 U.S. dollars, or about RMB 11000 ~ 1.65 million, a difference of up to 2.75 ~ 4.1-fold. In addition, nuclear power construction period is relatively long, its construction period is generally 70 months (about 6 years), if not properly managed, will reach 80 to 90 months. In contrast, thermal power is generally more than 30 months.

Therefore, some experts have estimated that, in order to complete these investments will cost at least 5,000 billion yuan. The number of estimates and planning probably fairly, "according to newly started 15 years construction and commissioning of nuclear power construction scale roughly estimated that the total demand for nuclear power project construction fund is about 450 billion yuan." However, this is only nuclear power plant construction costs, the purchase nuclear fuel and nuclear waste disposal, and other expenses are not included.

Another problem is that the current situation, the "prices" may have to face will be China's problem. The Russian nuclear power construction and export company on behalf of Jesse de Beauvoir said, "The new contract price of nuclear power projects have been impossible a decade ago with the signing of a project like the Tin." According to Russian experts predict the next five years, with nuclear power construction-related equipment and major raw materials prices will rise 200%.

"Inland First" No period of

500 billion yuan! Pen is definitely big business! The same time attention in countless spectators, local government first moved Fanxin.

Here, inland provinces, in order to fight on the first inland nuclear power plant and the golf "badly beaten." After all, whether or economic development from the perspective of energy supply, nuclear power simply can not resist the temptation. Related information shows that currently there are 21 provinces, municipalities proposed to be launched nuclear power projects, said that many provinces have worked for over a decade.

In all of these competing on the inland provinces of nuclear power, the passion than the highest Hubei, Hunan and Jiangxi.

A kind of argument is that Hunan as early as 80 years in the last century began to research the application of nuclear power plants, and Hubei in 1988 has already begun preparatory work for nuclear power.

However, these provinces should be launched to express the real intention of nuclear power in 2005. In that year, during two sessions, Hunan, Hubei and Sichuan provinces, the province of the delegation spoke of the urgent desire to develop nuclear power. But at that time, the application of these inland provinces, the National Development and Reform Commission approved a no. Therefore, in order to build "the first inland nuclear power station", the provinces began to intense lobbying and even "infighting."

"The most impulsive of the first local government invested tens of billions a nuclear power plant, as long as built in there, regardless of who is going to invest tens of billions of investment into, and the economy has definitely developed." Tang said the red button.

TANG Hong-key statement in accordance with the past, the reason why most of China's nuclear power plants built in the coastal areas, first, because nuclear power plants require large amounts of water for cooling, while close to the sea, rich in water resources, large-scale nuclear power plant is relatively convenient transport and second, in economically developed coastal areas, able to withstand hundreds of billions of investment and appropriate high electricity prices. In fact, many Western countries, nuclear power projects, most of them built in the inland river.

Therefore, the positive development of nuclear power in China against the backdrop of a number of inland water resources, rich, surrounded by the mountain, one side is the location of the water nuclear power plants have also been put on the agenda. During the two sessions of this year, when he was deputy director of the State Development and Reform Commission Zhang said, the state has allowed inland areas of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces in order to carry out third-generation nuclear power technology-based nuclear power plant construction of preparatory work.

Just that, so far, to really build first inland nuclear power stations need to wait. Because, according to last year's long-term development of the national nuclear power development plan, in the next 13 years, China will add 23 million kilowatts nuclear power plant went into operation, mainly arranged in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Liaoning and Fujian six coastal provinces built, and earlier in the several provinces have already identified 13 priority choice of site. "Planning" or even clear over the central and western provinces in the long-awaited start of China's first inland nuclear power plant construction time is ranked in 2016 ( "Shi Sanwu" Start) later.


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China will invest 450 billion new airport, 97


"National Civil Airport Layout Plan" in January 2008 was approved by the State Council promulgated. According to the plan, by 2020, the total number of China's civil aviation airports will reach 244, the new airport, 97 (in 2006 as the base) to form the North, East, South, Southwest, Northwest group of five regional airports. Major cities across the country an important tourist areas and transport facilities of medium and small cities, our cities and counties over residents of Bacheng able to arrive at the airport within a half hour by air.

According to preliminary calculations, completion of the plan, need to invest 450 billion yuan (static investment). The "Eleventh Five-Year" at the end, the total number of civil aviation airports will reach 190 or so, the new airport 45 or so, construction financing needs of about 140 billion yuan.

The layout plan is implemented, the country more than 80% of the county-level administrative unit to the ground transportation within a 100 km or 1.5 hours by car to enjoy the air service, the service area's population accounts for 82% of the total population, gross domestic product ( GDP) accounted for 96% of the national total. Provincial capital cities (autonomous regions and municipalities), the main open cities, major tourist areas, transport facilities such as medium and small cities have airport, to form a functional hub, trunk, feeder airports network system, large, medium and small airports in a clear hierarchy structure and interface with other transport modes more closely, with a more harmonious urban development.

According to reports, after decades of construction and development, China's airport system has begun to take shape, gradually increasing the density airport, the airport level and gradually increase the size, modern and growing, and initially formed in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other hub airports as the center, Chengdu, Kunming, Chongqing, Xi'an, Urumqi, Wuhan, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and other provincial capitals or major cities airports as the backbone as well as many other cities in the dry, regional airport, the basic pattern matching.

As of the end of 2006, China had 147 civil aviation airports (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan region). Among them, 41 eastern region, central region 25, 69 in the western region, northeast China 12. 52% of the county-level national administrative unit to the ground transportation within 100 km or 1.5 hours by car to enjoy the air services, and service population accounts for 61% of the total population, gross domestic product (GDP) accounted for 82% of the national total . Airport general layout is basically rational, regional distribution pattern of China's economic geography, the basic adaptation.

However, there are still many problems and contradictions, such as: the number of airports is still relatively small, service area is not wide, most of Route airport capacity saturated or near saturation, the use of military and civilian aviation domain conflicts have become increasingly prominent within the region targeted the airports division of labor is not clear as well as the hub airport of international competitiveness is not strong and so on.

It is predicted that by 2020, the National Airport of cargo, passenger handling capacity will be maintained 15% and 11.4% of the average annual growth rate. Annual passenger throughput of more than 30 million passengers the airport will reach 13 (currently only 3), 2000-3000 million passenger throughput of the airport will reach 6 (currently only 2) ,1000-2000 million passengers the airport will to 10 (currently only 5).

In 2004, the Civil Aviation Administration, the State Development and Reform Commission started a national Civil Air Transport Airports in 2020 the layout and the "Eleventh Five-Year" construction planning and research work to form a "national civil airport layout plan." Planning will be short-term (to 2010) and the building of long-term timing. Be implemented before 2010, will focus on: strengthening the construction of major hub airports, improve service levels and competitiveness; renovation and expansion of key airports lack of capacity to ease airport infrastructure construction is lagging behind the outstanding contradictions; build some of the new airport, improve the layout of the airport network.

Description: The national oil reserve base in Zhenhai

Strategic Petroleum Reserve Project

The total project investment: 100 billion yuan

Project duration: 2003 -2015 years

Since 2003, China began in Zhenhai, Zhoushan, Huangdao, Dalian and coastal areas, construction of the first batch of four strategic oil reserve base, with a total reserve capacity of 16 million cubic meters. According to the plan, the four oil reserve bases after the completion of the equivalent of Shiyu Tian is expected to import crude oil. Coupled with the national oil import volume within the system 21 days of commercial oil reserve capacity, China's total oil reserve capacity will be more than 30 days of crude oil imports. At present, Zhenhai and Zhoushan bases in the two has been basically completed, respectively, the first half of last year and this year lubrication.

China's oil reserve bases in the planning of a total of three, with the reserves are generally arranged: the first phase from 10 million to 12 million tons; second phase of 28 million tons; the third phase of 28 million tons. At present, the Development and Reform Commission has announced a list of four reserve base, located along the coast of Zhenhai, Zhoushan, Dalian, Huangdao; and two reserve bases in the squad still "JobHunting." As the two reserves total more than one more than twice its site work, at home and abroad continue to attract the eye every move. Taking into account the two reserve bases in the pulling effect of the local economy and tax revenues are expected to contribute to a very large, this site has also been of special concern to local governments. At present, Ningbo Zhenhai, Zhejiang Daishan (belonging to Zhoushan), Shandong Huangdao, Dalian four strategic oil reserve bases in the construction of a project has been in full swing, and step up construction. Ningbo Zhenhai oil reserve base will be from 1 million barrels of storage capacity began to eventually reach 100 million 5 million barrels of reserves. Ningbo Zhenhai oil reserve base in the initial goal is 20 days of reserves.

November 23, 2007, Sichuan stockpile Authority and the Wanzhou district government signed an investment agreement to invest in nation-building strategies in Wanzhou oil reserve base project. This is by far the Southwest's first strategic oil reserve base exposure, but also another important location in the western region of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve site, the move means that in the context of high oil prices, China is expanding the scope of strategic oil reserves, the maintenance of domestic oil security has a strategic value can not be ignored.

December 19, 2007, China's first national oil reserve base - the national oil reserve base in Zhenhai After a year of trial operation, through a state assessment. Following the recent National Petroleum Reserve Center was formally established, the national oil reserve base in Zhenhai to vote by marking the completion of the work of China's oil reserves, has entered a new stage. National oil reserve base in Zhenhai, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, the construction scale of 5.2 million cubic meters, at present at the base of crude oil have all been saved.

Zhenhai reserve base construction of 52 storage tanks, each tank storage 100,000 cubic meters, a total of 5.2 million cubic meters could be oil reserves.

The National Petroleum Reserve did not intend to lock the domestic source of oil from the international procurement of
Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway (Shanghai to Chengdu)

The total project investment: 170 billion

Project duration: 2003 - 2009



Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway (State Highway network number is G42) east from Shanghai, Chengdu, west, via Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan, six provinces, throughout the eastern and western China, total length of about 2154 kilometers, the expressway is a national planning "five vertical and seven horizontal" National Road, a major trunk road network component. Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway is now basically have all been linked up, remaining Yichang Yangtze River Bridge is about 470 kilometers from Chongqing Wanzhou not pass, this road again in Shanghai, the west, this highway will therefore be referred to as "the Shanghai-Chengdu West" High-speed highway.

Along the major cities are: Shanghai - Suzhou - Wuxi - Changzhou - Nanjing - Hefei - Lu'an - Macheng - Wuhan - Xiaogan - Jingmen - Yichang - Wanzhou - Dianjiang - Nanchong - Suining - Chengdu.

Ma River Bridge is the main backbone of Shanghai-Chengdu National Highway National Road West, Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway trunk key projects controlled, one of eight main pier there are six height is 100 meters and above, with a main span 200 meters, 142 meters high piers, set of thin-walled hollow piers pairs of limbs, more than six consecutive 100 meters high pier which is called "100 meters high pier group of T-Frame Bridge-type highest in the world." Around the bridge is divided into two separate lanes, which was 994 meters long right hand side of October 30, 2007 in the line of the first closure, run through December 9. Left pieces of 872.5 meters long, sub-22 stage of reperfusion.
Jiuquan, Gansu, China opened the world's largest wind power base construction

Project Investment: 120 billion

Project Duration: 2008 - 2020

China's hydropower water resources planning Shejizongyuan reviewed and approved the Jiuquan wind power base of 10 million kilowatts-level planning report, Jiuquan city began building the world's largest wind power base.

Located at the western end of Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province Jiuquan city is rich in wind resources in China one of the areas within the Guazhou County known as the "World Wind bank," Yumen known as "outlet." Latest meteorological departments show wind energy assessment, the total reserves of Jiuquan wind energy resources of 1.5 million kilowatts, the volume can be developed for more than 40 million kilowatts, can make use of an area of almost 1 million square kilometers.

Jiuquan City Development and Reform Commission deputy director of the energy office, said Liu's life, Jiuquan wind power development started in 1996, after 10 years of construction, has built five large-scale wind farm, wind power installed capacity to 41 million kilowatts. Wind power generation is the most mature renewable energy sector, most large-scale development and business development conditions of the power one of the ways.

Wang Jianxin, director of Jiuquan City Development and Reform Commission introduced, based on a good wind resource conditions in Jiuquan, Gansu Province, proposed the implementation of 10 million kilowatts at the Jiuquan wind power base-level strategic vision to realize "the building of wind power in Hexi Corridor, the Three Gorges Project on land in western recycling" of the目标.

Wang Jianxin introduction, Jiuquan wind power base for long-term wind power installed capacity of 35.65 million kilowatts, the initial plan to build capacity of 10.65 million kilowatts. The National Development and Reform Commission, the responsible persons in charge of energy that the Jiuquan wind power base of 10 million kilowatts-level building in the world, the first case.

According to Liu's life estimates, the building of Jiuquan wind power base of 10 million kilowatts-level, need to invest 110 billion to 120 billion yuan to be funded by commercial inputs. Present Jiuquan wind energy resources has attracted more than 20 large-scale domestic enterprises to invest and study.

Wang Jianxin said, Jiuquan is being implemented step by step construction of coal-based goals, plans to 2020, 13.6 million kilowatts of installed capacity.

In 2005, the size of China's wind power installed capacity of 1.26 million kilowatts. Accordance with the objectives, in 2010 and 2020, China's total installed capacity of wind power grid up to 5 million kilowatts respectively, and 3000 million kilowatts. Will build Dabancheng, Gansu Yumen, Su-hu coastal Huitengxile, Hebei Zhang north and Baicheng six wind power base. At the same time, in 2010 and 2020 will be to build 75,000 kilowatts and 150,000 kilowatts of wind power off-grid.
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

Engineering Investment :600 - 720 Yi

Project duration: 2007 - 2015

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is a connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao, the great bridge across the Pearl River Estuary Lingdingyang waters, the main project total length of about 35 km. Research projects began in 2004 and 2005 to determine the basic engineering programs, the landing point for West Bank Gongbei in Zhuhai and Macao, the Pearl of the landing point of the east coast of the Northwest San Shek Wan on Lantau Island in Hong Kong; Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau in 2006 agreed to bridge a "three places three-location ". After the opening of the bridge from Hong Kong to Zhuhai and Macau by car, just 15-20 minutes, now take an hour boat ride. Help to attract Hong Kong investors to invest in the Pearl River Delta the West Bank, and may contribute to Hong Kong, Zhuhai, and Macao's tourism industry.

BEIJING, July 29, 2008 Xinhua order to speed up the progress of the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project, Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao Government is considering a change from the enterprises to invest in government-funded, fee-repayment of the way construction, the current three governments have reached consensus, but need the final approval of the State Council, the fastest will be determined in August.

The assessment of effectiveness, Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao shall be effective three ** cases was 57.8%, 32.6% and 9.6%, sharing the bridge construction costs. At their own expense for the three places agreed to the construction of link roads, bridges the main cost ratio adjusted to 50.2%, 35.1% and 14.7%, but the actual amount of the subsidy depends on the outcome of the tender.

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is facing rising pressure from financing, from the initial estimate 30 billion in construction funds, to the Governor of Guangdong Province Huang Hua in March this year to reveal its construction cost of the two organizations will reach 42.2 billion, while in June in Zhuhai at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project feasibility study report preliminary results show that the bridge construction costs will rise to 70 billion yuan. Preliminary estimates, if the material price increase of 10%, the bridge will increase by 4% of total investment. Submitted to approval of tariffs for 50 years, it is estimated to be 36 and a half years in order to recover the costs.

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge project research began in 2004, its engineering program has been basically established.

"Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project feasibility report" recommended route length of 49.468 kilometers, of which the sea tunnel 6.753 kilometers, 28.825 kilometers sea bridge, bridge and tunnel total of 35.578 kilometers, estimates a total investment of 72.667 billion yuan.

Landing point for West Bank and Gongbei in Zhuhai and Macao, the Pearl of the landing point of the east coast of the Northwest Yuan Shek Wan on Lantau Island in Hong Kong. The main two-way six-lane bridge, using a combination of bridge and tunnel structures to Gongbei and the Pearl of the artificial islands as a starting point, to the west of the eastern border of Hong Kong artificial island with a total length 29 km.

Bridge construction contents are: the sea bridge and tunnel works (including the sea, the main bridge and tunnel project, the Hong Kong Port and the Bridge to connect overpass; Macao Bridge connecting port and the bridge; Zhuhai port and the bridge connecting bridge), the Hong Kong Port and the artificial island reclaimed port facilities, Macau Port artificial island reclamation and port facilities, Zhuhai Port artificial island reclamation and port facilities, Zhuhai side wiring.

Which total length of 35 kilometers of the main project, using bridge and tunnel combination of programs, total of six navigation holes, Lingding West and Tonggu Waterway Department has adopted the tunnel 6.753 kilometers long, with the construction of two bridges connecting at each 1 square kilometer artificial island , Green Island channel cable-stayed bridge with towers 460 meters, Jianghai direct shipping routes across 220 meters using two continuous rigid frame bridge, Jiuzhou channel single-span bridge of 250 meters using continuous rigid frame bridge, non-navigable use of 70 meters continuous beam bridge . "Vehicle onto the bridge, an artificial island in the sea by entering the tunnels, and then exit from another artificial island, re on the bridge."
China's 12 large hydropower bases Planning

- A world-class gathered in a giant hydropower station

The total investment: more than 2 trillion yuan

Project duration: 1989 - 2050



Jinping 1 Hydropower Station Dam, located in Yanyuan County, Sichuan Province, Wood County, at the junction of the Yalong River in 2005, started production in 2013, a total investment of 23.4 billion yuan, the dam height of 305 meters, for the same dam type in the world The first dam. Higher than the United States Hoover Dam 84 meters, more than quadruple its generating capacity. (Hoover Dam project has been named the United States seven wonders)

China ranks first in the world of water resources, water resources, theoretical potential of 694 million kilowatts, which can be developed installed capacity of 378 million kilowatts, the annual generating capacity of 1.92 trillion kwh, ranking first in the world. At present, China has developed and being developed for the 130 million kilowatts of installed capacity and annual electricity output of 525.9 billion kwh. To be effective, rational development and utilization of these resources, in the original electric power industry under the auspices of the Ministry, after a number of planning, in 1989, now form the 12 large hydropower bases. The formation of these bases not only of China's hydropower resources, a reflection of objective existence, while reflecting the state hydropower development of the strategic decisions. 12 large hydropower bases is one of China's blueprint for the future development of hydropower. Basis of this blueprint, according to the national demand for electricity resources, phased, targeted and focused manner to develop hydropower.

From the composition of China's energy strategy for proceeding, in order to accelerate the hydropower construction, and gradually change the proportion of low water situation, the former Ministry of Power Industry in the 70's is not envisaged that water is rich in resources, developing better conditions and the coal shortage, power shortages to establish a number of hydropower base in the region and made a good ten hydropower base in the planning requirements. Accordingly, the former Ministry of Power Industry Planning Department, the organization of national hydropower survey design and preparation of the relevant units of the "Top Ten hydropower base in the development of ideas" on the upper reaches of the Yellow River, Nanpanjiang, Red River, the Jinsha River, Yarlung River, the Dadu River , Wujiang River, the Yangtze River upstream (including the Qingjiang), middle reaches of the Lancang River, Hunan, and Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi, 10 large hydropower bases in the planning layout, with a total installed capacity reached 170 million kW.

October 1989, water conservancy and hydropower planning Shejizongyuan hydropower survey and design units in each lot of work, based on the existing data, but also prepared the "12 major hydropower bases," the planning document. This new addition to the original document prepared by prepared by the addition of ten hydropower base was modified, but also an increase in the Northeast and middle reaches of the Yellow River hydropower base in the North River 2. Of the 12 planned hydropower base in the total installed capacity of 210.4725 million kW, an annual generation capacity of 994.506 billion kW · h, which已建和在建the total installed capacity of hydropower stations 30.8359 million kW, an annual generation capacity of 130.875 billion kW · h, accounting for the base amount of the total installed capacity and annual power generation of 14.65% and 13.16%.

First, the Jinsha River hydropower base

Yushu in Qinghai Province to the Yangtze River from Yibin, Sichuan Province, said the Jinsha River, river length 2320km. Yibin above, the control basin area is about 500,000 km2, multi-year average flow of 4920m3 / s, multi-year average annual runoff of 155 billion m3; gap (including Tongtianhe) 5280m, Ganzhi water reserves of 113 million can kW. Yushu drop below about 3280m, water reserves of 55.51 million kW, to be delivered in 18 steps, with a total installed capacity of nearly 57 million kW; which Yibin, Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, to the section of Shek Kwu, planning capacity of 84%, is the largest hydropower base, characterized by abundant water, drop concentration, momentum indicators superior, flood loss, the majority of steps a large scale, far from areas with a separate power transmission capacity. Development of the Jinsha River is not only able to make up the southwest coal shortage, meet local growing electricity needs, more importantly, networking with central and achieve "west to east", responsible for the strategic task of China's energy balance; addition, but also to improve the Southwest shipping conditions, the development of coastal irrigation, watershed development and other land and natural resources to create the conditions, and can share the Yangtze River middle and lower reaches flood control task.

Jinsha River from Yibin Shigu focus on the river is to be sub-Tiger Leaping Gorge, Hung the door, like, the leather factory, guanyinyan, Uzbekistan East Germany, Crane Beach, river crossing down, Xiangjiaba 9 Development . After the completion of all steps will receive a total capacity of more than 810 million m3, the effective capacity of 360 million m3, installed capacity of 47.89 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 21.135 million kW, annual power output 261.08 billion kW · h. In the above-mentioned steps, the development of better conditions, benefits more significant steps have Tiger Leaping Gorge, Crane Beach, river crossing, and Xiangjiaba down.

Yushu in Qinghai Province to the Yangtze River from Yibin, Sichuan Province, said the Jinsha River, river length 2320km. Yibin above, the control basin area is about 500,000 km2, multi-year average flow of 4920m3 / s, multi-year average annual runoff of 155 billion m3; gap (including Tongtianhe) 5280m, Ganzhi water reserves of 113 million can kW. Yushu drop below about 3280m, water reserves of 55.51 million kW, to be delivered in 18 steps, with a total installed capacity of nearly 57 million kW; which Yibin, Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, to the section of Shek Kwu, planning capacity of 84%, is the largest hydropower base, characterized by abundant water, drop concentration, momentum indicators superior, flood loss, the majority of steps a large scale, far from areas with a separate power transmission capacity. Development of the Jinsha River is not only able to make up the southwest coal shortage, meet local growing electricity needs, more importantly, networking with central and achieve "west to east", responsible for the strategic task of China's energy balance; addition, but also to improve the Southwest shipping conditions, the development of coastal irrigation, watershed development and other land and natural resources to create the conditions, and can share the Yangtze River middle and lower reaches flood control task.

Ertan Hydropower Station, built in the twentieth century, China's largest hydropower station, with a total installed capacity of 3.3 million kW, generating 17 billion-year degrees.

II, Yalong River Hydropower Base

Yalong River in Sichuan Province is located in the west, is the largest tributary of the Jinsha River. River length of more than 1500 km, basin area of nearly 130,000 km2, multi-year average flow of 1870m3 / s, annual water 59.1 billion m3. Within a forested watershed, vegetation well, the river for many years an average of sediment 0.5kg/m3, multi-year average annual sediment discharge 25.5 million t, the average annual sediment bedload sediment volume of 670,000 t. In addition to the upper reaches of the Yalong Loess Plateau, the middle and lower reaches incised intense narrow valley steep slope, more than beaches and swift rivers, abundant water, drop concentration, Ganzhi water reserves of energy resources nearly 34 million kW. River from the Temple seem to have clothes to the estuary, river length 1368km, the natural drop 3180m, water resources, 22 million kW, of which the following two estuaries, river length 681km, concentrated drops 1700m, water resources, 18 million kW.

According to preliminary planning program, the main stream to the estuary since the woinbogoin developed the following 21 steps, with a total installed capacity of 22.65 million kW, to ensure to contribute 11.26 million kW, annual power output 136 billion kW · h. Two Estuarine the following sub-11 to be the beginning of the development of total installed capacity of 19.4 million kW, to ensure to contribute 9.65 million kW, annual power output l181.4 100 million kW · h, is the focus of mainstream development of river. Especially in big bend of the river below, water resource-intensive, from the load center closer to the geological conditions were better, seismic intensity is low, flood damage minimal regulation performance, traffic conditions are improving, survey work and basic information on both certain foundation, is the recent development of the conditions with the best river, but also Panxi area in southwest China, one of the advantages of land development. The River to be sub-Jinping 1, Jinping 2, Crown land, Ertan, Kiriko Lin five developer installed capacity of 11.1 million kW, to ensure to contribute 5.78 million kW, annual power output 69.69 billion kW · h, development of single purpose, in addition to drift wood, no other utilization requirements, technical and economic indicators is superior.

3, Dadu River hydropower base

Dadu River is the largest tributary of sleep a total length of 1062km, drainage area 77400km2 (not including Qingyi), from Heyuan to the estuary natural fall 4175m, water resources, reserves 31.32 million kW, can be developed installed capacity of 23.48 million kW. Dadu River's water resources are mainly embedded in the shuangjiangkou to Tongjiezi river, this section of river length 593km, the natural drop 1837m, water resources, reserves 17.48 million kW.

Dadu abundant water, runoff stable, mainstream hydrological stations Tongjiezi multi-year average flow of 1490m3 / s, nearly 47 billion years, water m3. Geographic location of the river, straight-line distance is only 200km away from Chengdu, is about more than 400 away from the Chongqing km, double-Jiangkou following are interlinked along the river road, rail Pubugou following through. Rung geological conditions of the proposed dam site is better, the unit installed capacity of flood losses are less than or close to the national average of the major hydropower base; development of single purpose. Dadu River estuary to the copper pairs of sub-paragraph Street, designated as Lone Pine, Manet, Sueie dam, monkey rock, long dam, Lengzhuguan, Shanghai and fixed, hard Liang package Dagangshan mountains, the leading stone, eagle rock, Pubugou deep Xigou, pillows dam Gongzui, copper and street children and other 16 development program made use of drop 177lm, total installed capacity of 18.055 million kW, a separate run-time guarantees to contribute 4.153 million kW, annual power output 92.19 billion kW · h; joint run-time guarantees to contribute 7.238 million kW, annual power output 100.96 billion kW · h. In the 16 steps in Gongzui hydropower stations have pressed the "high dam design, low dam construction" requirements completed.

4, Wujiang Hydropower Base

Wujiang River is the largest one the right bank of the Yangtze River upper reaches of tributary drainage area 87920km2; a north and south two sources, the source to the estuary from the south length of 1037km, the natural drop 2124m, estuarine multi-year average flow of 1690m3 / s, annual runoff is 53.4 billion m3. Basin-wide water resources of the theoretical potential 10.43 million kW, of which the main stream 5.8 million kW. Wujiang geographic location, river runoff abundant, stable, and less sediment concentration; river natural fall concentration, dam site topography, geology condition is superior; appropriately sized power plants, engineering capacity and reservoir flood damage is relatively small, the basis of preliminary work better, easier cascade continuous development. Basin coal, aluminum, phosphorus, manganese, mercury and other mineral resources, is extremely rich, the middle dawujiang River and currently has the following shipping 447km, so the river with the comprehensive development of the advantage. Wujiang River valley deep, soluble carbonate rocks are widely distributed, after years of investigation, the major steps of the engineering geological problems, karst seepage conditions of handling and preliminary identification of dam.

In August 1988 to review the adoption of the "Planning Report on the Wujiang River," the source elaborated Hongjiadu north, south source Puding, Yinzidu, 2 sources and sinks of mouth following the east Suofengying, Wujiangdu, Goupitan, Thring, Sand perish, Pengshui, large Xikou development programs such as 11, with a total installed capacity of 8.675 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 3.2374 million kW, annual power output 41.838 billion kW · h. Among them, Wujiangdu Hydropower Station was built in 1982 (to be the upper reaches of the Hongjiadu and Dongfeng Hydropower Station after the completion of the expansion to 1.05 million kW), Hongjiadu, Goupitan, Pengshui 3 Hydropower Station was recommended as the recent works.

Hongjiadu Hydropower Station, located in western Guizhou Province, Guizhou Province, weaving gold washed six counties at the junction of River. Power plant installed capacity of 540,000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to 179,000 kW, annual power output 1.572 billion kW · h. The total reservoir capacity of 4.589 billion m3, with many years of regulating the performance of the whole river main stream of the "leading" reservoirs, power stations to compensate for the downstream cascade regulation, may significantly increase the power generation efficiency. Dam with the construction of high dams and large reservoirs of the terrain, geological conditions, flooded about 2.17 million mu of cultivated land, a population of about 3.28 million people. The power station has been through a review of the feasibility study report, preliminary design is complete.

5, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River hydropower base

Yibin to Yichang Yangtze River (known as Chuan River), length of 1040km, Yichang watershed area is about more than one million km2, multi-year average flow 14300m3 / s, multi-year average annual runoff of 451 billion m3. The Reach of the total drop 220m, the initial planning capacity of 25.425 million kW. The Yangtze River from Yibin to Fengjie through the Sichuan Basin, the two sides alternating hills and plains terraces, narrow-beam section and open section alternating, there is a good hub for dam site; Fengjie to Yichang, the famous Three Gorges valley segment, the two sides with cliffs, the river narrow, there are many available for the construction of high dam of the dam. The Reach development, combined with a variety of downstream flood embankments and flood control measures, to resolve the Yangtze River floods and improve shipping Chuanjiang and the middle and lower reaches, and to create conditions for the diversion.

According to plan, the Yangtze River from Yichang to be delivered Yibin Shi B, Zhu Xi Yang, a small South China Sea, Three Gorges, Gezhouba 5 development, with a total installed capacity of 25.425 million kW, guaranteed to contribute 7.438 million kW, annual power output 127.5 billion kW · h. Yichang, Hubei Province where the Three Gorges project is located in the territory of a key project of this river, according to the normal water level is 175m program, installed capacity of 17.68 million kW, to ensure to contribute 4.99 million kW, annual power output 84 billion kW · h, and a flood control and shipping efficiency; the total reservoir capacity of 39.3 billion m3, drowned 35.69 million mu of arable land, population 725.5 thousand people. The Three Gorges Project has been repeatedly demonstrated, is in the national review of policy-making. The river's Gezhouba installed capacity of 2.715 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 768,000 kW, annual power output 15.7 billion kW · h, anti-regulation may also play a pivotal role shipping. The project has been completed.

Qingjiang is a major tributary of the Yangtze River, drainage area 16700km2, Long Beach, 250km from Enshi to a gap between the 380m, an initial installed capacity of 2.891 million plan kW, to resolve the recent problems Jianghan Plain electricity and reduce the Jingjiang flood threats, to improve the Qingjiang shipping conditions. Qingjiang Shuibuya to be watershed, Geheyan, and the development Gaobazhou 3, with a total installed capacity of 2.891 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 725,000 kW, annual power output 8.49 billion kW · h. Among them, Geheyan Hydropower Station is located in Changyang County, Hubei Province, installed capacity of 1.2 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 287,000 kW, annual power output 3.29 billion kW · h, the total reservoir capacity of 3.4 billion m3. GHS, located in Hubei Yidu installed capacity of 200,000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to 93000 kW, annual power output 1.02 billion kW · h, the total reservoir capacity of 430 million m3, flood 1.2 million mu of arable land, population 13200 people .

6, Nanpanjiang, Red River hydropower base

Red River of the Pearl River upper reaches of the Xijiang River, on which the source Nanpanjiang in Guizhou Province zhexiang Panjiang confluence with the North, said after the Red River. Hongshui River in Guangxi Shilong 3 Eguchi said after merging with the Liujiang Qianjiang. Nanpanjiang length of 927km, the total drop 1854m, drainage area 54900km2, which Tianshengqiao tribute to the long river section is only 18.4km, focused on gaps up to 184m. Red River full 659km, drop 254m, drainage area 131000km2. Qianjiang length 123km, there is the famous Grand Canyon vine, large rattan Gap drainage area above 190400km2, annual volume 130 billion m3.

Nanpanjiang, Red River plan intended to focus on the development of Xingyi to Guiping River, long 1143km, drop 692m, water reserves of about 8.6 million kW. Abundant in the river water, drop concentration, geological conditions are good, very favorable conditions for building a hydropower base. Upstream because of the terrain and geological conditions are good, flood loss, should the construction of high dams and large reservoirs, regulate runoff, in order to bring about favorable conditions for the downstream cascade development. Middle and lower segment open terrain, land-intensive, and widely distributed in limestone, karst development, should construction run-in, low-head power plants.

Red River is a national water and electricity, "Bonanza," one of the main development goals for generating electricity, the main steps of the basic supply area power plant in southern China; power station construction could improve navigation conditions and completed all the steps will enable the downstream river Drainage of navigation; In addition, flood control, irrigation also has certain benefits.

In 1981 by the National Energy Commission and the State Planning Commission to review through the auspices of the "Red River Comprehensive Utilization Planning Report," proposing that the whole river by Tianshengqiao 1 (dam plate dam), Tianshengqiao 2 (dam cable low dam), ping classes, Longtan, rock beaches, Dahua, 100 Longtan, Etan, and the Great Vine Gorge Qiaogong 10 development program, with a total installed capacity of 12.52 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 3.3882 million kW, annual power output 504.l 100 million kW · h.

7, Lancang River Hydropower Base

Lancang River originates in Qinghai Province, flows into Yunnan, Tibet, after, in the southern Xishuangbanna borders out of the mouth of December, said after the Mekong River. Lancang River in China in a long 2000km, drop of about 5000m, drainage area 174000km2 (respectively, the three accounted River 44.4%, 90.9% and 23.4%), hydropower reserves of about 36.56 million kW, of which the main stream of about 25.45 million kW. River estuary from the commoner to the south December full 1240km, drop 1780m, drainage area 91000km2, exit at multi-year average flow of 2180m3 / s, annual runoff of 68.8 billion m3, water reserves of about 18 million kW. At the same time as non-ferrous metals in Yunnan Province varieties, large reserves, the State Planning Commission in the "Outline of the national land-use planning" in the Lancang River hydropower and non-ferrous base has been listed as one of the comprehensive development of the key areas.

Lancang River is not only very rich in hydropower resources, but also has excellent topographic and geologic conditions, abundant water stability, and reservoir inundation loss, comprehensive utilization efficiency and good features, especially those of the downstream conditions, the most superior, was listed as the recent focus on developing river segment. The development of the Lancang River Cascade Hydropower Station, in addition to electricity to meet the needs of the province of Yunnan, but also to the power supply in Guangdong Province. According to preliminary planning, the mainstream minutes and 14-level development, including: the upper reaches of rivers (commoner an iron threshold) sub-slip tube Jiang, Jia Bi, Wu Long Lane, Toba, yellow board and iron, the threshold of six developers, with a total installed capacity of 7.06 million kW, to ensure to contribute 2.752 million kW, annual power output 37.22 billion kW · h, the lower reaches of river (iron threshold of a Lincang Jiangqiao an estuary in Southern wax), completed in 1986, and by the Ministry, the provincial joint review of the recommendation adopted by the Planning Report fruit by Gong Bridge, Little Bay, Manwan, Dachaoshan, Nuozhadu, Jinghong, Ganlan Ba and Albanian estuarine 8 program development, with a total installed capacity of 14.31 million kW, annual power output 72.176 billion kW · h. Since its pledge to contribute to a small Bay and two multi-year regulating Nuozhadu reservoirs compensation adjustment, up to 7.2131 million kW.

Xiaowan Hydropower Station, located in Yunnan Province, and Fengqing Nanjian sector, dam length 3.8km, cross high mountains above 1000m, dam good geological conditions, the conditions suitable for constructing high dams and large reservoirs are steps in the "leading" reservoir, but also the development of key projects Lancang River. 300m of the High Dam was built a total capacity of 15.265 billion m3, can be not fully adjust for many years, 3.49 million mu of arable land inundated, migration and population of 28700 people. Power plant installed capacity of 4.2 million kW, a separate run-time to ensure that contributing 1.74 million kW, annual power output 18.2 billion kW · h; Cascade joint operation, to ensure to contribute to 1.8455 million kW, annual power output 18.776 billion kW · h.

In late April 1991, Department of Energy, State Energy Investment Corporation, Guangdong Province, Yunnan Province, after repeated consultations, signed the "joint-venture development on the lower reaches of the Lancang River in Yunnan Province Cascade power plant agreement in principle."

8, the upper reaches of Yellow River Hydropower Base

The upper reaches of the Yellow River Longyangxia to Qingtongxia a total length of 1023km, Longyangxia over the drainage area above and Qingtongxia respectively 131420km2 and 270510km2, the total drop 1465m, planning to use drop 1115m. The average flow for many years Longyangxia section of 650m3 / s, Qingtongxia section of 1050m3 / s, water resources, reserves 11.33 million kW. The main objective of the development of this river is to generate electricity for the Northwest Territories to provide a stable and reliable power supply, Vision Northwest and North China, Southwest networking, for hydro-thermal performance of hydropower stations between and among different regulatory compensation adjustment, so that the potential of the three major power plant to the water grid play; the same time, the Yellow River, the middle with irrigation, flood control, Ice Prevention, water supply and other comprehensive utilization efficiency. The river has a favorable development conditions, primarily: a stable runoff, flooding small; topography, geological conditions are good, a lot of dam can be built dam; flood loss, for relocation of relatively simple; construction conditions are good, traffic is relatively convenient; power generation and utilization efficiency large; engineering quantity is small, less investment; survey and design the preliminary work done more fully.

The river plan will Longyangxia, Laxiwa, Li Xia, Gongboxia, plot Shek Kip, Temple ditch Gap, Liujiaxia, Yanguoxia, 8 Gap, Small Gorge, Grand Gorge, Ugyen Gorge, a small Kuanyin, big willow , Shapotou, Qingtongxia 16 steps (such as taking Daliushu dam, compared with 15 programs) development, with a total use of head 111.8m, installed capacity of 14.1548 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 4.8722 million kW, annual power output 50.793 billion kW · h. Longyangxia, Liujiaxia, small Guanyin (or large willow trees) were the three major reservoirs in the river first, middle and tail of a favorable location. Longyangxia is a multi-year regulating reservoir, with a total capacity of 24.7 billion m3, may be a general increase in all of its downstream cascade power station's annual power generation efficiency, to improve the power plant construction conditions. Small Guanyin (or large willow) reservoir can play a counter-regulatory role in adapting to the Yellow River estuary over the town of water for irrigation, flood control and security as well as Ice Prevention to the middle and lower reaches river recharge conditions, so that most of the Cascade River Longyangxia to Qingtongxia Hydropower can be run by industrial and agricultural water demand has become stable and reliable power supply. At present the river has been built Liujiaxia, Yanguoxia, 8 Gap, Qingtongxia, Longyangxia, Lijiaxia six power stations, following the Lijiaxia Hydropower Station, the plan proposed arrangement Great Gorge, black river gorge, Gongboxia, LAXIWA such as the construction of hydropower stations.

9, the middle reaches of Yellow River Hydropower Base

Yellow River is the North River estuary Tuoketuo County Town to yumenkou (Dragon) River river, usually known as Thoron segment. North River length of 725km, is the longest in the Yellow River valley section, with construction of high dams and large reservoirs of the terrain, geological conditions, and the loss of a smaller flood. The river drops a total of about 600m, the measured mean annual runoff of about 25 billion m3 (estuary town) to 32 billion m3 (Dragon Gate), relatively rich in hydropower resources, the initial planning capacity of 6.092 million kW, guaranteed to contribute 1.258 million kW, annual power output 19.29 billion kW · h. Middle reaches of the Yellow River is the main source of the Yellow River flood sediment, gantry multi-year average sediment load 10.l million t, of which more than 85% range from the mouth of the town to the gantry. Reach for the development of cross-strait and North China Power Grid to provide peaking power, and coal-based Yellow River irrigation water supply and the creation of conditions; the same time striving to intercept sediment, reducing downstream river siltation, reducing the burden of Sanmenxia reservoir flood control.

The Reach development by the long-term research and multi-program comparison, the proposed use of high dams and large reservoirs and low-head power plants and white layout program, top-down arrangement Wanjiazhai, Longkou, bridges, qikou, military crossing, three-way cross, Longmen , yumenkou 3 groups eight steps, you can better adapt themselves to Saudi Arabia and the Yellow River harnessing and development of water requirements. In the eight steps, the bridge hydropower station has been in operation for more than 20 years; Wanjiazhai, moraine mouth and Longmen is the largest three hydropower installed capacity.

10, western Hunan Hydropower Base

Hydropower base in western Hunan Province, Hunan, including submerged, and funding of water and wash water basin. Sanshui basin area of total 137,000 km2, of which about 100,000 km2 in Hunan Province reserves of hydropower resources totaled 10 million kW, of which there are 8.96 million in Hunan Province kW.

Yuan River drainage area 90000 km2, length of 1050km, Hunan Province, in the main stream length 539km, drop 171m, estuaries average flow 2400m2 / s. Yuanshui has shui, Wu, water and other seven tributaries, Ganzhi water energy resources reserves reached 5.38 million kW, the part that may be developed in Hunan Province is about 4.6 million kW, annual power output 20.7 billion kW · h, 60% of them concentrated in the River, 40% in the tributaries (of which the largest share of the West Water). In addition, flood water Yuanshui large, often associated with floods hit the Yangtze River, Dongting Lake region-to-tail Yan and a big threat, therefore, divided by the power generation in the development of task-based, but also solve the flood problem, an appropriate increase downstream flood control standards, to improve the navigation conditions. According to preliminary planning program, to be sub-care Yuanshui River mouth, Hongjiang, An Giang, Tiger River, Oshiro Lake, Wuqiangxi, Lingjintan 7 development, with a total installed capacity of 2.23 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 618,000 kW, annual power output 10.929 billion kW · h. Tributaries of the scale of 25000 kW installed capacity of more than a total of nine hydropower stations, with a total installed capacity of 1.2053 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 329.5 thousand kW, annual power output 4.965 billion kW · h, which feng shui on a hydropower station have been completed and 400,000 kW.

Feng Shui length of 389km, drop 1439m, drainage area 18000 km2, most of the territory is located in Hunan Province, the main tributaries are rid of water and drizzle of water. Feng Shui River mouth to be sub-cold water, fish, lake, flower rock, wood Longtan, preferably red bridge, yanbodu, tea, forest river, three Jiangkou, Yan Chau 9 development, with a total installed capacity of 454.2 thousand kW, guaranteed to contribute to 82200 kW, annual power output 1.671 billion kW · h, of which three Jiangkou hydropower station has been completed. River tributaries drizzle water leaching, Jiang mute, closed rock, Changtan River 4 development, the total installed capacity of 1.294 million power plant kW, guaranteed to contribute to 300,000 kW, annual power output 2.919 billion kW · h. Tributary water Huang Hu Xie Hong Kong, New Street, Zhong-Jun Du, zaoshi 4 development, the total installed capacity of 351,000 power station kW, guaranteed to contribute to 5.0l 10000 kW, annual power output 745 million kW · h.

Owned water full 674km, valley area of 29000 km2, multi-year average flow of 780m3 / s, water resources, reserves 1.84 million kW, can be developed and medium-sized hydropower stations a total installed capacity of 1.07 million kW, annual power output to 5.3 billion kW · h. Financing water development programs are: Tuo River (447.5 thousand kW) more than the main cascade hydropower stations are Inuki Tong, hole Tong, Sasa River 3, with a total installed capacity of 166,000 kW, annual power output 792 million kW. The following are deposited Zhexi Xikou, Jintang Chong, Majitang, white bamboo state, Xiu Hill, five hydropower stations with a total installed capacity of 465,000 kW, annual power output 2.23 billion kW · h. Tuo River and the two hydropower stations Majitang has been completed.

Yuan, Feng, capital of Sanshui cascade development programs, the planned total installed capacity of 6.613 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 1.7016 million kW, annual power output 265.6l 100 million kW · h.

The United States, such as poetry and painting of the Xin'anjiang Reservoir, because of the new China's first hydropower station - Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station formed an artificial lake.

11, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi hydropower base

Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and hydropower base, including Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces, theoretical potential of hydropower resources of approximately 23.3 million kW, may be developed installed capacity of about 16.8 million kW. The provinces as follows:

1. Mountains in Fujian Province aspect, streams clouds, abundant rainfall, river gradient large theoretical potential hydropower resources 10.46 million kW, can be developed installed capacity of 7.05 million kW, of which more than 60% concentrated in the Minjiang River, followed by the Han , Jiulong River and other river systems and delivery. Min River is the province's largest river, the main stream length 577km, valley area of more than 60,000 km2, accounting for about half of the province's land area, water resources can be developed installed capacity 4.63 million kW, of which the main stream and its tributaries to build Creek, Shaxi large camphor Creek, Youxi such as water resources development conditions are better. In addition, the upper reaches of Hanjiang River tributary myuang Tingjiang as well as the cross-river hydropower resources development conditions are very favorable. According to a preliminary development plan, Fujian Province can be developed and medium-sized hydropower stations 59, with a total installed capacity of 6.16 million kW. Of which: The main power stations have been built there Gutianxi four steps, an sand, pool Lake, sand Xikou, Fan shield, nozzle, good light, Wan An, water, Dong. To be developed and the more favorable conditions for hydropower are: Tingjiang on the Yongding (cotton beach) hydropower station, with a total capacity of 2.214 billion m3, installed capacity of 600,000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to 88000 kW, annual power output 1.51 billion kW · h, flooded farmland 3.82 million mu, migration, population 34600 people and it is the only southwest Fujian has a good storage capacity of the hydropower station, may serve as parts of the region and Guangdong Qian power supply and peak shaving services, and reduce flood plains Chaoshan . Jinshan hydropower installed capacity of 40000 kW, annual power output 140 million kW · h, is more than Tingjiang River Shanghang River cascade in a medium-sized power plants, small scale projects, flooding 800 acres of arable land, migration, population 1,200 , good economic returns. Youxi street-level hydropower station, located in the upper reaches of Shuikou hydropower installed capacity of 400,000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to 52600 kW annual power output 598 million kW · h, the total reservoir capacity of 2.37 billion m3, inundated 2.94 million mu of arable land, migration and population 3.3l 10000 people, when completed, to improve the outlet of hydropower to contribute to the guarantee. Other tributaries of the Minjiang River has a good hydropower development sites, such as the construction of the river anfengqiao (180,000 kW), large camphor Creek on Chung Hau (52000 kW), Youxi water on the East (5.1 10000 kW), Shaxi Xikou Wing to Sand River cascade of high-sand (50000 kW) and so on hydropower. In addition, the development of the qin myuang Creek on the Mountain (60000 kW), Zhouning (250,000 kW) 2 cascade hydropower stations, to promote the development of industrial and agricultural production in eastern Fujian Province have a great meaning.

2. Theoretical potential hydropower resources of the province, Zhejiang, 6.06 million kW, can be developed installed capacity of 4.66 million kW. Qiantang River in the territory of the largest, mainstream length of 424km, valley to the plot 42000 km2, basin-wide installed capacity of hydropower resources can be developed 1.93 million kW; followed by the Ou River, main stream length of 376km, valley area 18000km2, in the upper reaches of river Multi-segment Canyon, drop large, water abundant hydropower resources can be developed installed capacity of 1.67 million kW, the development conditions were better. Originated in Zhejiang, Fujian and at the junction of Cave Temple Hill Feiyun River hydropower resources can be developed installed capacity of about 400,000 kW, development of more favorable conditions. According to a preliminary development plan, Zhejiang Province, can be developed 22 large and medium hydropower installed capacity of 4.31 million kW. One of the main hydropower stations have been built there Xin'anjiang, Fuchunjiang, Hunan town huangtankou, Jinshuitan, Tong, Maple Ridge. Qiantang River as a major power station has been developed, the future development focus is still Oujiang. Oujiang river-wide installed capacity of 1.46 million station plan kW, the cascade power stations to the provincial network and the East China power grid, transmission distance closer. In addition to Jinshuitan and tong, the Beach Pit sufficient conditions for exploiting the comparative advantage of the large-scale hydropower. The power plant installed capacity 600,000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to 83600 kW, annual power output 1.035 billion kW · h, the total capacity of 4.15 billion m3 reservoir inundated about 3.1 million mu of arable land, migration and population of about 4.3 million people, can be multi-adjustable, power generation, greater efficiency. Fei Jiang Shan Hydropower Station on the installed capacity of 240,000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to 40200 kW, annual power output 434 million kW · h, the total capacity of 2.858 billion m3 reservoir flooded about 1.22 million mu of arable land, migration and population of 30300 people, a comprehensive utilizing large, preparatory work for a good foundation. Beach Pit and Shanxi two should advance development and utilization of hydropower. In addition, the proposed extension of Xin'anjiang, Hunan town, such as hydropower Huangtankou, expanding the size of machine, respectively 90.25,10.0,5.2 million kW.

3. Jiangxi Province in the relative lack of energy, but the mountains and rivers and more theoretical potential of hydropower resources of about 6.82 million kW, can be developed installed capacity of 5.11 million kW. Gan River longitudinal central province, the river length 769km, valley area of 83500 km2, water resources can be developed installed capacity of 2.2 million kW, is the province's most resource-rich river water. Secondly, such as Xiushui, Zhang water tributaries of Utah Jiang, Nadekawa there are some good hydro dam. According to a preliminary development plan, Jiangxi Province and medium-sized hydropower stations 37 can be developed, installed capacity of 3.7 million kW. Which have been built mainly hydroelectric power station extension forest, on the Utah Jiang and Wan-an. As Jiangxi Province over hills, valleys and basins and white, flood loss so large as to most of the hydropower station is not developed. Focus on the future development of Xiushui and the Gan River. Xiushui tributaries dongjin power plants, installed capacity of 60000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to 10500 kW, annual power output 116 million kW · h, the total reservoir storage capacity of 795 million m3 flooded 7860 acres of arable land, migration and population of about 8600 people, 1988 has been further optimized design, overall efficiency is good, yes Xiushui the "dragon head" station. Power compensation under the run-off needs to be expanded Zhelin Hydropower 200,000 kW. According to the State Planning Commission in October 1990 approved the "Gan River in Jiangxi Province River Basin Planning Report," Gan Jiang River downstream river by Wan An, Taihe, Shi Hu Tong, Three Gorges, Wing Tai, Longtoushan six steps for development , the recent focus on the development of Wan-an, to the Three Gorges River.

Changbai Mountain Jingpohu

12, Northeast hydropower bases

Hydropower base in the northeast border river, including Heilongjiang River, Mudanjiang River, the second upper reaches of the Songhua River, Yalu River valley (including the Hun River) and the Nen River basin, the planned total installed capacity of 11.3155 million kW, annual power output 30.868 billion kW · h. The river or river basin are briefly explained below:

1. Heilongjiang River Heilongjiang River on the border stream full-length 2890km, the natural drop 3l3m, water resources, reserves (640 / 2) 10000 kW. Heilongjiang, the middle reaches of the Sino-Soviet border rivers with a total length 1890km. Midstream taipinggou Canyon, Canyon exit taipinggou control of the drainage area for more than 866,000 km2, multi-year average flow of 4720m3 / s. Upstream from the Middle Kingdom to the Zeya Luo estuary length 895km, mostly mountainous, concentrated most of the gap in Heilongjiang, engineering, geological and topographic conditions better, the choice of dam more. Most of the river section of this community are in the upper reaches of power plant dam. The middle reaches from the mouth to the Zeya Fuyuan (Ussuri River mouth) length of 995km, the average river gradient is about 0.09 ‰, because the two sides open flat terrain, and affected by the flood control dam for the development of small, only in taipinggou Canyon near Exit taipinggou has favorable conditions for the construction of hydropower stations. The main advantage of this sector of the river section is abundant water, good geological conditions, construction materials sufficient traffic conditions in general, can be arrived by boat on the dam. Heilongjiang's development objective is power generation, flood control and navigation, to the main electricity generation. After the Soviet Union a number of contacts between the two countries, both developed by the major goals are different emphases, but for the joint development of Heilongjiang River is a positive, a number of problems in the talks has been made in the same or essentially the same views. At present, the Chinese side of Heilongjiang on the middle reaches of the conditions of a development of eight dam to form the cascade development of the nine comparison programs, to analyze and compare the initial planning of the total installed capacity of (820 / 2) 10000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to (187.4 / 2) 10000 kW, annual electricity production (270.88 / 2) 100 million kW · h. Heilongjiang cascade development is still in the planning stage.

2. Mudanjiang Mudanjiang River downstream of the right bank of the Songhua River, a major tributary to control the drainage area 39038km2, length of 705km, the natural drop 869m, water resources, reserves 516.8 thousand kW, total installed capacity of hydropower resources can be developed 1.071 million kW, have been developed 13.2 10000 kW (including hydropower Jingpohu 96000 kW, while several small hydropower stations). Mudanjiang downstream to the Yangtze River Tun Chaihe between the rich in hydropower resources, stretching high and steep mountain sides, valleys, narrow, there are good conditions for the construction of hydropower stations, planning recommendation lotus, Erdaogou Yangtze Tuen three development programs, Lotus for the first phase of project. This three total installed capacity of hydropower stations 820,000 kW, accounting for 939,000 kW of resources to be developed to 87%. Heilongjiang Province Mudanjiang River Basin is located in the central part of the eastern power grid, close to the electricity load centers, the region north-south transportation network, transportation is very convenient. Topographic conditions of major dam good, dam near the soil stone sufficient; adverse conditions are reservoir inundation losses. Mudanjiang development objective is to generate electricity mainly both flood control and irrigation. The first phase of the project Lotus hydropower station, located in Magnolia Township in Hailin County, three sets at the village 2km downstream of the reservoir total storage capacity 42.14m3, have many years of adjusting performance, is a key project Mudanjiang cascade development. Power plant installed capacity of 440,000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to 62000 kW, annual power output 800 million kW · h. Stone dam near the soil is rich in reclaimer easy terrain to facilitate construction of the proposed earth dam. The main problem is submerged more than others, take 80000 mu of farmland inundated, immigration into the 36300.

3. Second Songhua River Songhua river upstream second chief of 803km, the natural drop 1556m, which can make use of drop 613.7m; drainage area 74345km3, of which more than the control Fengman Hydropower accounts for 58% of the drainage area; the mouth of multi-year average flow of 538m3 / s. Basin water resources theory of deposits was 1.3816 million kW, can be developed hydropower sites have 58 installed capacity of 3.8124 million kW, annual power output 7.093 billion kW · h; has been developed 13 hydroelectric installed capacity of 2.4633 million kW, accounting for 65% of installed capacity can be developed. Among the larger institutions have a second Songhua River on the fullness, Redstone, Baishan three hydropower stations, a total installed capacity of 2.424 million kW (including fullness Enlargement 170,000 kW), accounting for 98% of installed capacity has been developed .

4. The Yalu River (including the Hun River) as the Yalu River, Korea and the two boundary rivers, all s more than 800 km, from the Changbai County, to drop into the sea about 680m, a total drainage area 59143km2, China accounted for 32000km2 side when the mouth except North Korea trans-basin diversion 5326km2). River area is a continental climate, abundant rainfall in the basin, multi-year average rainfall of 87lmm, from upstream to downstream increase. Most of the Yalu River in the mountains, river bend, the more steep than the drop, reserves of hydropower resources of the main stream about (212.5 / 2) 10000 kW. River to the mouth from the Changbai County, after China, North Korea both sides, and currently a total of 12 steps, that is, pointed south, on the Wei-son, 13 Erdaogou, 12 Bay, 9 Erdaogou, Linjiang, Yunfeng , Phellodendron, Weiyuan, water Fung, Pacific Bay, meaning the state, the total installed capacity of power plants (253.3 / 2) 10000 kW, an annual generation capacity (100 / 2) 100 million kW · h. One medium-sized hydropower stations have been built there Yunfeng, Wei-yuan, Pacific Bay, the water abundance 4; out the preliminary design are: Linjiang and two hydropower plants in Sinuiju, a total of six hydropower installed capacity (228 / 2) 10000 kW, year generating capacity (91.2 / 2) 100 million kW · h.

5. Nen River Nen River is the source of the Songhua River, from the cradle to the Sancha River length 1106km, drainage area 260665km2. Basin is a continental climate, hot and rainy in summer, winter, cold dry, usually in the 500mm annual rainfall is about 6 to September rainfall accounts for 70 ~ 80%. Nen River Basin water resources are mainly distributed in the mainstream and its tributaries on the right (Gan River, Tenormin River, chaor River, Taoer River), according to preliminary planning, can be developed 3 ~ 250,000 kW of cascade hydropower stations 15, with a total installed capacity of capacity of 1.266 million kW, guaranteed to contribute to 264.5 thousand kW, annual power output 3.428 billion kW · h. For the River Nen River upstream of the town above, the preliminary recommendation is currently lying Du River, nest River, solid-solid river, kumo Tuen four development programs, solid-solid River Hydropower Station for the first phase of the project. The power station installed capacity 175,000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to 34900 kW, annual power output 420 million kW · h, the total capacity of 9.437 billion m3 reservoir inundated nearly 9 million mu of arable land, migration more than 5400. Middle River (Nen Town to Boosey) and Boosey water conservancy project is an irrigation, flood control mainly with large-scale comprehensive utilization of power generation projects, but also North-South Water Transfer Project of the major water projects. The hub of the total reservoir storage capacity is 6.312 billion m3, power plant installed capacity of 250,000 kW, guaranteed to contribute to 37300 kW, annual power output 660 million kW · h. Tributaries - Gan glandulosa Jiatun hydropower better conditions, has twice made a preliminary design phase of the survey and design. The power plant installed capacity of 123.3 thousand kW, guaranteed to contribute to 24600 kW, annual power output 331 million kW · h, the total reservoir capacity of 2.55 billion m3, of about 5.58 million mu of arable land inundated, migration of about 9,500 people. Development objectives in order to power the main power station, taking into account the downstream flood control. The downstream segment of the water resources are mainly distributed in the right side of the tributaries (Tenormin River, chaor River and Taoer River), on small and medium hydropower stations are the specific development plan to be studied in future river basin planning to determine.
Chinese Super Project - New Zhengzhou Railway Station

Chinese Super Project - New Zhengzhou Railway Station

Source: China Transportation Network

The new station is located in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, Zhengzhou City, Chung Dong New Area, from the International Exhibition Center, about three kilometers south-east, in Jin Shui Road and Commercial Road are among the new 107 National Highway on both sides, is the Beijing-Guangzhou-Shenzhen Passenger Line and the Dan Wu Duan Lan-passenger cross line interchange station.

The new design range Zhengzhou Railway Station a total area of 219.07 hectares, building area of 35 million square meters, the station house about 40 million yuan investment, there are 16 stations, a total of 34 shares of Tao. Which is line 4, to the hair line 30. 1 to 8 sites in North Canton-line platform, 10 to 16 passenger platform is the Lan-line platform, Platform No. 9 share. What side is the VIP platform waiting room, station office and equipment space. Station house is divided into five layers, including the ground floor, elevated floor, elevated two-story, basement, underground layer. Line the lower hub for the transfer station hall, could be linked East and West square foot channel. On both sides of a passenger out of the North-South Corridor, and parking in central stations set up transit passengers waiting hall, the site has six metro rail transit entrances and exits.

In the rail transit planning, the Zhengzhou urban rail transport network composed by the five lines, are currently in the planning stage, in which east-west Line 1, Line 4 from north to south through the new Zhengzhou Railway Station, was cross-shaped intersection at the hub of the bottom at the same time reserved for the future of New Line orbital station house.

Chinese Academy of Sciences of comprehensive data submitted by the experts predicted that by 2020, the Zhengzhou Railway Station railway passenger capacity of 53 million passengers to send people (including transit passengers), in 2030 to 110 million people; in 2010, road traffic is expected to 12.15 million passenger terminal people, 2015 34 million people in 2020 to 45 million people in 2030 to 64.9 million people. Such rapid development of traffic needed to build a set of public railway passenger and freight traffic, commercial warehousing, leisure and entertainment integrated transport hub.

At present, high-speed railway passenger transportation center station (ie Passenger Station), the new long-distance passenger transportation center station center of Zhengzhou Railway container freight station (already opened construction), Zhengzhou national trunk highway Logistics Hong Kong (already opened construction), etc. are listed as key in Henan Province project transportation projects, they are planning will include the new integrated transport hub in Zhengzhou.

In February 2008, at the Ministry of Railways Organization's "new Zhengzhou Railway Station" concept, program design bidding, Germany GMP, United Kingdom ATKL, South Korea 3 Anhe national professional institute a number of well-known railway, civil construction and design units participate in the bidding, after 3 months of screening, South Africa Institute of Architectural Design at one stroke Outright get the design right.

South Africa Institute of Architectural Design creation program in a very good solution to the traffic organization, graphic functions, spatial relations, natural ventilation, lighting and other technical issues, based on the integration of a rich historical and cultural connotation of Henan and geographical features, shaped the very characteristics architectural style and detail.

Vigorous atmosphere of the program's main facade is designed to shape the focus: urban modeling the door facade contains bronze - ding the image, but also has "double with pot," as a harmonious composition. The whole station is like an abstract sculpture, heavy steady, seamless, reflecting the Henan Zhongyuan culture as a representative of cultural identity. Construction tilt corner reveals a powerful force, the overall sense of speed on the formation of the movement reflects the characteristics of the construction of contemporary traffic.

The use of architectural detail and interior design derived from the "Lotus Crane side pot" motif, forming the subject of architectural details, inside and outside the echo, harmonization, and further reflects the bronze culture of Yi Yun. Composition on the facade of the station house to break the main part of the conventional mode of separation with the viaduct, construction seamless combination of subject and the viaduct, directly from the square where they stand, magnificent.

In September 2007, the new Zhengzhou Railway Station Station roadbed earthwork has begun construction of high-speed railway passenger transport in Zhengzhou Central Station has been under construction.
Kunming New International Airport

- China's 4th largest aviation hub in the airport
The total investment: 23.1 billion

Project duration: 2006 - 2008


New international airport is located in Kunming Guandu District Board Town muddy pond, a total investment of more than 23 billion yuan, of which the main project investment of around 15 billion yuan.

Outline the overall point of view, the new airport was the tree, all the office and staff living quarters, etc. are located in the root of the above "trunk" on the terminal building, apron, runway and other locations are located in the branches leaves. Planning Kunming new airport has four runways, 108 aircraft parking bays, the two groups are located in the apron on both sides of the runway. The runway from the Road similarities between the fast, convenient and timely vacate the runway after the plane landed, to meet the more planes taking off and landing.

The layout of the airport, the most central and most beautiful is the terminal. Appearance throughout the terminal wings like a flying swallow. Terminal to adopt a framework structure and a large number of glass curtain wall appears to be very transparent. "Person"-shaped glass roof tile, lighting is better. Swallows under the wings is the departure and arrival halls, swallow the waist and the arc-shaped tail, is boarding channel. Channel on both sides, round arc-shaped distribution of the number of parking bays. Check-in parking bays along the channel and between the bridge approach, visitors can walk a few steps into the aircraft cabin, no longer have to take the car ferry.

The new airport is not just airports, but also one that highway, railway and civil aviation organic integration of a comprehensive transportation hub. The new airport in the mesh-like rail, road center, formed a hub airport, the aviation, railways, roads combine to form a mutual convergence, complementarity and integration of a comprehensive transportation system.

The completion of the new Kunming international airport will greatly boost Kunming, Yunnan Province, as well as economic and social progress, one of the remarkable achievements that future investors to Kunming, European and American countries do not have such trouble as it is now. Prior to Kunming Airport was not a country gateway airport, do not have the "landing sign" function, so that Europe and the United States and other foreign investors to take a first-Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to Kunming before.

After the completion is expected in 2008, the new Kunming airport's annual passenger throughput is expected to reach 1600-18000000 passengers, cargo throughput increased to 400,000 tons
Sichuan-East Gas Transmission

The total investment: 63.2 billion yuan

Sichuan is the second West-East Gas Transmission to build another one in China after the great energy in promoting energy structure adjustment, promoting the western resource advantages into economic advantages important to the meaning. Sichuan-East Gas Transmission Project west city east Shanghai, passing through six provinces and two cities, five times across the Yangtze River, the route length of 1,700 kilometers, is China's natural gas pipeline network backbone an important component. The Three Gorges Project is added, natural gas and the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the diversion after another major state-level key projects, the project's total investment amounting to approximately 63.2 billion yuan.

At present, the Sichuan Gas to East natural gas transmission pipeline to send Puguang plant has been basically completed and the laying of the region. Puguang Gas Field, as the East Sichuan Gas Transmission Project's main supply source, is by far the largest scale, the highest abundance of marine giant gas fields. The end of 2006, Puguang gas field has proven reserves reached 356.1 billion cubic meters.

Sinopec plans to supply the end of 2008 the amount of more than 10 billion cubic meters in 2009, Puguang gas field to transport 15 billion cubic meters annually of natural gas. This number is equivalent to the total output of natural gas last year, the 1 / 4.
The latest Beijing Subway plans


Metro Line 1: apple - Zhangjiawan Town

Apple Orchard - Old Town Road - octagonal amusement park - Yuquan Road - Wukesong - Wanshoulu - Gongzhufen - Military Museum - Muxidi - Lishi - Fuxingmen - Xidan - Tiananmen Square West - Tiananmen Square East - Wangfujing - East Single - Jianguomen - Wing Lane - Trade - Tai Wang Road - 4 Hui - 4 Huidong - Gaobeidian - Dingfuzhuang - Shuangqiao - Yangzha - Bali Qiao - Tongzhou Beiyuan - Orchard - Jiu Keshu - Pear -- Stadium - Dobashi - Zhangjiawan Town

Ps: parenthetic mouth, where Batong has become a part of the No. 1 line. In fact, the Batong itself is attached, only after the construction of Xiu-Fang would like to close part of the money, so now is the transfer mechanism, such as full subway opened up a few years later, charging system will change, or eight will be become a part of Line 1.

Metro Line 2: Xizhimen Urban Ring

Xizhimen? - Jishuitan? - Gulou Street? - Andingmen - Lama Temple? - Dongzhimen? - Dongsishitiao? - Chaoyang door? - Jianguomen? - Beijing Railway Station - Chongwenmen? - The front door? - Peace Doors - Xuanwumen? - Changchunjie - Fuxingmen? - Fuchengmen? - Chegongzhuang - Xizhimen?

Metro Line 3: small coal plants - Cui Ge Zhuang

Small coal plants - Che Daogou - Purple Bamboo - White Stone Bridge - Exhibition Hall - Xizhimen - Green Lane - Changqiao - Dianmen - Broad Street - Zhangzizhonglu - Dongsishitiao - Workers Stadium - Changhong Qiao? - Agricultural Exhibition Hall Road - Liulitun - Douge Zhuang - Quad Home - Jiuxianqiao - the Taiwan Road - West 8 rooms - Wu Kwong Street Central - Wangjing Garden - Laiguangying - Good gezhuang - Cui Ge Zhuang - Shunyi - Pinggu

Metro Line 4: Changping - Shilihe

Changping - set Si - Elegant Garden - Huilongguan - Century Plaza Road - Qinghe Xiaoying - supernatant - Xue-Qing Lu - Tsinghua East Road - study 4 - Chi Village - Peony Garden - North Taipingzhuang - Iron Lion Cemetery - Jishuitan -- Xinjiekou - Green Lane - West, 4 - provision of before - Xidan? - Xuanwumen? - food market Mouth - Taoranting Road - Beijing South Railway Station - Yangqiao - Mu Xiyuan - Liujiayao - Fangzhuang - Shilihe

Subway Line 5: Xiaotangshan - songjiazhuang

Xiaotangshan - Taipingzhuang North - Taipingzhuang - Lishuiqiao North - Lishuiqiao - Ocean Square - Datun - Dry poplar - North Tucheng Road - west bridge of peace - peace Beijie - Lama Temple - Beixinqiao - Zhang Zizhong Road - East 4 - Dengshikou - Dongdan - Chongwenmen - ciqikou - Temple of Heaven East Gate - Puhuangyu - Liujiayao - songjiazhuang

Subway Line 6: Mentougou - Yangzha

Mentougou - Wu Lu - West Balizhuang - Space Bridge - White heap child - Fuwai - Fuchengmen - West, 4 - Xi'an Gate - Forbidden City - Beach - East 4 - Chaoyang Gate - East Bridge - Hu Jia Lou - Hongmiao - ci Cloud Temple - shilipu - Youth Road - Takai - Dingfuzhuang North - Tube Zhuang - Yangzha

Subway Line No. 7: Beijing West Railway Station - South Garden

Beijing West Railway Station - Canton outside - Guang An Men - Niujie - Caishikou - Hu Fangqiao - Pearl City exit - ciqikou - Happiness Street - Guangqumen - Shuangjing - Jiulong Mountain - Large rural Pavilion - tangjia Village - Banbidian - Small Rural Pavilion - South Garden

Subway Line 8: Olympic Village Station - 6 camps

Olympic Village Station - Olympic Village South Station - North Star Road - Huangsi - Gulou Street - Bell and Drum Tower - to Yasukado - Beach - Donghuamen - Tiananmen Square East - the front door - Pearl City exit - Flyover - Yongdingmen - Mu Xiyuan - South Top Village - dahongmen - and the cemetery - three camps - 6 camps

Subway Line 9: Xiangshan - GUO Gong Zhuang

Xiangshan - are blue flag - car flag - Summer Palace - Lotus Lane - Zhongguancun - Haidian Huangzhuang - Stone Bridge - Weigong village - White Stone Bridge - Chegongzhuang West - White heap child - Military Museum - Beijing West Railway Station - 6 Lane Bridge - Qi Lizhuang - East Street - YIHAI Garden - GUO Gong Zhuang North - GUO Gong Zhuang

Metro Line 10: Haidian - Coking Plant

Haidian - Haidian Huangzhuang - Zhichun Road - West Tucheng Road - Peony Garden - Health Dement - North Star Road - Ahn Jung-li - North Tucheng Road - Shaoyaoju - 10 bead Village - Liangmaqiao - Changhong Qiao - Hu Jia F - International Trade - Shuangjing - Jinsong - Flat Land - Furnace wa Lake - Great Willow - Yufa head - Coking Plant

Line 10: Liang Ma Qiao - eastern dam

Liang Ma Qiao - wheat Shop - Jiuxianqiao - Single-shop - eastern dam

Light Rail Line 11: songjiazhuang - Yizhuang Terminus

Songjiazhuang - Shaw Village - Fuyuan Village - Ronghua Road - Wing King Street - Wing Cheong Street - BDA terminus

Light Rail Line 12: Beijing South Railway Station - huangcun

Beijing South Railway Station - Caihuying - Yuquanying - new issue to - Xihongmen - Fuk Community - Xin-ri - huangcun

Light Rail Line 13: Xizhimen - Dongzhimen

Xizhimen - Great Bell Temple - Zhichun Road - Wudaokou - on the ground - Xi Erqi - Long Ze - Huilongguan - Huo Ying - Lishuiqiao - Beiyuan - Wangjing West - Shaoyaoju - Guang Xi Men -- Liu-fang - Dongzhimen

No. 13 Line: Zhichun Road - inlaid red flag

According to reports, on the 13th Line west Wangjing West Station, east Beijing Capital International Airport, the line length of 18.15 kilometers. Ground line is about 1.63 kilometers, is about 12.82 kilometers overhead lines, ground is about 3.7 kilometers off the assembly line. A total of nine stations across the board. Passengers can walk through up and down through the subway, the airport terminal.

According to the plan, 13 feeder roads and urban rail connecting the start along the planned Beijing-shun new road extension, and then north along the river south of the planned North Nanbin Lu stream between the green north of east. Drainage in the South Lake Road and the planned Metro Line 3 of the elevated area perpendicular to the intersection. The Wangjing Station, Wangjing North Station, Wangjing East station to the ground, across the capital, the airport highway, into the green belt, parallel to the airport side roads. Gao station via the North from the elevated landing. Parallel to the extension of the airport highway. In the Welcome Road, south side of the bridge on the 1st turn right to enter the terminal west of the terminus.

Magnetic Airport Express Line: Dongzhimen - Beijing Capital International Airport
Your wide high-speed railway

The total investment: 85.8 billion yuan

Project Duration: 2008 - 2014



October 13, 2008, China's northwest and southwest areas of transport connecting the Pearl River Delta, "main artery" - Guiyang-Guangzhou express rail project groundbreaking ceremony was held in Guilin, Guangxi. Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang attended the mobilization meeting started and announced the official start of your build-Canton Railway Corporation.

Your starting point for the broad fast-Guiyang Railway total length of 857 kilometers, of which 301 kilometers in Guizhou, Guangxi and 348.5 kilometers in Guangdong, the territory of 207.5 kilometers, across the board total of Guiyang North, Duyun East, Rongjiang, Guilin West, Hezhou, Zhaoqing North, New Foshan, Guangzhou and 30 new stations along the line of electrified railways. Target speed of passenger trains to 200 kilometers per hour, and set aside the speed of space, planning a daily transport capacity of 100 pairs of passenger and cargo each year 25 million tons, the total project duration of six years, the total investment estimated 85.8 billion yuan , in which project investment 81.26 billion yuan, 4.54 billion yuan acquisition of locomotives and rolling stock from the Ministry of Railways and Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong joint venture.

After the completion of the project, passengers take the train from Guiyang to Guangzhou from the current 20 hours reduced to 6 hours. At present, the Guiyang-Guangzhou railway line will be through the Hunan-Guizhou Railway East to Zhuzhou, Hunan, and then onward to reach Guangzhou, Beijing-Guangzhou line southward. This is not only time-consuming, and given the already overburdened cause an even greater burden on the Beijing-Guangzhou line. Wide, rather then taking the fast lane of a straight line through the Guilin, Guangxi, Hezhou and other places, direct access to a new hub in Guangzhou, the Guangzhou Railway Station, greatly reducing time-consuming, but also will greatly ease the load on the relevant lines. Gui-Canton Railway and the newly started construction this year, Yu-Lan railway project is completed, China's northwest and southwest to connect the Pearl River Delta, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao's rapid rail logistics channel will be opened up.

At the same time, with the neighboring Guangxi Guizhou Province is accelerating the South Canton High Speed Railway (Nanning - Guangzhou) in advance. Nanning to Guangzhou high-speed rail is being launched later from Nanning to Guangzhou will only need three hours, so close to the coast makes the transfer of industries in Guangxi will become a good choice.

"Eleventh Five-Year" period will increase the size of the central and western railway network Jinsan Cheng

"Eleventh Five-Year" period, the Ministry of Railways passenger line in the building at the same time, will focus on strengthening the central and western railway construction, in 2010, only the total size of the western railway network will be 35,000 km, central and western railway network will increase the size of 25 % and 27%.

At present, the Lan-Chongqing railway preparatory work proceeded smoothly, the state has organized a group of experts to assess the project proposal to be formally approved, you can start the construction. Lan-Chongqing railway trunk road network in the west, the northwest and southwest regions between the two exchange a convenient, fast passenger and freight simultaneously a major thoroughfare.

To Dali to Ruili, Dali to Shangri-La's "north west extension" project focused on the climax of railway construction in Yunnan has also started. "Eleventh Five-Year" period, Yunnan railway construction investment of about 500 billion yuan by 2010 will increase by 1,100 km of new railway lines, compared with 2005 increased by 50%, which means for every million square kilometers in Yunnan Province has a railway mileage will reach 87. 8 km, compared with 2005 growth of 50%.

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Eleventh Five-year plan in Tibet Highway Traffic

- From the days of the recent local

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The total investment: 43 billion yuan

Project duration: 2006 - 2010

"Eleventh Five-Year" period, the Tibet Autonomous Region plans to invest highway construction 43.0 billion total length of highways of 50,000 km, high-grade highways zero breakthrough, advanced, sub-high road to reach 18%.

"Eleventh Five-Year" period, in accordance with "the overall planning, phased implementation, according to local conditions, before the complicated ones" principle, the basic reconstruction completed Qinghai-Tibet Highway, Cheng Zhang highway, Sichuan-Tibet Highway, Yunnan-Tibet Highway and the 5-channel Highway and the completion Xinjiang-Tibet Highway and Sichuan-Tibet Northern Line 70% of the transformation task, the completion of coverage "One River and Two River" Valley of the Tibetan economy in the construction of trunk. At the same time, combined with the building of new socialist countryside in Tibet goals, and strive to change the current Tibet, there are 25 towns, 1459 formed the village inaccessible by road, thus enabling the towns and formed the village access rate of up to 99% and 80%, and to achieve new breakthroughs in the development of highway transportation in Tibet.

It is understood that, "15" period, total investment in Tibet highway 15.27 billion yuan. 5 years to solve the 21 counties asphalt roads and solve the 70 towns and 642 villages formed access problems. As of the end of 2005, the region total length of highways has reached 43,717 kilometers.

Road transport is the Tibet Autonomous Region, the most important integrated transport mode bears the region 95% of freight traffic and 80% of passenger traffic is the lifeblood of economic development in Tibet is a guarantee of political stability is the basis of national security is a social the progress of the bridge ties and national unity. In the special natural and geographical conditions in Tibet Highway is the overall goal of building a moderately prosperous society of "get rich road"; is to promote economic and social development of the "progressive way"; it is to build a socialist harmonious society and achieving long-term stability in Tibet "stable path "; is to consolidate the southwest border of the motherland," Defense Road. "
Nigerian Railway Modernization Project

Chinese company

Nigerian Railway Modernization Project

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The total investment: 8.3 billion U.S. dollars

Project duration: 2006 - 2015


China-Africa Cooperation Forum summit on the eve of Beijing, China and Nigeria signed a contract for the construction of a length of 1315 kilometers in Nigeria 8.3 billion cost of two-lane standard gauge railway, which is the largest contract to date of Chinese enterprises in international engineering contracting projects.

"This construction of the railway on the China-Nepal is a win-win for both sides." Yesterday, an official at the Ministry of Railways, "First Financial Daily", said the one hand, Nigeria's economy can be rapid development, while others On the one hand, China also through the export of technology and equipment to increase the volume of trade in Africa.

This new railway projects, from Lagos to Kano, connected to the largest city in Nigeria and even West Africa, Lagos and the capital Abuja. The total length of track-laying up to 2730 kilometers. Circuit design for the whole interchange, all closed, and the use of automatic blocking chain computer system, a total of 25 stations and two locomotives and rolling stock maintenance plant. Design driving speed of 150 kilometers, all use technical standards for China's railway construction.

October 31, 2006 early morning, the project signing ceremony in the Nigerian capital Abuja, while the bid is the Founder of the China Railway Construction Corporation and its subsidiary, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation. Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo presided over the signing ceremony of the day, Turkey and Nigeria, Group Managing Director Lin Rong new high-level officials representing the Turkish Ministry of Transportation Group and the Government of Nigeria signed the agreement. Lin Rong, general manager of China and Turkey, a new group, said the railway modernization project in Nepal Nepal is a major event in bilateral exchanges, but also a symbol of China-Africa friendship and cooperation.

Ministry of Railways Project Management Center, an expert interview with this reporter, said that since the railway technical standards used in all Chinese railway construction, it means that they will import Chinese technology and equipment, locomotives, which China, no doubt, also a good thing.

In April 2006, China's Export-Import Bank and the Nigerian Ministry of Finance signed a memorandum of 2.5 billion U.S. dollars in loans, Nigeria decided to come up with one of at least 10 billion U.S. dollars, while providing the appropriate matching funds for rail modernization.

According to reports, the last century 70's, the Tanzania-Zambia Railway built with Chinese assistance, but also to teach the railway maintenance, technology, management know-how to each other.

China and Africa will be executive vice president of Research HUANG Ze-chuen, said: "China and Africa relations are political, economic, technological, and cultural all-round." Through the development of African countries wish to resources, access to finance, economic development, we can provide them to Africa needed technology, equipment, joint development of resources so that the Chinese companies to get a good efficiency, the ultimate aim to achieve win-win situation.

Nigeria is Africa's largest oil producer and the world's sixth largest oil exporter, is also the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) member. Coal reserves of about 2.75 billion tons, for the sole coal producer in West Africa.

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CNPC oil projects in Sudan

The total investment: 7 billion U.S. dollars

Project duration: 1997 - 2015

In 1997, the China National Petroleum Group Holdings 40% of the Greater Nile oil company established in Western countries began to develop out of southern Sudan's oil. Since then, the oil workers were on the wave of wave move to that distant place.

"There's hard, in the country simply can not imagine." Petroleum six company managers with high Zhang said. His 1999 work in that time, employees need for any daily necessities, toothpaste, soap and biscuits and so on, must be from the capital, Khartoum - China's capital, just as in Northwest China, a small town - air over , two or three times a week, "simply not available on the street."

In Sudan, active in more and more Chinese people (said to have 30000 people): They open a restaurant, run the farm, open gas station, selling Chinese goods, the construction of a variety of high-rise buildings in the capital, including the new president's residence . Chinese people eager to share this war-torn country ushered in a new consumer era.

In the eyes of Western countries, Sudan is still a restricted area in business. Last month, by the United States, "Foreign Policy" magazine and the Peace Foundation Award of the failed states index 2007 report, the Sudan is considered the world's most turbulent countries, followed by Iraq.

Sudan Ministry of Finance and National Economy Minister Ahmed Magzoub said that China's total investment in Sudanese oil industry more than 60 billion U.S. dollars, in industry and agriculture on the non-oil direct investment reached 300 million U.S. dollars. China is Sudan's largest foreign investor.

For Africa "can afford the energy," the most typical items than in the oil-oil projects in Sudan. This project set upstream exploration and downstream refining process, plus one from the southern oil fields to a length of 1370 kilometers northeast of Port Sudan oil pipeline in one fell swoop to make a net importer of oil from the Sudan into a net oil exporter, and to achieve the oil industry, upstream and downstream integration, but not rest solely on the export of crude oil. The great development of the oil industry, but also so that only a population of more than 30 million of the Sudan embarked on a path of rapid economic growth, GDP growth in recent years in excess of 6%.

CNPC in Sudan's oil project, has also become a model for the new era in Sino-African cooperation projects, a model. The success of Sudan's oil industry has also become the oil into other African oil states of the card.

In 2007, CNPC overseas oil production exceeded 60 million tons, equivalent to a re-Daqing oil field, in which Sudan's oil project's oil output will more than 10 million tons.

Niger, CNPC won the largest oil field to be invested 5 billion U.S. dollars

June 2, the oil companies and the Government of Niger signed a development of Nigeria, "agadem oil exploration blocks," the cooperation agreement, CNPC will invest in three years, five billion U.S. dollars to develop the block.

3, according to Reuters reports, "agadem oil exploration blocks," has proven oil reserves are 3.24 billion barrels. In addition to five billion U.S. dollars investment in development of these blocks, the oil will also build an annual handling one million tons of crude oil refinery and a 2,000-kilometer oil pipeline.

Reuters news agency commented that the oil and signed by the Government of Niger, "agadem oil exploration blocks" oil exploration agreement, the expansion of China in sub-Saharan Africa's oil-rich region. The Republic of Niger is located in a landlocked country, the south of the Sahara, an area of 1.26 million square kilometers, a population of about 11 million, is the world's third-largest uranium producer.

Agadem (Agadem) oil block a total area of 28,000 square kilometers. Scale is only second in the oil in Sudan's oil project.

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Belinga iron ore project in Africa and Gabon

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The total investment: 2.7 billion U.S. dollars

Project Duration: 2008 - 2033

July 8, 2008 Xinhua --- China National Machinery Industry Corporation website published the news that the Group's subsidiary, China National Machinery and Equipment Import and Export Corporation (CMEC) has recently signed with the Government of Gabon Gabon Belinga iron ore project mineral rights agreement. The two sides the joint venture will be based on the agreement of the mines and supporting infrastructure operators for 25 years, mine design annual extraction volume will reach 30 million tons.

Belinga (BELINGA) mine is located in northeastern Gabon mekambo iron zone, 97 kilometers southeast from the mekambo. The main mining area and its surrounding mines the total reserves of about 877 million tons. Deposit, 20 km north to south and east-west width of 5 km. In order to develop Belinga iron ore, the project needed to complete the construction of a hydropower station (4 X12.5MW), a railway (total length 562 km) and a port (annual traffic of 20 million tons), a total investment of approximately 27 billion U.S. dollars, in which iron ore mining (annual capacity of 20 million tons) was about 300 million U.S. dollars, hydroelectric plants of about 200 million U.S. dollars, the railway is about 15 billion U.S. dollars, the port is about 700 million U.S. dollars. Belinga iron ore that is discovered 50 years ago, but the development was very difficult and there has been no exploitation.

The project is carried out in Africa, China is now the largest resource investment project, is one of the largest investment to date in China in Gabon, a project.

Belinga iron ore area is tropical rain forest climate, trees are very dense, bushy, basically broken ground covered by leaves, generally inaccessible, you must open oil saws and machetes. Work on the project task is arduous, time is short, but less geologists, geological staff and local workers with machetes and chain saw cutting exploration line, generally two hours in order to move forward 100 meters. Sometimes, mapping from the top to the foot to turn the 34 cliffs, and steep terrain, until the foot has been sweating, and then back to the summit had been imagined, but no one complained called tired, they so that the entire duration completed a total of 20 square kilometers of geological mapping.
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