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Chinese Submarine Stalked U.S. Aircraft Carrier

Because India wants an excuse to nuke china.

Sir, your point is Baseless. I request either a reference where India has expressed desire to nuke any country OR you should take back you sentence.
Not doing either will just show you treat forum space as chit-chat place ...
Didnt u know India has adopted 'no-first-use' policy ? (unlike Pakistan, which has threatened use of any means , which means = nukes, even in conventional wars)
Sir, your point is Baseless. I request either a reference where India has expressed desire to nuke any country OR you should take back you sentence.
Not doing either will just show you treat forum space as chit-chat place ...
Didnt u know India has adopted 'no-first-use' policy ? (unlike Pakistan, which has threatened use of any means , which means = nukes, even in conventional wars)

Don't even bother to ask that guy (Mr. Fizzy) for an explanation for that remarkably obtuse statement- he has none!
And some jerk even found that unfounded and untenable "off the cuff" statement worthy of appreciation? Funny world!
wtf?!? why did you just dig up a 5 year old thread?
A five year old report? Seriously?

Maybe you will find the fact that China has tested an ASAT missile even more interesting. :woot:
wtf?!? why did you just dig up a 5 year old thread?
Sir I did what I did because I wanted to do, what I did do.
Do I have to justify further in any other vain hyperbole which is also going get shot down anyways..
Also what's so offensive about it ?
Holy thread necromancy Batman!

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