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'Chinese students stealing tech secrets from UK varsities’

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Mar 8, 2011
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'Chinese students stealing tech secrets from UK varsities? - The Times of India

LONDON: British industrial designer Sir James Dyson has alleged that Chinese students at the country's universities are stealing scientific and technological secrets and passing them on to their country.

"They (Chinese students) go back home taking that science and technology knowledge with them and then they start competing with us. This is mad, it is madness," Dyson, best know for inventing the bagless vacuum cleaner, told the UK's Sunday Times newspaper.

British universities minister David Willetts said he will carefully study the evidence that Dyson has got.

Universities UK chief executive Nicola Dandridge said, "We are very aware this is going on and we are taking it very seriously." Electronic engineering and computer sciences are suspected to be among the two sectors where technology is being stolen. Dyson said many Chinese students continue to do so even after leaving UK. "Bugs are left in PCs so that data continues to be transmitted after the students return home."
WOW , i thought idiots didn't exist. If Brits are scared they should ban all international students immediately .
"They (Chinese students) go back home taking that science and technology knowledge with them and then they start competing with us. This is mad, it is madness,"
what should the Chinese students take when they graduate from school?should they take their girlfriends or bf rather than the knowledge what they learn in the universities,right?
PS:just have a look at the antiques and the historical relics displayed in the British Museum,you will see who is the biggest robber and stealer.:cheesy:
That is ridiculous - it is not as if these are sensitive military secrets. You pay for an education and you use it to the best of your abilities wherever you want. It is not as if the British taxpayer is paying for educating the Chinese - in fact the Chinese student is subsidizing education for the average British student.
what should the Chinese students take when they graduate from school?should they take their girlfriends or bf rather than the knowledge what they learn in the universities,right?
PS:just have a look at the antiques and the historical relics displayed in the British Museum,you will see who is the biggest robber and stealer.:cheesy:

This is the problem of selective reading... better read the complete article.. I think you are not working with any MNC or may be you have not studied in any American University...

When you work on some project (in company or college) you must submit it to the company/college. The datas belong to the institution not individual.... here in this case brits observed that the chinies are stealing the data.. and worst thing is they are bugging there system, thru which they are stealing there research even if they leave the institution...

Chinies are not allowed to use there mobile or laptop while in college... this is to prevent the ill-practice...
:pop: There is no evidence of the allegations.
Look, it is a group attack --- "Chinese students." A British drug trafficking in China, Can we say that all British are the drug traffickers?

That is the racist, I think the Chinese students studying in the UK should be reduced, Perhaps the USA, New Zealand, Australia is willing to accept more Chinese students.
any source other then TOIlet will be appreciated

Did you miss this part ?

"They (Chinese students) go back home taking that science and technology knowledge with them and then they start competing with us. This is mad, it is madness," Dyson, best know for inventing the bagless vacuum cleaner, told the UK's Sunday Times newspaper.


Chinese students steal secrets: inventor James Dyson | The Australian
Sir James Dyson says British inventions at risk from Chinese spies at some unversities - mirror.co.uk
You should also give credit to Indian users here for constantly posting anti-China articles.

And credit to Pakistani members for acting more catholic than pope. I mean, seriously, how much MORE you need to do to prove your worth?

Its an international news, moronic comments abt indian newspapers are just a lame diversion attempt.
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