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Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

Why does India massacre Muslims, a recognized religion with 1500 years of history and 1 billion followers around the world?

Indeed, why do they?

And why do Chinese massacre the Chinese as in Tienanmen Square and now in Inner Mongolia?

Tough questions, what?
Looks like China is doing what's best for its national interest..As if US Does not engage in Espionage.If an American was caught then US would apply all pressure to release him and then probably give him Medal of Honor award ( Like the award given to that mass murdered genocidal pig Navy guy who shot down Iranian Civil Air craft).
Falun Gong was banned because it caused riots and violence all over the country. Each country has the right to ban certain religions and groups for the sake of national security and every country has to respect that. The US bans many religions and so do other countries. China is no different.

Arresting a "spy" who's keeping tabs on a potentially dangerous group is pretty much like arresting a spy who's spying on the Taliban or the Hezbollah.
I believe it is believed by them that it is a CIA front!

And guess what? Liu Xiaobo and the Dalai Lama were both discovered being on the pay list of the CIA. Both received a huge portion of their income through the CIA.
And why do Chinese massacre the Chinese as in Tienanmen Square and now in Inner Mongolia?

So, when riot police are deployed in China to keep peace, it's called a "massacre", but when they are deployed in India, it's called "anti-terrorism", huh? Even when Indian police are known to have caused far more casualties.

Do you honestly don't know how to read newspapers or compare numbers?
Make no mistake the China started to fear the Fulan Gong not becuase of thier beliefs. But becuase they became so large and had the audacity to protest agianst the Communist Government starting back in the late 90's. Large scale dissent agianst the communist party is never tolerated.
Make no mistake the China started to fear the Fulan Gong not becuase of thier beliefs. But becuase they became so large and had the audacity to protest agianst the Communist Government starting back in the late 90's. Large scale dissent agianst the communist party is never tolerated.

Not against the CCP at first, against a local television station that said that what they preached was pseudoscience.
Looks like China is doing what's best for its national interest..As if US Does not engage in Espionage.If an American was caught then US would apply all pressure to release him and then probably give him Medal of Honor award ( Like the award given to that mass murdered genocidal pig Navy guy who shot down Iranian Civil Air craft).
What is preventing China from doing the same to the Germans? Or are you saying that it is America's responsibility to free a Chinese citizen caught doing something the Germans consider illegal?
Re-educated in "correct thinking" May the party last 1000 years! Down with puppets and running dogs!

You are just a running dog of the west who still think dalai lama is a saint, flg is peace loving???!!!

I am just so happy that we get rid of those idiots.

Those flgs can rot anywhere they want except China.
Make no mistakes, we Chinese know how to deal with 'criminals" that violated our Law, especially "drug trafficking" regardless of their nationality.
Off cos, certain nationals are more known for such crimes world wide than others, we executed 71 drugs dealer in 1999, eleven were our beloved vietnamese "comrade" so basically it proved there will be no exception for convicted criminals in China.;)
Falun Gong is admired supported and welcomed around the world, including in Hong Kong.It is also practised in 114 countries all around the world. Because I am a Westerner you can easily trust me on this point.

I ask you to ponder this : "If Falun Gong was how the CCP portrays us, would Falun Gong be supported around the world?" Many people know about the Tiananmen Massacre of 1989. Many foreign media reported on it, and around the world we saw the footage of many people killed. However, to this day the CCP does not admit how many fellow Chinese it slaughtered. "The CCP is obviously lying, so how can you trust what the CCP says? Why is it that so much information we give you, including photographs and video footage, you have never come into contact with this in the mainland? Doesn't this mean that the CCP has been hiding the truth?"
Please dont slander Falun Gong. One day you will very proud that Falun Dafa originated in China and broke thru this communism to give you back your heritage and true culture.
Falun Gong is admired supported and welcomed around the world, including in Hong Kong.It is also practised in 114 countries all around the world. Because I am a Westerner you can easily trust me on this point.

I ask you to ponder this : "If Falun Gong was how the CCP portrays us, would Falun Gong be supported around the world?" Many people know about the Tiananmen Massacre of 1989. Many foreign media reported on it, and around the world we saw the footage of many people killed. However, to this day the CCP does not admit how many fellow Chinese it slaughtered. "The CCP is obviously lying, so how can you trust what the CCP says? Why is it that so much information we give you, including photographs and video footage, you have never come into contact with this in the mainland? Doesn't this mean that the CCP has been hiding the truth?"
Please dont slander Falun Gong. One day you will very proud that Falun Dafa originated in China and broke thru this communism to give you back your heritage and true culture.

Crap like how Li Hongzhi single handedly created the Earth, including his birth father and mother and stuff like how he was a superior deity to Jesus and the Buddha? I will be proud indeed. Having a cult like this running the country means that we've gained superiority over two major religions.
OMG, here come another self-proclaimed "galay chai" westerner, i thought my english was bad........guess i ain't seeing anything yet..:pop:
I have never read anywhere what you have just written about the founder of Falun Gong. If you have been told this or read on some other slandering CCP propaganda site then i can't really say anything and of course you will believe what the CCP tells you.

But the facts speak for themselves. All around this world there are Falun Gong practitioners in 114 countries living by good universal principles of TRUTH COMPASSION AND FORBEARANCE. In these troubled times this is good thing to live by.

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