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Chinese scientists’ new ‘super-strong foam’ could form lightweight tank and troop armour

Sourgrape spotted. I am suprised at your igorance of common practice of scientific research publish. If everybody keeps their research secret. Why does the nobel prize awards know whose science research contributed best to human kind?

American do publish their research, just becos your selective mind shelve it :D

Of course everyone does publish their research, it is about the extent, and trust me I find a disparity in publishing data.

Usually for any topic, US has about 2-3 times the articles published by China, but for sensitive things like OTH, Laser weapons, China leads slightly. Now my analysis is that China is more generous with publishing this.

You can check this out by using Scopus.
So you are not telling me about Chinese laser weapon research?

I am telling you to learn Chinese,for only a very small volume of Chinese scientific and technological achievements gets reported or covered in English。

English might be your official language,it is only of limited use in China。
I am telling you to learn Chinese,for only a very small volume of Chinese scientific and technological achievements gets reported or covered in English。

English might be your official language,it is only of limited use in China。
He may be shocked to know that we learn physics/chemistry/medicine/biology all in Chinese.
Fantastic news. Soon we will see green blue red yellow balloons on tanks instead of armour
hi, could the impact kinetic energy converted to potential stored energy? that would be great...
Creative! You just want to absorb the collision energy to stored energy(electricity energy?). How about to absorb heat/blast energy?

You are just a little greedy for now. :enjoy:
its good to know china is advancing
it is a good achievement







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