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Chinese President NOT in CONTROL of PLA

What exactly is the India media or whoever's purpose in doing this?
Is this suppose to be taken seriously?
Or should just let you guy be?
I was guessing this from long time...I am sure there is something wrong between Chini Army and Chini Govt.
Sometime back there was news that there is differences between PLA and Chini Navy.
Can of worms has opened. The much guarded secret of Chini Government not having control over chini army is out now.

India should make more friends around the chini border in order to keep chini army in check and busy in other sectors. If Chini army is not obeying their government then it is very possible scenario that they would like to overthrow the chini government and have military dictartorship like their pakistani counter parts.
Lol.. PLA is a rogue force
After humiliation, Indians apply emergency self-delusion techniques to stop the inferiority burning.
After humiliation, Indians apply emergency self-delusion techniques to stop the inferiority burning.
Posting soldiers within Chinese territories and setting up camps is humiliation for Indians? Chinese logic!
It was always known that the PLA cares two hoots for the CCP. They are in a world of their own.

All they now need is a doze of 1967.
definitely, we are out of control, you need to pull more troops in cause we have two artillery brigade with some of the world's best artillery pieces, a army aviation brigade with at least 2 battalion of attack helicopters. A brigade of anti air troops, with latest anti air gear and whatever the second artillery has. Not to mention, all infantry are equipped with all terrain, all purpose vehicles, and much more.

Though to lessen your load, there is only a little more than one division there, so just pull four of your own and you at least be able to withstand the initial assault.
Never heard about communist regime which has no complete control of its army throughout history.......
definitely, we are out of control, you need to pull more troops in cause we have two artillery brigade with some of the world's best artillery pieces, a army aviation brigade with at least 2 battalion of attack helicopters. A brigade of anti air troops, with latest anti air gear and whatever the second artillery has. Not to mention, all infantry are equipped with all terrain, all purpose vehicles, and much more.

Though to lessen your load, there is only a little more than one division there, so just pull four of your own and you at least be able to withstand the initial assault.
Its been 4 decades when are you guys actually invading?
Must be embarrassing to see low IQ Indians occupying Chinese territory.
@isro2222 my man I missed. you have no idea how many "chahne wale" you have on PDF.

As soon I saw your name I jumped without 2nd thoughts. You always bring new dimensions to topics.

This time I believe its not greys but reds who are coming to get us.

Guide us Oh Great one. And lead us a-holes to future

Im facing some strange issue whenever i turn my mobile to center of Galaxy the signal gets strong. Is it mean Aliens are contacting me ??????
All they now need is a doze of 1967.

I'm intrested in this discuss because my brother is a PLA.
I'm intrested in this discuss because my brother is a PLA.
Stupid things that happened in the past. They gave both countries a lesson on what not to do in future. Now both petrol across each others perceived borders and remain mostly friendly. Incidence like the current one happen not to often, but they do not escalate to the point of violence. So if your genuinely worried about your brother, nothing will happen. Both sides would do a lot of posturing and then back down.
this guy need to lay off the DMT.
I'm intrested in this discuss because my brother is a PLA.
Good! What rank does he adorn? Was he at Nathula in 1967? If so, he would've retired long ago! Ask him what happened to the PLA there.
Good! What rank does he adorn? Was he at Nathula in 1967? If so, he would've retired long ago! Ask him what happened to the PLA there.
:lol: Desperate Indians deluding themselves when they are utterly humiliated by PLA in 1962, 2012 and 2014.
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