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Chinese PM Wishes Modi, Calls India ‘Natural Partner’

I say give Jammu to China in exchange for AP and Aksai Chin.
I say give Jammu to China in exchange for AP and Aksai Chin.
Do you even know local maps? and how to differentiate them?

It's better to invest money on something with safe returns and appreciation than somewhere full of poor people and hostility.
Like i said why do you think Buddhist and hindu religion philosophies are being spread around?Cos we never had a fight and we were always the best neighbors. :D
I would like to see India working with china and dominate the world,if only china stops its stupid claims of its Indian territory.
Like i said why do you think Buddhist and hindu religion philosophies are being spread around?Cos we never had a fight and we were always the best neighbors. :D

Modern day Indians after British rule are very different from the old time locals. The "natural affinity" of Buddhism" might have completely vanished in the history.

Your future is with us. Together we can restructure the power equation of the globe back into Asia. You tried pouring your money into a certain other country and it has served you no purpose.

What is the point of raking up past skeletons?

Today's world crisis has given us an opportunity to reflect at our tensions and see who really can gain from this development.

You have the opportunity right in front of you.

Cool down your hyperbole. Your leaders are on pretty good terms with our new PM.

I guess that Indian Modi might bring good changes to your politics and economy. But don't tell me India would be a natural destiny of Chinese investment. Maybe we should only promote trade, nothing else. China has invested in many places over the world. It'd be foolish to pour capitals into Vietnam-like neighbours.
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I guess that Indian Modi might bring good changes to your politics and economy. But don't tell me India would be a natural destiny of Chinese investment. Maybe we should only promote trade, nothing else. China has invested in many places over the world. It'd be foolish to pour capitals into Vietnam-like neighbours.

It really has to soften past problems that was created under Sonia Gandhi's leadership.
Are there snow covered mountains in Jammu?





Do we have a deal?
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