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Chinese PL-15 BVR missile better than AIM-120D BUT inferior to Meteor: Top British think tank

Jan 11, 2020
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Royal United Services Institute is the world's oldest Defence think tank (150-170 years) and is also one of the best.
So far only missile that has shown promise in conflicts is AIM 120. All others are nothing more than paper tigers considering they havent been used in the field yet. Russian BVR have proven to be duds considering their lack of success. Chinese SD10, PL15 still not put in field same goes for Meteor.
So far only missile that has shown promise in conflicts is AIM 120. All others are nothing more than paper tigers considering they havent been used in the field yet. Russian BVR have proven to be duds considering their lack of success. Chinese SD10, PL15 still not put in field same goes for Meteor.
Absolutely right

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Royal United Services Institute is the world's oldest Defence think tank (150-170 years) and is also one of the best.
Well if UK institute is saying that a Chinese bvr M is better then amraam the current mainstay of NATO
Then it's very impressive

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Royal United Services Institute is the world's oldest Defence think tank (150-170 years) and is also one of the best.
Well if UK institute is saying that a Chinese bvr M is better then amraam the current mainstay of NATO
Then it's very impressive
So far only missile that has shown promise in conflicts is AIM 120. All others are nothing more than paper tigers considering they havent been used in the field yet. Russian BVR have proven to be duds considering their lack of success. Chinese SD10, PL15 still not put in field same goes for Meteor.
since our neighbour has bought it(meteor) so it will be better than any thing in the entire weapons of this universe
According to ISRP, 5 or 500 Rafael means nothing to Pakistan. End of story.
Umm article also says that China is now ahead of Russia in most areas of aviation with the exception of engines. Guess that’s a fact as well?
Royal United Services Institute
lol into the trash it goes 😂

Just another name in the same U.S. and U.S. puppet regime controlled propaganda echochamber. This trash "thinktank" parotted the same dumb spin about China needing "6 days" to verify an unknown virus outbreak to guilt China as opposed to months in superior "free and democratic" countries who where even warned by China and still kept reclessly spreading it, yet are protrayed as victims, denying factual evidence of Covid likely appearing in Lombardy Italy way before it was known in China and even went on full damage controll when people got wind that large groups of Americans where visiting Wuhan right before the outbreak, calling the inconvenient plain facts contradicting their narrative "selfdefeating Chinese propaganda".

This same trash "thinktank" even claimed China surrendered to Indian Super Power in South Tibet and retreated in June July.

No different than all the other trashy U.S. controlled propaganda mouthpieces

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