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Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

The first ship of type 054 (predecessor of 054A) has completed MLU (Mid-Life Upgrade). #525 PLANS Ma'anshan entered service in September 2005.

0 525 054.jpg

0 525 b.jpg
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After 16 years of research and development, the U.S. Navy's railgun program may come to an end.
The 2022 budget shows that two separate projects related to railgun development (railgun and hypervelocity projectile /HVP) will be eliminated (with no avail).
China: "Come on, let us show you our big baby" (June 3, 2021)

【GYS社】DominicS·祖国万岁!@DominicSGYS on 2021.06.03:

2022财年预算显示,与轨道炮研发相关的两个独立项目(轨道炮和超高速炮弹(HVP) )将被清零

US Navy Railgun & HVP Programs.jpg

Chinese Navy's Railgun - CNN.png
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Maybe wikipedia isn't up to date but could someone tell how many minehunters PLAN operates? Looking at wiki minehunters make really small portion of the navy despite countries surrounding China arming themselves with naval mines.

Common sense dictates that minehunting should be top priority especially since US Navy has all kinda mines on it's arsenal.
Maybe wikipedia isn't up to date but could someone tell how many minehunters PLAN operates? Looking at wiki minehunters make really small portion of the navy despite countries surrounding China arming themselves with naval mines.

Common sense dictates that minehunting should be top priority especially since US Navy has all kinda mines on it's arsenal.

Yes, english wikipedia kinda like not updated for Chinese Navy.

Zhonghua (Chinese language) Wikipedia is much better and updated. You can translate the page also to english


If I'm not wrong, they have almost 25 Minesweepers on active duty at this moment. With the recent one got commissioned in 2019 from Type 081 Class Minesweepers.

But I believe they will launch a new class (next-gen) of minesweepers in 2020-2025 period
Maybe wikipedia isn't up to date but could someone tell how many minehunters PLAN operates? Looking at wiki minehunters make really small portion of the navy despite countries surrounding China arming themselves with naval mines.

Common sense dictates that minehunting should be top priority especially since US Navy has all kinda mines on it's arsenal.

Use Chinese wikipedia for matters relating to the Chinese Navy. Unfortunately the English wikipedia for the pages on the Chinese Navy, like warship classes and their construction, is virtually useless now.

Just to recap, the story goes that a few years ago, people were noticing that when info on new ships on the 054A Frigate class was added to the relevant page on wikipedia, someone would then delete that info quickly, and this kept happening. Out of curiosity i added some data on the 054A page, and guess what it all disappeared the next day or two. I mentioned it to wikipedia, and they said they were aware that someone was deleting any new info on this page, and were trying to find out who it was. But i suspect that either this person is still active on wikipedia, or wikipedia have frozen the page. The same thing happened on the 056 Corvette page. for a while. To prove this data is incomplete, look at the the 05A Frigate page, and look at the construction table. It only lists 18 vessels as being active, whereas we know it is 30 vessels and has been like that for several years now.

The point is wikipedia is a global resource for billions of people around the world, and though anyone can add data to any page on any subject, it appears that as in the case of the Chinese Navy, someone seemed to think it was their own personal webpage, and they would only allow data on it that they had added themselves. Its quite clear that this person is not functioning correctly in the brain department.........so the moral of the story is don't use the English version of wikipedia for upto date info on the Chinese Navy.

I think most of us now go to the Chinese version of wikipedia for info on Chinese warship classes, and their construction.
After 16 years of research and development, the U.S. Navy's railgun program may come to an end.
The 2022 budget shows that two separate projects related to railgun development (railgun and hypervelocity projectile /HVP) will be eliminated (with no avail).
China: "Come on, let us show you our big baby" (June 3, 2021)

【GYS社】DominicS·祖国万岁!@DominicSGYS on 2021.06.03:

2022财年预算显示,与轨道炮研发相关的两个独立项目(轨道炮和超高速炮弹(HVP) )将被清零

View attachment 750703

View attachment 750704

China has more exposure to maglev technology in reality world application therefore China would master rail gun technology before US just like the shorter EMALS flight deck on Type 003 compared to US CVN Ford Class.

Sharing this link here on PLAN Type 52D destroyer firing laser at US P-8 that gotten too close to Spratlys. The PLAN sailor's English is so funny in the recorded conversation between USN pilots & PLAN destroyer crew. China has been using laser blinder on Type98 MBT and on destroyer.
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