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Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

Fzgfzy's predictions for 2019
(via Jobjed /SDF 2019.01.23):
  • Very possible for two carriers to show up together at the 70th Anniversary Naval Parade
  • Dalian will pause carrier construction for a bit to upgrade facilities in preparation for CVNs
  • 003's modules may start being moved to a drydock this year
  • He personally believes 003 will have conventional propulsion, not nuclear
  • Eight 071s have been confirmed, 075 modules have also begun appearing
  • The last two 071s were ordered alongside three 075s and he thought 075s would be built first, but HDZH decided to do the exact opposite so 075 is appearing later than initially predicted
  • There is an enlarged 075 under development
  • Ninth and tenth 055 may appear this year
  • 055A not yet ready, blueprints are still being drawn up
  • 052D will continue, the PLAN put in extra orders
  • 052E's systems are still being tested but if it doesn't get an IFEP and only a partial IEP, it could appear before 055A
  • Export 054As beginning construction
  • 054B, in his view, though late, will still arrive -- he suggests the reason for lateness is a design change from partial IEP to IFEP
  • A bunch of 724s will be built by Shanghai and Guangzhou yards in consideration of the latest batch of 071s and imminent 075s
  • Second domestic Zubr should be finished this year, future production depends on how fast Russia delivers engines
  • Large semi-submersible mothership being researched, four will be needed
  • 056-builders are finishing up existing orders, no new orders placed
  • Railgun will be made smaller for active deployment
  • A new torpedo is ready for service
  • Direction of EM weaponry development includes CIWS and anti-torpedo systems although they may not appear this year
  • Nuclear subs accelerated -- 09V coming soon, 09VI won't be far behind
  • JL-3 development progressing very well
  • JNCX's nuclear icebreaker is leading the way for China's efforts in marine nuclear propulsion
  • He believes China will adopt a 3-step process for nuclear propulsion; first is nuclear offshore engineering vessels, second is nuclear special-purposes and auxiliary vessels like icebreakers, third is CVNs -- China's currently at step 2 according to him

Exclusive: Rare footage shows Chinese navy's fighting capacity. April 23 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy (2019-04-11)

An awesome short footage posted by Xinhua News Agency!

The same footage yet in Full-HD is also made available at YouTube:
Last edited:
April 12, 2019

China May Build A Diving Guided-Missile Ship, And The Plans Look Nuts

Or Is this just fake news?

by Task and Purpose

The Chinese navy may be putting a new spin on a classic warship: It’s looking into the possibility of giving missile-laden arsenal ships submersible properties, enabling them to hide stockpiles of missiles, undetectable to radar, below the ocean surface.

The Chinese are exploring two arsenal-ship versions, according to Popular Science: One is a high-speed surface warship that can submerge at will, while the second is more similar to a traditional submarine.

What could a submersible surface ship do that a conventional submarine can’t? It could go really fast on the surface, thanks to a hydroplaning hull, Popular Science reports:

For stealth operations, the arsenal ship would have most of its hull inherently submerged, with only the bridge and a few other parts of the ship above the waterline, reducing the radar cross section. But when traveling with a high-speed naval taskforce, the arsenal ship will sacrifice stealth to use its flat hull bottom to hydroplane at high speeds, cutting across the waves like a speedboat or amphibious armored vehicle.

The alternative plan calls for a platform that behaves similar to World War II submarines, Popular Science writes — typically staying at the surface, but able to completely submerge for stealth.

Two Chinese universities are responsible for the designing the concepts, according to the Wuhan city government. Those institutions, the Wuhan University of Science and Technology and Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Naval University of Engineering, were awarded a state prize for the work.

The concepts have been in the works since 2011, but anticipation is building. According to Popular Science, the diving missile ship’s “proof-of-concept is under construction at Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industrial Corporation, to be launched after 2020.”

Red Star, Blue Water
Published on Apr 13, 2019

A special series on the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy has been on our agenda for many years. The traditionally land-based Chinese military is becoming a maritime power to protect the country's growing ocean trade and carry out new missions overseas. What is the motivation for growth? Why does it need to be strong? How is it transforming? And where is it heading?
Timeline: 70 years of the Chinese Navy
Published on Apr 15, 2019

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and April 23 marks the 70th founding anniversary of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy. The Central Military Commission has approved a multinational navy celebration event scheduled for April 23 to commemorate the anniversary.
The PLA Navy in 60 seconds: The Surface Force
Published on Apr 15, 2019

The Surface Force consists of units of destroyers, frigates, missile boats, torpedo boats, submarine chasers, gunboats, mine countermeasures, landing craft, fleet replenishments and auxiliaries. It was the only force on water when the PLA Navy was founded in April 1949, and has developed to be one of the main forces to strike and support the navy.
Timeline: 70 years of the Chinese Navy
Published on Apr 15, 2019

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and April 23 marks the 70th founding anniversary of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy. The Central Military Commission has approved a multinational navy celebration event scheduled for April 23 to commemorate the anniversary.
CGTN's narration claimed that the PLA Navy was said to be the third largest naval force in the world.

I wonder which country has the second largest naval power?
- Russia
- Britain
- France
- Japan

What do you think??? Is it a not convincing, groundless force downplay??? :D
The PLA Navy in 60 seconds: The Surface Force
Published on Apr 15, 2019

The Surface Force consists of units of destroyers, frigates, missile boats, torpedo boats, submarine chasers, gunboats, mine countermeasures, landing craft, fleet replenishments and auxiliaries. It was the only force on water when the PLA Navy was founded in April 1949, and has developed to be one of the main forces to strike and support the navy.
OedoSoldier posted a longer version of 91 seconds on 16 April 2019 :-)

PLA Navy video series – Naval Surface Combat Fleet


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