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Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

Could you please give at least a translated English summary?? Since here are so many members who don't speak Chinese, English is the main language of this board.

(1) There will be a fleet review by President Xi.
(2) 10* 052C/D, 7* 054A, 001, 901, 903(A), 2* 071 and so on.
(3) 7* nuclear submarine, fighter and helicopter fleet, and so on.

Yes, I will say very high probability that DDG 118 has been inducted into service. In PLAN tradition, only ships that have been accepted for delivery into service will have their pennant numbers painted.

(Painted only after signed, sealed and delivered, as what the law practicing people would have said o_O).
Yes, I will say very high probability that DDG 118 has been inducted into service. In PLAN tradition, only ships that have been accepted for delivery into service will have their pennant numbers painted.

(Painted only after signed, sealed and delivered, as what the law practicing people would have said o_O).
Yeah. It wouldn’t make sense to have such a wait for a commissioning ... especially at the pace they’re building.
HN0048 SOUTH CHINA SEA MILITARY EXERCISES IN AREA BOUNDED BY THE LINES JOINING 18-15.30N 109-44.72E,18-15.30N 110-09.10E,17-37.00N 110-09.10E,17-37.00N 108-55.92E,18-13.00N 108-55.92E,18-13.00N 109-24.73E AND 18-11.30N 109-28.80E FROM 101600UTC TO 131600UTC APR. ENTERING PROHIBITED. HAINAN MSA CHINA
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