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It says (1) Dalian Shipyard is building 002. 055 and 052D,
(2) JNCX (Shanghai) is building 003, 055 and 052D,
(3) HD (Shanghai) is building 075, 071, 052B, 052A and 056
(4) HP (Guangzhou) is building 054A, 054B and 056.

Also, from fzgfzy of CJDBY, contract for 3 units of 075 had been signed and construction has started.
Top view of 075:-
A translation for this? I recognize both 3(?) 075 LHDs and a reference to the 054b frigate program.

HuaHua the insider from CDF basically just list which shipyard is building what ships.

Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company
大连船舶重工集团有限公司( 002 carrier ,055 DDG,052D DDG)

Jiangnan Shipyard ( 江南造船厂)
(003 carrier , 055 DDG ,052D DDG)

Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding
Type 075 LHD, 071 LPD,054B frigate

CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding
054A frigate, 054B frigate, 056 corvette
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