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If I am not mistaken, 166 was the last ship in type 051 class, entering service in 1991, 26 years ago.

Unless it is in dock for damage repair, else it has to be upgraded for purpose of sale/ transfer to another country, may be Bangladesh or Cambodia. This ship has similar out-fit with original configuration of DDG 167 Shenzhen though with totally different hull.
This is a puzzle from huahua, I have not digested the message yet, except that there will be 6 units of LHA with 35,000 to 40,000 tonnes seen to be clear. Enjoy if you can read Chinese.










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This is a puzzle from huahua, I have not digested the message yet, except that there will be 6 units of LHA with 35,000 to 40,000 tonnes seen to be clear. Enjoy if you can read Chinese.











Henry.K from his twitter also said China will build at least 6 unit 40,000 tonnes Type 075 LHA for their Naval Forces (for first batch)
China to continue surely escort missions in Gulf of Aden, Somalia
Zhang Tao
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BEIJING, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to participate in escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia to protect the international lane, a spokesperson said on Friday.

The comment by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang came as UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres praised China in a report to the UN Security Council, saying that China's escort missions played an important role in coping with the pirate threat.

China appreciates the UN chief's acknowledgement of China's work and contribution, Geng said at a daily press briefing.

Under the mandate of the UN Security Council, Chinese Navy began to carry out escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and the waters off Somalia in December 2008. Up to July 2017, it has dispatched 26 task force groups, escorted 6,400 Chinese and foreign vessels and warned away more than 3,000 suspected pirate ships, according to Geng.

"China's engagement in international cooperation against Somali pirates has won applause and contributed to international and regional peace and security," said Geng.
Aircraft carrier designer confident for China's vessel-building technology
Source: China Military Online
By Lin Wei - Editor: Zhang Tao - 2017-10-27

Wu Xiaoguang, head of the No.701 Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC).jpg

Wu Xiaoguang, head of the No.701 Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC)

BEIJING, Oct. 27 (ChinaMil) -- China is fully capable of independently designing and developing large-size aircraft carriers and destroyers, according to Wu Xiaoguang, head of the No.701 Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC).

With the title of deputy chief designer for China's aircraft carrier program, Mr. Wu is also confident that China's vessel-building technology will lead the world. He said Tuesday that China has made substantial achievements in vessel building, especially vessel technology, over the past five years.

"China's first home-built aircraft carrier entered water at Dalian Shipyard on April 26 this year, and our large destroyer entered water at Jiangnan Shipyard on June 28. Only a great country is able to make such achievements,” Wu said, illustrating that "An aircraft carrier, for example, is a gigantic and complex systematic project, and a 'crown jewel' in the field of weapon and equipment."

"China's first home-built aircraft carrier does not only boast elaborate design. Every piece of special steel it uses, every piece of mechanical, electrical, electronic and special equipment and the aircraft, missiles, guns and torpedoes installed on it are all developed and manufactured ourselves," Wu expressed, adding that "China is fully capable of independently developing and designing medium and large-size aircraft carriers and large destroyers."

As is known to all, aircraft carriers and large destroyers are not only symbolic of a country's overall strength, but also necessary for defending its legitimate rights and interests overseas. Thus, Wu said that with the advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative, overseas Chinese assets and personnel will increase substantially, posing a growing demand for escort vessels.

"Our naval vessels have carried out joint exercises, evacuated overseas Chinese and conducted escort missions in the Gulf of Aden in waters off Somalia in recent years. China is the largest trading power in the world today, and 80 percent of our goods are transported by sea,” Wu said.

“China is also the country that turns out the most workers and tourists around the world. With the advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese assets and personnel overseas will increase substantially, and they need Chinese naval vessels' protection.”

Speaking to the future improvement of China's naval equipment and vessel technology, Wu said that "the average age of our designer team at No.701 Institute is only 37 years old, therefore, I believe our generation will make major headway in naval equipment development as well as vessel technology development in the future, and I'm confident that our vessel technology will be leading in the global vessel industry in the near future."


The educated guess based on Huahua's puzzle on the new type 075 LHA is

6 units to be build
36,000 tonnes displacement (full load around 40,000 tonnes)
carries 36 helicopters (Z20 and either Z19 or Z10)
8 lcac (landing craft air cushion)
Speculated ship pennant numbers may be 2x (21, 22...) as compare with 1X (16,17..) for aircraft carrier.
The new 052D Nanjing is a new variant from the first few 052D now in service, with upgraded 11 barrels 1130 CIWS and improved version of phase array radar (note the missing horizontal "rod" at the bottom of the square panel?).

The horizontal rod was rumoured to be calibration device for the radar.
If you read sinodef you'll notice that it has discussed this 6X 075 LHA puzzle and the general conclusion there is:
- can't be built in Dalian shipyard
- must be built in Shanghai: either HDZH Shipyard or split 50/50 into HDZH and JNCX shipyards --- learning curve & build efficiency reasons
- most deemed PLAN will start gradually/slowly, two first or even one after another

btw I don't like the way sinodef talked down about pakdef --said something like this is just a fanboy venue... or rumoured-based forum, everything posted here is false until positively proven etc... what a self-touted grace or self-importance -- and no one cared to correct such belittlement of PDF there... (Poor @grey boy 2 being badmouthed there :P) yet at the same time members at sinodef feel free to use info/pics first posted here... even some translated works without any credit given to the translator (I spotted some of my time-consuming translation work, not just any post, being copy-paste there, though I can care less to file any complaint or make it clear call-out but those who did should grasp it... not that such act really matters to myself (after all I ain't an attention-seeker) but I just dislike the look-down)... how can one use the material taken from an inferior place??? sound to be hypocritical! :lol: Indeed some mutual respect should have been preserved, I think that some courtesy among the players at the same field even the competing ones is still a common practice :D... and to give the credit where it's due! Trust not my words, verify on your own.

The educated guess based on Huahua's puzzle on the new type 075 LHA is

6 units to be build
36,000 tonnes displacement (full load around 40,000 tonnes)
carries 36 helicopters (Z20 and either Z19 or Z10)
8 lcac (landing craft air cushion)
Speculated ship pennant numbers may be 2x (21, 22...) as compare with 1X (16,17..) for aircraft carrier.
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If you read sinodef you'll notice that it has discussed this 6X 075 LHA puzzle and the general conclusion there is:
- can't be built in Dalian shipyard
- must be built in Shanghai: either HDZH Shipyard or split 50/50 into HDZH and JNCX shipyards --- learning curve & build efficiency reasons
- most deemed PLAN will start gradually/slowly, two first or even one after another

btw I don't like the way sinodef talked down about pakdef --said something like this is just a fanboy venue... or rumoured-based forum, everything posted here is false until positively proven etc... what a self-touted grace or self-importance -- and no one cared to correct such belittlement of PDF there... (Poor @grey boy 2 being badmouthed there :P) yet at the same time users at sinodef feel free to use info/pics first posted here... even some translated works without any credit given to the translator (I spotted some of my time-consuming translation work, not just any post, being copy-paste there, though I can care less to file any complaint or make it clear call-out but those who did should grasp it)... how can one use the material taken from an inferior place??? sound to be hypocritical! :lol: Indeed some mutual respect should have been preserved... and give the credit where it's due! Trust not my words, verify on your own.

Sinodef has many senior western pseudo experts making many false claims. I hardly go there now adays. It is a "professional" forum mainly for professional fishermen who pretend to be friendly to China so as to reap what they want.
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If you read sinodef you'll notice that it has discussed this 6X 075 LHA puzzle and the general conclusion there is:
- can't be built in Dalian shipyard
- must be built in Shanghai: either HDZH Shipyard or split 50/50 into HDZH and JNCX shipyards --- learning curve & build efficiency reasons
- most deemed PLAN will start gradually/slowly, two first or even one after another

btw I don't like the way sinodef talked down about pakdef --said something like this is just a fanboy venue... or rumoured-based forum, everything posted here is false until positively proven etc... what a self-touted grace or self-importance -- and no one cared to correct such belittlement of PDF there... (Poor @grey boy 2 being badmouthed there :P) yet at the same time members at sinodef feel free to use info/pics first posted here... even some translated works without any credit given to the translator (I spotted some of my time-consuming translation work, not just any post, being copy-paste there, though I can care less to file any complaint or make it clear call-out but those who did should grasp it... not that such act really matters to myself (after all I ain't an attention-seeker) but I just dislike the look-down)... how can one use the material taken from an inferior place??? sound to be hypocritical! :lol: Indeed some mutual respect should have been preserved, I think that some courtesy among the players at the same field even the competing ones is still a common practice :D... and to give the credit where it's due! Trust not my words, verify on your own.
There is just one specific member badmouthing grey boy, and he happens to be of a snobbish/condescending character. His personal crusade against PDF is not indicative of the whole entire SDF forum. Indeed, some members even get their information from PDF posters like grey boy or cirr ... but if one or two prickly members decide to badmouth this forum, it is their fault. That poster in question used to be in PDF ... except he was permanently banned for personal reasons. I presume some SDF members do indeed respect the dedication of PDF posters ... except they will be talked down by some negative members if they said something positive. SDF is nonetheless still a good forum ... with good contributors
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