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Must-know facts about Chinese PLA Navy
(People's Daily Online) 12:46, April 20, 2017



The PLA Navy celebrates Navy Day every year on April 23. This year marks the 68th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese navy. It is also the second year of the nation's military reform, which positions the PLA Navy to take on more responsibilities.

Below are some must-know facts about the PLA Navy, which guards the country's 18,000-kilometer-long coastal line and 3 million square kilometers of waters.

According to the PLA Daily, the Chinese navy has several hundred troops stationed on mountainous islands in the sea. Combat ships are out in the water for nearly two-thirds of the year. Every day, thousands of naval soldiers and officers go to work on hundreds of ships, and every single one of them is expertly trained to fight, should the need arise. China has also made breakthroughs in the development of aircraft carriers, and is one of the few countries in the world that can independently train pilots for carrier-based fighter jets.



Blue-water training has become a regular practice for the Chinese navy. To enhance the nation's convoy and combat capability, China has stepped up training away from home. Naval ships and aircraft have made several hundred training trips. Between the end of 2016 and early 2017, China's aircraft carrier fleet also for the first time joined blue-water training in the West Pacific.

Every year, several hundred navy patrol trips are made to enhance the security of waters under Chinese jurisdiction. Meanwhile, the weapons advancement and logistics for naval forces have made remarkable progress, with the arrival of more advanced depot ships, emergency response ships and helicopters. New technologies have even ensured that fresh fruit and vegetables can be preserved for up to 50 days, up from the previous 15. The Chinese navy has demonstrated high efficiency in escort missions, joint rescue and evacuation.


PLA navy expands mission, protects interest in open seas

By Yang Sheng - Source: Global Times - Published: 2017/04/24

Strong navy can deter foreign interference, boost economy


Sailors line up during a ceremony in Shanghai before a three-vessel fleet of the Chinese People's Liberation Army navy leaves port for a 20-country friendly visit on April 23, as the military celebrates the 68th founding anniversary of the navy. Photo: CFP

The Chinese navy has expanded its capability to not only safeguard the country's coastal areas, but also to secure China's interests in the open seas, 68 years after the establishment of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) navy, experts said.

Sunday marked the anniversary of the establishment of the navy. A fleet of three Chinese naval ships left Shanghai in the morning for a friendly visit to more than 20 countries.

With the expansion of foreign trade, as well as China's One Belt and One Road initiative, the Chinese navy has taken on a new mission, which is to protect the country's overseas interests.

As a consequence, China's military strategy for the navy has changed and it must increase its presence overseas to meet the new requirements, military expert Song Zhongping said.

As a signature achievement of the navy, the Liaoning aircraft carrier has gained in combat capability and finished its blue sea training, and the country's first domestically built carrier is also expected to be launched soon.

The visiting fleet from Shanghai, composed of missile destroyer Changchun, missile frigate Jingzhou and supply ship Chaohu, will tour Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania in a trip lasting nearly 180 days, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

The visits will convey friendship, deepen military communication and cooperation and show a good image of the Chinese navy, said Miao Hua, Political Commissar of the navy, who saw the fleet off. All three ships were domestically built, and this is the maiden overseas voyage of the Jingzhou, commissioned in 2016. The other two ships have previously conducted many escort, drill and patrol missions.

Aside from friendly communication with other countries, the overseas visits will provide a valuable opportunity for the navy to learn sea conditions and environments in different parts of the world, so the fleet's officers and sailors will be better prepared for future missions like search and rescue, evacuation, and anti-piracy, an anonymous former PLA navy officer told the Global Times.

According to the latest white paper China's Military Strategy released by the Information Office of the State Council on May 26, 2015, the navy would be shifting its focus from "near-shore defense" to a combined strategy of "near-shore defense" and "open seas protection," and is building a multi-functional and efficient marine combat force structure.

The navy will enhance its capabilities for strategic deterrence and counterattack, maritime maneuvers, joint operations at sea, comprehensive defense and comprehensive support.

"Today, the navy has realized the strategic transformation to 'open seas protection,'" said Zhang Junshe, a senior research fellow at the PLA Naval Military Studies Research Institute.

'Offshore waters' and 'open seas'

"'Near-shore defense' means defense in areas close to China's land territory like the South China Sea, Taiwan Strait and the Diaoyu Islands, and in order to meet this requirement, the navy has to gain an overwhelming advantage at least within the first island chain," Xu Guangyu, a senior advisor to the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, told the Global Times.

"However, we can never say we are fully prepared for a military resolution to the Taiwan question," Song said.

A victory is without question if the PLA only deals with Taiwan's military, but it will have to take US and Japanese intervention into consideration, he said. China should always unremittingly improve its capability to keep foreign military intervention away from Taiwan.

"'Open seas defense' means protecting China's overseas interests, including Chinese personnel, projects, investment and trade routes. In recent years, the navy has proved it can successfully execute overseas missions like anti-piracy protection in the Gulf of Aden and evacuations from Libya and Yemen," said Li Jie, a Beijing-based naval expert.

It is necessary for China to develop a modern maritime military force structure commensurate with its national security and development interests, safeguard its national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, protect the security of strategic sea lines of communication and overseas interests, and participate in international maritime cooperation, so as to provide strategic support for building itself into a maritime power, the white paper said.

In addition, the navy also bears the highly important duty of securing the country's second nuclear strike capability, Song said. "China's new-generation ballistic missile submarine is now under construction and will be launched soon."

In addition, China's ambition to build a powerful navy will also boost the economy, as the navy is a technology-intensive corps and will push the improvement in scientific research, Song said.

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@Penguin what is your opinion about PLAN capabilities? Following video shows 2 type of VLS (Cold launch and Hot launch) what is your opinion on those?

I would favor the launch system which has the leats moving parts (stuff that can go wrong). That would be hot launch. The idea of ejecting a failed missile, even from a slanted launcher, is rather daunting. So much risk of a crash on deck (slanting may help, but if the hull rolls and pitches etc how much good will that do). In shorter, less moving parts, better materials, reliable missiles would be my way to go.
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