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Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

We got better. Neither US has an aircraft carrier with functional EMALS. :enjoy:

Aaah...So China have the better EMALS on paper ? :lol:

Here is the real deal, kid...


Not a single launch system have ever been trouble free and every one of them we worked it thru. EMALS is not going to be any different. If we decide not to deploy EMALS on the Gerald Ford, it is going to be from budgetary, not technical reasons.

But even if we decide not to deploy EMALS, the Gerald Ford is still overall the far superior combat platform your PLAN can produce IN THE NEXT 50 YRS.

You got one TRAINING carrier putt-putting around while we have several larger carriers in actual combat patrols and stations around the world. And you think the single item like EMALS is the definitive factor in whether whose navy is better ?

No wonder you PDF Chinese is the joke on this forum.
Aaah...So China have the better EMALS on paper ? :lol:

Here is the real deal, kid...


Not a single launch system have ever been trouble free and every one of them we worked it thru. EMALS is not going to be any different. If we decide not to deploy EMALS on the Gerald Ford, it is going to be from budgetary, not technical reasons.

But even if we decide not to deploy EMALS, the Gerald Ford is still overall the far superior combat platform your PLAN can produce IN THE NEXT 50 YRS.

You got one TRAINING carrier putt-putting around while we have several larger carriers in actual combat patrols and stations around the world. And you think the single item like EMALS is the definitive factor in whether whose navy is better ?

No wonder you PDF Chinese is the joke on this forum.

Typical response from an fake american. Can't work just say it. You are the one asking for functional EMAL on carrier and the response is no. The joke is on you :enjoy:
Typical response from an fake american. Can't work just say it. You are the one asking for functional EMAL on carrier and the response is no. The joke is on you :enjoy:
This is like saying two racers are the same, even though one (US) is almost at the finish line while the other one (China) just left the starting block. :lol:
This is like saying two racers are the same, even though one (US) is almost at the finish line while the other one (China) just left the starting block. :lol:

Sorry, we are no Indians. And the race is not even near finished line. I want to see how your 50 years before Chinese EMAL commission holds water.
Sorry, we are no Indians. And the race is not even near finished line. I want to see how your 50 years before Chinese EMAL commission holds water.
In the larger picture, it does not matter if the Chinese carrier have a functional EMALS and the US Gerald Ford does not.

We carry more aircrafts, nuclear powered, larger, more armaments, and the greatest asset of all -- experience. As far as those who have military experience goes, which you PDF Chinese do not, the race is over. Boasting about EMALS is like crowing who has the more colorful shoe laces when the race winner is standing on the No. 1 pedestal.
In the larger picture, it does not matter if the Chinese carrier have a functional EMALS and the US Gerald Ford does not.

We carry more aircrafts, nuclear powered, larger, more armaments, and the greatest asset of all -- experience. As far as those who have military experience goes, which you PDF Chinese do not, the race is over. Boasting about EMALS is like crowing who has the more colorful shoe laces when the race winner is standing on the No. 1 pedestal.
Blah blah blah. After failing to answer your own enquires about working carrier with functional EMAL. You divert the question. :lol:
We got better. Neither US has an aircraft carrier with functional EMALS. :enjoy:


Again for a pathetic BS.

You are testing that kind of technology and just achieved one successful launch from atest stand. How many test cycles have the US achieved over the last year? ... and now - that has to be admitted - they are facing issues in perfecting that technology for the operational service ... does that mean the CHinese system is already operational ??

@Deino @waz Please do your job! Thank you.

I know you are sourgraped and feel humilitated many times by me for exposing India and your weakness.

I speak nothing but the truth!

20000+ rating with only 9000 posts. I dont need your judgement! :enjoy:

Yes indeed I do my job and clean up; I will clean that thread and maybe even this forum from all that BS ... but it is exactly like he said: It's You. You are the main problem. You are in fact an idiot. You are such an arrogant, ignorant and plain stupid show-off. You cannot argue, You cannot discuss and even if You speak Chinese it seems that You most of the time fail to differ between bloody fan-boy-post with nationalistic blurb and facts which most of the time are hidden between the lines.

Again: Just look at all Your claims this years, which nearly ALL failed or were proven wrong, Your nearly countless personnel rude attacks - most of all against non-Chinese - regardless how well-founded they argue and even more funny and proof of what a great-mouthed pretender, boaster You are You are even showing by Yourself that You do not understand that rating system here: You did not get 20000+ ratings !!!! :crazy: but You posted 20,463 post of which 5 were rated positive and 22 negative.

As such - and that's exactly what was meant in #6636 in the J-20-thread - of Your 20,463 nearly 90% are rants, insults, personnel attacks, nationalistic chest-bumping without any real content and for that all You already received 22 negative ratings and how many bans ???

I would not call this a proof for being a true source of facts like You claim.

As such one again ... shut up, stop all You nationalistic rants and personnel attacks. Otherwise I will ban You so that You can go and look out for another forum.

And that's my final word.

Yes indeed I do my job and clean up; I will clean that thread and maybe even this forum from all that BS ... but it is exactly like he said: It's You. You are the main problem. You are in fact an idiot. You are such an arrogant, ignorant and plain stupid show-off. You cannot argue, You cannot discuss and even if You speak Chinese it seems that You most of the time fail to differ between bloody fan-boy-post with nationalistic blurb and facts which most of the time are hidden between the lines.

Again: Just look at all Your claims this years, which nearly ALL failed or were proven wrong, Your nearly countless personnel rude attacks - most of all against non-Chinese - regardless how well-founded they argue and even more funny and proof of what a great-mouthed pretender, boaster You are You are even showing by Yourself that You do not understand that rating system here: You did not get 20000+ ratings !!!! :crazy: but You posted 20,463 post of which 5 were rated positive and 22 negative.

As such - and that's exactly what was meant in #6636 in the J-20-thread - of Your 20,463 nearly 90% are rants, insults, personnel attacks, nationalistic chest-bumping without any real content and for that all You already received 22 negative ratings and how many bans ???

I would not call this a proof for being a true source of facts like You claim.

As such one again ... shut up, stop all You nationalistic rants and personnel attacks. Otherwise I will ban You so that You can go and look out for another forum.

And that's my final word.

You should delete all off topic post from this thread, including your post and any non Chinese discussion on any China weapons related thread should be deleted as well. They and you non Chinese can't contributed to any news or provide any accurate information about China weapons development without totally rely on Chinese themselve to update any technology breakthrough in any big item China weapon development. Even Chinese member aren't government sanction spokesperson, they can only speculated and discerned all the rumors about China weapons posted on mainland China website to draw their own conclusions. The only people have all the facts and have all the information about Chinese weapon are PRC government, Chinese military leaders, and China weapons development corporation. Anyone Outside of these 3 main body can't have the absolute knowledge about China weapons development.
You should delete all off topic post from this thread, including your post and any non Chinese discussion on any China weapons related thread should be deleted as well. They and you non Chinese can't contributed to any news or provide any accurate information about China weapons development without totally rely on Chinese themselve to update any technology breakthrough in any big item China weapon development. Even Chinese member aren't government sanction spokesperson, they can only speculated and discerned all the rumors about China weapons posted on mainland China website to draw their own conclusions. The only people have all the facts and have all the information about Chinese weapon are PRC government, Chinese military leaders, and China weapons development corporation. Anyone Outside of these 3 main body can't have the absolute knowledge about China weapons development.

Yep, I am already getting tired of seeing those non-Chinese folks keep making conclusion about our weapons and development.

They should rather keep it as a personal opinion, not keep pretending it is like an irrefutable conclusion or truth.
Yep, I am already getting tired of seeing those non-Chinese folks keep making conclusion about our weapons and development.

They should rather keep it as a personal opinion, not keep pretending it is like an irrefutable conclusion or truth.
You mean like China have a functional EMALS ?
Yep, I am already getting tired of seeing those non-Chinese folks keep making conclusion about our weapons and development.

They should rather keep it as a personal opinion, not keep pretending it is like an irrefutable conclusion or truth.

The same in return and as such we both agree at least this time.

The issue however is: if all were posting their point as a "personnel opinion" it would be fine but guys like @Beast are posting their opinion as pure facts or the golden truth. The fact that You are Chinese and can read Chinese does not make each of Your post a fact and the conclusion that since we are foreigners it must be wrong is plain stupid.

Again; just look at what was posted all over the year and ALL proved wrong (Y-20, J-10B/C, engines ...). I that latest post from a young Chinese member that there are already 60 J-20As operational by the end of 2016 a fact only since he's Chinese and does the PLN has a better operational EMALS since these claim come from a Chinese ??

Like @gambit said, it is indeed funny that some of you have the opinion that all You post is a definitive fact, while You are insisting that we can only make stupid, uneducated opinions.

Therefore to You @phancong:

You should delete all off topic post from this thread, including your post and any non Chinese discussion on any China weapons related thread should be deleted as well. They and you non Chinese can't contributed to any news or provide any accurate information about China weapons development without totally rely on Chinese themselve to update any technology breakthrough in any big item China weapon development. Even Chinese member aren't government sanction spokesperson, they can only speculated and discerned all the rumors about China weapons posted on mainland China website to draw their own conclusions. The only people have all the facts and have all the information about Chinese weapon are PRC government, Chinese military leaders, and China weapons development corporation. Anyone Outside of these 3 main body can't have the absolute knowledge about China weapons development.

That's correct and as such also includes such members like @Beast ! If we all would post our own conclusions as "opinions", if we all would argue and try to convince it would be fine. But like him You cannot report each and every post by an Indian or foreigner to a moderator only since You feel offended and in return post such a mess of confirmed BS, lies and insults all based on the argument that YOU are Chinese !??

Or am I wrong.

Therefore I promise to clean that thread ... I also promise to delete my own post immediately BUT only after he too changes his behaviour.

And now back to topic.

Stragly the only one who deleted his own insults are just You.
I stand to what I said even if my words are rude in Your eyes ... and so may he decide.
Since You posted it more than twice ... And who deleted The other posts ?

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