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Chinese Navy Growth: Massive Expansion Of Important Shipyard

Sure, but they found a way to make it happen. An entrenched power isn’t going five way to a rising power with doing all it can; Thucydides Trap.
The situation is slightly different. It's not like one guy is seeking to kill the other guy, rather it's like a guy actively drowning himself in the Ponzi game he installed and gets addicted to.
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Right now China Navy role is totally defensive and that is to deny US intrusions into her backyard.

At the rate her navy is growing in the process, it is inevitable that PLAN will soon become the biggest and most powerful navy in the world.

Thanks to the motivation by US and her allies. China Navy will soon be back to the era of Admiral Cheng He.

Considering all this is done at just 1.3% of her GDP it is impressive.
Right now China Navy role is totally defensive and that is to deny US intrusions into her backyard.

At the rate her navy is growing in the process, it is inevitable that PLAN will soon become the biggest and most powerful navy in the world.

Thanks to the motivation by US and her allies. China Navy will soon be back to the era of Admiral Cheng He.

Considering all this is done at just 1.3% of her GDP it is impressive.
China has by far the largest industrial capacity in the world. If it were to switch to a war time economy, it would probably double it’s navy every two years.
China has by far the largest industrial capacity in the world. If it were to switch to a war time economy, it would probably double it’s navy every two years.
Comparing to western countries whose industries are mostly privately owned, China can do way better in nation wide mobilization work.
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The situation is slightly different. It's not like one guy is seeking to kill the other guy, rather it's like a guy actively drowning himself in the Ponzi game he installed and gets addicted to.
Except as the reserve currency, the “guy actively drowning himself” has a $800 Billion a year life jacket that keeps him afloat. As long as that continues, the guy will be fine, and in fact will have his lifestyle subsidized by the rest of the world. A Ponzi scheme he will defend at all costs.
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Except as the reserve currency, the “guy actively drowning himself” has a $800 Billion a year life jacket that keeps him afloat. As long as that continues, the guy will be fine, and in fact will have his lifestyle subsidized by the rest of the world. A Ponzi scheme he will defend at all costs.
LOL nicely put!
We need to drag the USA into a maritime arms race.
Nigeria is full of corruption, they are probably being paid off to accept these massive loans and development projects, which increase Chinese influence and power in that country

Seems like similar situation may be possible in Pakistan, but our situation is a little more complicated with heavy Western involvement of certain parties
You are quite biased against China. I mean what’s wrong China provides loan for development? What’s wrong increase influence in other countries In a peaceful way? Or you wanna China does it exactly the brutal way like the west.

We need to drag the USA into a maritime arms race.
we build our own fleet, it’s their choice to race or not.
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You are quite biased against China. I mean what’s wrong China provides loan for development? What’s wrong increase influence in other countries In a peaceful way? Or you wanna China does it exactly the brutal way like the west.


we build our own fleet, it’s their choice to race or not.
You are absolutely right.

Sri Lanka, a named victim of Chinese Debt Trap by Western News Media and the US Propa... Machine has urgently requested for another USD 2.1 billion soft loan from China. Should China turned them down?

The Western Creditors are after them again.

Hey, those are NOT regarded as Debt Trap but angelic Western assistance with high interest and conditions.

China has two shipyards can build large supercarriers,The largest aircraft carriers Ever

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