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Featured Chinese light tanks won't survive in battle with T-90s, say Indian tank commanders


Too many Indian hearts broken. You have to photoshop picture to feel better.

View attachment 676267

Wu mao, the facts can't change with any number of pics and articles despite your best efforts. No amount of propaganda articles from GlobalTimes earns you any more creditability with 99% of the world outside and among 100% of those that matter. THE MESSAGE STAYS SAME and is repeated to you because YOU KEEP REPEATING and trying to push your same old propaganda in hopes to distract from the reality on the ground.

Your reputation of having no honor, being untrustful continues from hiding coronavirus through this incident.

You had to hide your soldier's death after you told your enemy you agreed to unarmed patrols of 20 men only. Then bring 7x of the numbers, armed with bats with nails, swords, sharp objects, and AMBUSH an unarmed contingent that patrolled the SAME area for years. That combination is only considered smart, brave, and honorable among the Chinese.

Bottom line: WHAT DID IT GET YOU? Nothing Changed. China is again facing Doklam 2.0. Embarrassed again by India's military. They have taken the peaks and neutralized your early advantage. No amount of propaganda videos, wu mao's shilling on Twitter, forum warriors, Global Times, and CCP threats will change this situation.
YOU ARE STUCK WITH SILLY VIDEOS OF DRONES delivering food and hoping the Indian army will leave during the winter. Meanwhile, reportedly- your one-child army is seen quitting posts and needing to be taken in stretchers to the medical facility.
:china: :help:🤫👎
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Then bring 7x of the numbers, armed with bats with nails, swords, sharp objects, and AMBUSH an unarmed contingent. That combination is only considered smart, brave, and honorable among the Chinese.

It was also considered smart, brave and honorable among the Vikings, German Huns, Goths, Vandals, Mongols, Romans, Greeks, Americans, European powers and Japanese.

Americans vs American Indians
Europeans powers vs New World and African civilizations
Greeks and Romans vs Europeans
Vikings, Huns, Goths, Vandals vs Christian villagers
Mongols vs cities

Weaponry and numbers are never equal.
When soldiers push into/invade new areas better go armed for a fight. Indian officers were and are very stupid. It must be because of India's system of nepotism that raises up the dumbest and most useless over the talented.
Wu mao, the facts can't change with any number of pics and articles despite your best efforts. No amount of propaganda articles from GlobalTimes earns you any more creditability with 99% of the world outside and among 100% of those that matter. THE MESSAGE STAYS SAME and is repeated to you because YOU KEEP REPEATING and trying to push your same old propaganda in hopes to distract from the reality on the ground.

Your reputation of having no honor, being untrustful continues from hiding coronavirus through this incident.

You had to hide your soldier's death after you told your enemy you agreed to unarmed patrols of 20 men only. Then bring 7x of the numbers, armed with bats with nails, swords, sharp objects, and AMBUSH an unarmed contingent that patrolled the SAME area for years. That combination is only considered smart, brave, and honorable among the Chinese.

Bottom line: WHAT DID IT GET YOU? Nothing Changed. China is again facing Doklam 2.0. Embarrassed again by India's military. They have taken the peaks and neutralized your early advantage. No amount of propaganda videos, wu mao's shilling on Twitter, forum warriors, Global Times, and CCP threats will change this situation.
YOU ARE STUCK WITH SILLY VIDEOS OF DRONES delivering food and hoping the Indian army will leave during the winter. Meanwhile, reportedly- your one-child army is seen quitting posts and needing to be taken in stretchers to the medical facility.
:china: :help:🤫👎

Indian TROLL BOT, you should be busy spreading BOLLYWOOD PROPAGANDA about your Indian soldiers.

Indian TROLL BOT, you should be busy spreading BOLLYWOOD PROPAGANDA about your Indian soldiers.

The facts can't change with any number of pics and articles despite your best efforts.
Again - some Indian fanboys producing tweets are not the same as your very own Chinese government refusing to acknowledge your dead soldiers' sacrifices. Producing tweets by their fanboys won't change the reality on the ground today. You are checkmated by the Indian army, having taken the peaks, and forced you to be stuck in Doklum2.0.

I keep repeating my question of what has changed because that's the only truth that matters. I keep asking the same question, and your answer is more propaganda, wumao.

Propaganda is good for the Chinese echo chamber, but the reality is India has the peaks. You've been neutralized in your positions, and the wolf warrior is stuck in a Doklum like quagmire again!

Your reputation of having no honor, being untrustful, continues from hiding coronavirus through this incident.

YOU ARE STUCK WITH SILLY VIDEOS OF DRONES delivering food and hoping the Indian army will leave during the winter. Meanwhile, reportedly- your one-child army is seen quitting posts and is seen taken in stretchers to the medical facility.
Do you know who believes in your version? Fanboys and institutionalized Chinese . Not governments, not real analysts, not 99% of the outside world, and 100% of those that matter.

You don't have agreements of 'UNARMED' patrolling in place for years and decades to ambush soldiers. Agree for those patrolling to be no more than 20 per patrol. Then bring 7x of the numbers, armed with bats with nails, swords, sharp objects, and AMBUSH an unarmed contingent. That combination is only considered smart, brave, and honorable among the Chinese.

And then needed to hide your own soldier's deaths because you are embarrassed by it.

Bottom line: No amount of propaganda videos, wu mao's shilling on Twitter, forum warriors, Global Times, and CCP threats will change the situation. China is facing Doklam 2.0. Embarrassed again by India's military. They have taken the peaks and neutralized your early advantage
We know YOU represent GOVERNMENTS, REAL ANALYSTS, and 99% of the OUTSIDE WORLD.
Take care, and Remember to take your medicine.
Hopefully when you wake up, you realize we don't do MEDIEVAL STYLE FIGHTHING, anymore.
Lol.. once again. Avoid my inquiry. Make up your mind. Paper tiger don't killed. If it killed, it's real tiger.

Finally, I am right about shameless Indian flying america flag. Too ashamed to fly India one. Cos u got nothing to brag about as Indian. :enjoy:


Indian guys can brag how many Indian girls and women they raped as they got to go shit and pee in the fields and behind bushes as no toilets for them to shit and pee in.
Yes, just like with everything because india is a alien goddess lolz. !!!!!!
The facts can't change with any number of pics and articles despite your best efforts.
Again - some Indian fanboys producing tweets are not the same as your very own Chinese government refusing to acknowledge your dead soldiers' sacrifices. Producing tweets by their fanboys won't change the reality on the ground today. You are checkmated by the Indian army, having taken the peaks, and forced you to be stuck in Doklum2.0.

I keep repeating my question of what has changed because that's the only truth that matters. I keep asking the same question, and your answer is more propaganda, wumao.

Propaganda is good for the Chinese echo chamber, but the reality is India has the peaks. You've been neutralized in your positions, and the wolf warrior is stuck in a Doklum like quagmire again!

Your reputation of having no honor, being untrustful, continues from hiding coronavirus through this incident.

YOU ARE STUCK WITH SILLY VIDEOS OF DRONES delivering food and hoping the Indian army will leave during the winter. Meanwhile, reportedly- your one-child army is seen quitting posts and is seen taken in stretchers to the medical facility.
Meanwhile your Indian army is surrendering in mass
Meanwhile your Indian army is surrendering in mass
View attachment 676291

Not my army and no amount of pics and wu mao's shilling will change the ground realities.
India has the peaks. You've been neutralized in your positions, and the wolf warrior is stuck in a Doklum like quagmire again!

Your reputation of having no honor, being untrustful, continues from hiding coronavirus through this incident. You needed 7X the soldiers to 'ambush a surprise attack' on a small UNARMED contingent of Indian soldiers with bats with nails in them, swords, rods, and sharp objects.

YOU ARE STUCK WITH SILLY VIDEOS OF DRONES delivering food and hoping the Indian army will leave during the winter. Meanwhile, reportedly- your one-child army is seen quitting posts and is seen taken in stretchers to the medical facility.
Not my army and no amount of pics and wu mao's shilling will change the ground realities.
India has the peaks. You've been neutralized in your positions, and the wolf warrior is stuck in a Doklum like quagmire again!

Your reputation of having no honor, being untrustful, continues from hiding coronavirus through this incident. You needed 7X the soldiers to 'ambush a surprise attack' on a small UNARMED contingent of Indian soldiers with bats with nails in them, swords, rods, and sharp objects.

YOU ARE STUCK WITH SILLY VIDEOS OF DRONES delivering food and hoping the Indian army will leave during the winter. Meanwhile, reportedly- your one-child army is seen quitting posts and is seen taken in stretchers to the medical facility.
Not my army and no amount of pics and wu mao's shilling will change the ground realities.
India has the peaks. You've been neutralized in your positions, and the wolf warrior is stuck in a Doklum like quagmire again!

Your reputation of having no honor, being untrustful, continues from hiding coronavirus through this incident. You needed 7X the soldiers to 'ambush a surprise attack' on a small UNARMED contingent of Indian soldiers with bats with nails in them, swords, rods, and sharp objects.

YOU ARE STUCK WITH SILLY VIDEOS OF DRONES delivering food and hoping the Indian army will leave during the winter. Meanwhile, reportedly- your one-child army is seen quitting posts and is seen taken in stretchers to the medical facility.
At least we have provided evidence of Indians surrendering en mass. All your claims rent backed by anything. But since your Indian culture is not an evidence based one you are suspectible to scams just like how you believe you invented the internet 9000 years ago
Your tank "commanders" might want to take a look at what is happening in Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Doesn't seem to be tank v tank battles but rather drones destroying tanks like shooting fish in a barrel.
Pakistan and China have the jets to secure the sky and lots and lots of drones to Pop Pop Pop Indian armor.
Many fool commanders. But that is India, right? Land where thanks to nepotism the dumbest and most useless are promoted.
Then why we are purchasing VT-4s. shouldn't we invest in drones? Why we are always late?
Then why we are purchasing VT-4s. shouldn't we invest in drones? Why we are always late?

You're not late. Pakistan has the Burraq. You also invested in lots of fighter jets to control the sky. Your leaders, like the Chinese, seem to think ahead and plan.
If India were to throw all of the Apaches directly at Chinese spearheads, they could potentially lose all 22 within a matter of minutes due to Chinese air superiority. I believe something like this happened to the Iranians in the 1980 to 1988 war, where dozens of Iranian helicopters were shot out of the sky when just a couple Iraqi fighters intercepted them. Now imagine this scenario but with total Chinese air control ... anything that is Indian will be shot out of the sky promptly.
Then why we are purchasing VT-4s. shouldn't we invest in drones? Why we are always late?
This just means Armenia and Azerbaijan have extremely weak/incapable air defenses that's all. If both sides are blowing up each other's tanks, radar installations, and infantry like a video game, you know there is a problem. If you go up against an enemy with even somewhat adequate air defense networks, those drones would be shot out of the sky before they even managed to hover over their targets.

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