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Chinese investors to bring $150b after CPEC: BoI chief

India can get many benefits from this, China,India is doing 100 billion dollar worth trade, they can do it via CPEC route & gwader route, it can save them lot of money.
I think India will join CPEC after it's completion.This will also normalize our relation and bring prosperity in the region.

You do realize that India and China share much longer land boundaries and already have several border trading posts?

Even in terms of support infrastructure, atleast 2 of those border trading posts (Nathu La and Shipkila) have full backend infrastructure from Chinese side and are not very far from India's own Freight Corridors that are going to be finished by 2019.

Why would India need CPEC to trade with China which actually goes through much more arduous mountainous route in Karakoram?

Have a look at Western Dedicated Freight Corridor that connects Mumbai and Gujarat Coast with Delhi and beyond. It runs parallel to CPEC and can easily connected with trading posts in Himachal or even Uttarakhand. It is just that we are not keen about it at the moment due to our political differences. But things could change.
Because we don't feel safe having free trade with India because of market dumping and the fact that India will use it as a weapon.

Why do we need the Chinese to mediate trade between India and Pakistan?!
Why can't Pakistan accept the Indian offer for trade and start making money now?! What is stopping Pakistan from taking this step? and please don't mention "Indian hatred", because we have shown intent to start trade, it is Pakistan which is dragging its feet on this matter.
Because we don't feel safe having free trade with India because of market dumping and the fact that India will use it as a weapon.

No one is saying free trade, you can protect your domestic industry through levy of duties etc. But then again, your concern should be the Chinese who are a way bigger threat to dumping than India can ever be.
What do you think is going to happen when the Chinese enter the market? In fact having an alternate to the Chinese "monopoly" on goods with India competing for the market will only advantage the Pakistani consumer. Both on price and alternatives.
More importantly, you actually will have leverage over India in terms of transit fees if you allow Indian trade with CAR. Something Pakistan does not possess right now..

Lastly, your security concern is valid...but then again, why will your stance on this change with CPEC?! Why is it ok for India to join then, but not trade with us now? I'm baffled with this position!

Trade is the only way to aim at normalizing relations between our countries. Trade becomes the deterrence to war as opposed to nukes which is a dangerous card to play in any scenario..

Board of Investment (BoI) Chairman Dr Miftah Ismail has voiced hope that after completion of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), $150 billion worth of investment would be brought by Chinese investors in Pakistan.

“In the post-CPEC scenario, we will require skilled manpower to work in various industries in all provinces of the country,” he said while delivering a speech at the three-day 19th Sustainable Development Conference on the theme of “Sustainable Development: Envisaging the Future Together”.

The conference was organised by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI).

Ismail emphasised that the government was keenly focusing on removing regional disparity and paving the way for equal development in all provinces, especially the remote regions.

Balochistan would get more benefits from CPEC and Gwadar Port would play a pivotal role in providing connectivity and enhancing regional trade opportunities, he said.


“CPEC will promote economic integration and regional connectivity for development and prosperity in the region,” Ismail said. “All provinces and regions have a shared opportunity for infrastructure development and industrial growth, which provides employment opportunities and ensures prosperity in the country.”

Turning to energy projects, he said work had got under way on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline while Central Asia-South Asia 1,000-megawatt power supply project would also meet energy needs of Pakistan.

Earlier speaking at the inaugural session, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz underlined the need for South-South collaboration for peace and prosperity in the region.

He also highlighted the importance of regional and international cooperation for meeting new targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

He called for more investment, adopting new technologies, building capacity and identifying barriers to achieve the targets of SDGs and Vision 2025.

While chairing the inaugural session, Federal Minister of Climate Change Zahid Hamid said the government’s Vision 2025 had seven pillars and 25 goals, which were fully in line with the SDGs.

He insisted that implementation of the development agenda was possible with global and regional cooperation and CPEC was an example of that cooperation.

SDPI Executive Director Dr Abid Qaiyum Suleri said the conference provided a platform for evaluating and learning “what we have done wrong to avoid these mistakes in the future”.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 9th, 2016.
may be To much But Majority of People Seems to Forgetting one thing
CEPC is building many things , While Pakistan do have the man power but they are not experience yet , Which will Take Some time If Pakistan starts to build its Man force give them Proper education you will see investment from Many Countries because First It will be cheap Labour , loads of natural resources which can be used which will be cheaper , connected with china , and many other countries loads of things come in Play but it will take decades , Too see full results of CEPC it will at least take 1 to 2 decades
Lastly, your security concern is valid...but then again, why will your stance on this change with CPEC?! Why is it ok for India to join then, but not trade with us now? I'm baffled with this position!

Because their actual intention is not to trade with India, but just to invalidate India's claims on CPEC passing through disputed territories of erstwhile Jammu & Kashmir.

I seriously think Pakistanis need to take a look at the Indian and Chinese maps. After all, why would India need CPEC to trade with China when we share thousands of miles border with Chinese Occupied Tibet (COT) and some of our border trading outposts are even at lower elevation than what CPEC will pass through in Karakoram.

Case in point: Nathu La is a much better trading outpost as it is at lower elevation and closer (relative terms) to Kolkata which is a much bigger port and closer to other major population centers in India/Nepal/Bangladesh.
That is roughly the same as Qatar or Iraq's total GDP. CPEC will not just attract Chinese investment, it will bring a lot of other countries to invest in Pakistan too. It indeed is a corridor of opportunity for all of our friends. I hope, despite the hatred India also joins us in this project for mutual benefits.
what would happen to cpec if a road is made from(eastern n western side) india to china?
Well we hope that many nations of world will benefit from trade and prosperity and that is the ultimate goal trade is the focus and stability in region
what would happen to cpec if a road is made from(eastern n western side) india to china?

We are already building WDFC which actually runs parallel to CPEC and the newly proposed East-West Corridor that connects Kolkata to Mumbai (and Gujarat Coast). It is this East-West Corridor that can easily connect Nathu La and provide a direct connectivity from Chinese Occupied Tibet (COT) to Western Coast as well as Eastern Coast and Bangladesh.

It is just that we are not keen on an exclusive trade route with China like CPEC due to our political differences.
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$ 150 billion is 60% of Pakistan's economy.:woot: The guys is govt's sycophant, just giving raw numbers to fool people and so that they give them vote in elections.:agree:

Sir, the project related investments combined are going to be around $ 200 billion. Pakistan's current economy per the Western media, is now close to $ 700+ billion. The recent addition of over 4 trillion rupees into the tax system (used to be black market in real estate), has increased the entire size of its GDP, plus add growth. Next year's numbers will be very interesting to see, from a market's standpoint.

It is expected that about 50 Russian companies will bring in various investments ($ 500 million being the minimum, otherwise they can't really get the level of profitability they expect), about 10 French companies, about 8 German companies (and various other German companies will work in-part with Pakistani and Chinese companies through supplying engineers, etc,) about 12 British companies and about 12-15 US companies (likes of GE, etc, for electric production, r&d, etc, etc).

I have no clue about the Middle East, and others. I am sure there may be 15-20 companies that can be added to the list. This is in addition to the 100 Chinese companies that will invest into Pakistan (majority of which have already been involved to some degree with CPEC).

So let's make it simple, the total I can count from above, is around 200 companies. So let's say half of these chicken out, and only 100 companies invest. Common sense says that for a nation to make a sizeable investment into another, in a national infrastructure project like the CPEC, $ 500 million would be the most basic and it would setup some base, not a massive base, but some base. So $ 500 * 100 = $ 50 billion dollars!! Remember, many of these companies will invest multiple billions of dollars. So let's say, 25% companies will invest $ 2 billion (which really is nothing for larger companies) and the rest will do standard $ 500 million. So this means the total investment would be around: $ 87 billion. And I am only counting half of the projected pool!!

What am I trying to prove through common sense? The fact that the investment options for Pakistan going forward are unlimited to some degree. I would expect a huge investment infusion around $ 200 billion over the next 10 years. The Pakistani sea ports, dry ports, rail roads and airways will be connected to over 2.5 billion people directly from China to Europe. Just in pass through income, this route can generate $ 20 billion in profit by 2020 (Chinese estimates), and this means after all expenses paid obviously, meaning millions of workers getting their salaries, and taxes will be paid, building, facilities rent, electric and other bills paid to Paistani businesses, before the profit can be calculated. Thanks

We are already building WDFC which actually runs parallel to CPEC and the newly proposed East-West Corridor that connects Kolkata to Mumbai (and Gujarat Coast). It is this East-West Corridor that can easily connect Nathu La and provide a direct connectivity from Chinese Occupied Tibet (COT) to Western Coast as well as Eastern Coast and Bangladesh.

It is just that we are not keen on an exclusive trade route with China like CPEC due to our political differences.

Sir, I am sorry. This comparison is so off that I can't even begin to understand. Your East West as an internal corridor connecting your own country. It isn't a project that connected half the globe. So please, when you write, be factual and write well and in-synch with the topic.

Second, its not that you are not "keen" on a trade route with China. The reality is that you unfortunately don't have options. You've built a road through Iran, spent a few billions in Iran on their port close to Gawader. But none of that area ports are as deep water as Gawader is. Second, the Central Russian states and the Russians have already said "no thank you" to using that road you built in Iran as these guys have many billions of worth of business and trade agreement every year with China then India. So you guys tried. But it didn't workout for you. So please don't say "we are not interested", you guys are very interested but you have no option. The last part is, joining the CPEC and there, the US would pull out the whip! But sooner or later, India will have no option but to join the CPEC. I am willing to bet on it. Thanks
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That is roughly the same as Qatar or Iraq's total GDP. CPEC will not just attract Chinese investment, it will bring a lot of other countries to invest in Pakistan too. It indeed is a corridor of opportunity for all of our friends. I hope, despite the hatred India also joins us in this project for mutual benefits.

Best post of this thread..Some times, we should really make some meaningful discussion.

The best part of Chines investment is that it will attract other simillar minded nations including India too to part of the development story. If you ask me about my personal opinion, India should join CPEC if Pakistan or China offer India to join. These kind of joint economic projects will create a regional success story for all of us.

Good luck with you.
Second, its not that you are not "keen" on a trade route with China. The reality is that you unfortunately don't have options. You've built a road through Iran, spent a few billions in Iran on their port close to Gawader. But none of that area ports are as deep water as Gawader is.

Sir, you need to take a look at Indian and Chinese maps. India doesn't need CPEC to trade with China. We can very well trade directly since we share much longer borders with China some of which are many times better than passing through Karakoram. That is in addition to the sea routes that are already being used.

Besides, any route that passes through Pakistan is not an option for India. Pakistan itself made that much clear when it denied India access to Afghanistan. What did you expect India to do? India went ahead with a corridor through Iran that connects Afghanistan and hopefully extend towards the Central Asian countries. If in future India decides that the route is no more viable, India can easily cut her losses and pack up.

The last part is, joining the CPEC and there, the US would pull out the whip! But sooner or later, India will have no option but to join the CPEC. I am willing to bet on it. Thanks

What are you even talking about?
Sir, you need to take a look at Indian and Chinese maps. India doesn't need CPEC to trade with China. We can very well trade directly since we share much longer borders with China some of which are many times better than passing through Karakoram. That is in addition to the sea routes that are already being used.
Besides, any route that passes through Pakistan is not an option for India. Pakistan itself made that much clear when it denied India access to Afghanistan. What did you expect India to do? India went ahead with a corridor through Iran that connects Afghanistan and hopefully extend towards the Central Asian countries. If in future India decides that the route is no more viable, India can easily cut her losses and pack up.

Sir, I know both countries maps like the back of my palms. And now you are changing topics. The topic wasn't to do trade with China. The topic from your post was a trade route comparison between two routes. But the issue was, it wasn't a real comparison as one route connects the entire globe and the second one, doesn't, its a local route.

What are you even talking about?

Well, if your comprehension level is such, perhaps, don't need to get into these complex issues? Thanks
India can get many benefits from this, China,India is doing 100 billion dollar worth trade, they can do it via CPEC route & gwader route, it can save them lot of money.
I think India will join CPEC after it's completion.This will also normalize our relation and bring prosperity in the region.

I dont get it, India has wide open seas surrounding it with multiple land routes connecting already or planned with its multiple neighbors..trading with chinese through Pakistan doesn't make sense.

The only region Pakistan could cater too would be central Asia - but the whole central Asia put together is hardly a significant economy for two way trade...besides the cheapest manufacturers of goods - the Chinese are right next to them.

The only interesting trade commodity from central Asia would be oil - but economically, transporting oil through thousands of kilometers by road does not make sense...unless there are rail routes.

Board of Investment (BoI) Chairman Dr Miftah Ismail has voiced hope that after completion of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), $150 billion worth of investment would be brought by Chinese investors in Pakistan.

“In the post-CPEC scenario, we will require skilled manpower to work in various industries in all provinces of the country,” he said while delivering a speech at the three-day 19th Sustainable Development Conference on the theme of “Sustainable Development: Envisaging the Future Together”.

The conference was organised by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI).

Ismail emphasised that the government was keenly focusing on removing regional disparity and paving the way for equal development in all provinces, especially the remote regions.

Balochistan would get more benefits from CPEC and Gwadar Port would play a pivotal role in providing connectivity and enhancing regional trade opportunities, he said.

“CPEC will promote economic integration and regional connectivity for development and prosperity in the region,” Ismail said. “All provinces and regions have a shared opportunity for infrastructure development and industrial growth, which provides employment opportunities and ensures prosperity in the country.”

Turning to energy projects, he said work had got under way on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline while Central Asia-South Asia 1,000-megawatt power supply project would also meet energy needs of Pakistan.

Earlier speaking at the inaugural session, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz underlined the need for South-South collaboration for peace and prosperity in the region.

He also highlighted the importance of regional and international cooperation for meeting new targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

He called for more investment, adopting new technologies, building capacity and identifying barriers to achieving the targets of SDGs and Vision 2025.

While chairing the inaugural session, Federal Minister of Climate Change Zahid Hamid said the government’s Vision 2025 had seven pillars and 25 goals, which were fully in line with the SDGs.

He insisted that implementation of the development agenda was possible with global and regional cooperation and CPEC was an example of that cooperation.

SDPI Executive Director Dr Abid Qaiyum Suleri said the conference provided a platform for evaluating and learning “what we have done wrong to avoid these mistakes in the future”.


@PaklovesTurkiye @SherDil007 @long_

Thanks for tagging me doordie bhai......this will be really nice once gets implemented....:tup:

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