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Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

Most likely both sides will stay put at the places they are now and this would become New LAC, or may be india will accept some economic / geopolitical proposals in lieu of china going back to status quo.
Most likely both sides will stay put at the places they are now and this would become New LAC, or may be india will accept some economic / geopolitical proposals in lieu of china going back to status quo.
Exactly. India will ask PLA to return to status quo during the June 6 high level meeting and PLA will politely refuse. Then India will have little choice but to accept the new LAC and then announce to its people that India has won again.
every 5 minutes this guy open a thread to make propaganda but failed :lol:

Exactly. India will ask PLA to return to status quo during the June 6 high level meeting and PLA will politely refuse. Then India will have little choice but to accept the new LAC and then announce to its people that India has won again.
do not say india has loss ever from alexander the great to doklam india always won . just go watch Bollywood if you not believe them.:D:P
Members, please take a pinch of salt from this bag.
LAC standoff: Chinese PLA troops retreat by 100 metres at Pangong Tso Lake, 2 km at Galwan Valley
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops, who have been engaged in a standoff with the Indian forces at several locations in eastern Ladakh, on Wednesday retreated by 100 metres in the Pangong Tso Lake area
Image Source : PTI
Manish Prasad New Delhi June 5, 2020 12:38 IST
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops, who have been engaged in a standoff with the Indian forces at several locations in eastern Ladakh, on Wednesday retreated by 100 metres in the Pangong Tso Lake area, sources said. The apparent de-escalation in tensions comes just days ahead of the crucial Corp Commander meeting over the situation on June 6.

According to a report in India Today, the Chinese troops have also retreated by two kilometres in the Galwan Valley area, the site of another standoff in the region. India Today reports that Indian troops have also retreated by a kilometre in the locality.

Both the armies have been embroiled in a standoff in the eastern Ladakh sector along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) since early May, after reports of fistfights between the two armies in eastern Ladakh and the Sikkim border

I believe, game is bigger than the standoff. Game is all about GB & Kashmir. Lots of international players will join the table soon I hope ( Ladkah area wont become next Libya, Sryia if more countries join) . Its all about who will dictate the next business/manufacturing route to Europe and how. Lots of Plan A/B/C are cooking and being made since last few years all along.

1. Best case is if India and China share the route, money and benefits from each other.
2. If both dont agree. i guess, Neither will get benefits and Route wont be sustainable. India along with west has enough cards at bigger level to spoil the game.
3. I guess, hidden table talks for next few months will be to agree on some common terms and stick to those for next 10 years.

rest all ( e.g troops movement, camps, Artillery movement etc. ) is just a front face. Real game and talk is on the above main topic. If both side agree in next few months. else Both sides already have their backup plan.

For larger good. Mutual sharing of benefits is best wish for the entire south Asia.
Two day old article.Two day old theorisation and rationalisation to help Indians sleep at night.

Fingers 4 through to 8 are no longer patrolled by India. This is what matters.

Bottom line: India is still getting fingered by China and India is taking it.
This is more to do with Indian decision to join the quadruple indo Pacific defends pact ie usa Australia Japan India.

China is worried 80% of it's trade passes through Indian ocean and Malacca straights. Ie bay of Bengal.

Also Indian recent changes in Kashmir and declaration that gilgat Baltistan is our land and is disputed makes China aware they need more strategic points in their hands.
The Indians are building new roads in ladakh which can cut off main supply to gilgat.they want those roads stopped.

India will not stop the defense pact or the roads.
But I can tell.you now the Chinese will pull back and every body will be massively disappointed. China will not fire a bullet not even a single pellet
This is more to do with Indian decision to join the quadruple indo Pacific defends pact ie usa Australia Japan India.

China is worried 80% of it's trade passes through Indian ocean and Malacca straights. Ie bay of Bengal.

Also Indian recent changes in Kashmir and declaration that gilgat Baltistan is our land and is disputed makes China aware they need more strategic points in their hands.
The Indians are building new roads in ladakh which can cut off main supply to gilgat.they want those roads stopped.

India will not stop the defense pact or the roads.
But I can tell.you now the Chinese will pull back and every body will be massively disappointed. China will not fire a bullet not even a single pellet
I am not convinced this is at all related to south china sea. this is all about India decided to negotiate the deal with China on GB route with western back.

Option2: which i fear most: if India want offensive western border, then best choice it to checkmate the LAC first to see checks and bound and start/learn from there. if this is the plan, looks like more Risky.

I prefer a good deal b/w India and China on GB route and hence good for Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iran.
So they already pulled back and some Pakistanis are still so busy in cheering that they forgot to see the current news?:coffee:
China and India are mature countries. They know how to solve the issues by talk..
Congratulations to India. Remarkable success for mr supapowa. At this rate it will only take another 220 years to reclaim the rest of the land. Indians must be so proud today. Wow what an incredible nation?
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