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Chinese in UK report 'shocking' levels of racism after coronavirus outbreak Asian community faces ve

That's why the whites hate the Chinese the most?
Pulling something out of your a$$ again?

Whites don't hate Asians. Asian woman- white man couples are the most common interracial couples in the US. In fact mighty wighty hates us South Asians more.
Whites don't hate Asians. Asian woman- white man couples are the most common interracial couples in the US. In fact mighty wighty hates us South Asians more.
You don't have to go far. Just here in the forum you'll know who the white worshippers are.
1. Yourself. If I am not wrong.
You don't have to go far. Just here in the forum you'll know who the white worshippers are.
1. Yourself. If I am not wrong.
What makes you think I worship white people?
Your accusation are full of flaw. When swine flu started in Mexico, some mexican just landed in China less than 14 days. They are required to follow Chinese law to be qurantine for 14days. You think the mexican can have a choice not to be qurantine and then claim its infringement of their personal freedom? Their personal freedom is important than the health of 1 billion Chinese. Chinese are not human, mexican personal freedom is precious. Do u mean that? They will be forced if they dont comply. I see not different from what other countries doing with China. Yet , its you all the while trying to make a different and then accuse China of bad thing. Enough of your manipulation.

Yes, under freedom of movement law, they do. You can technically only forcibly quarantine them if they show symptom, or turn them away or ask them to isolate themselves. This is what country like Australia or Hong Kong is doing to the Chinese Citizens entering their country.

But what you do not have right to force them into quarantine if they do not show symptom. It's like you have no right to imprison someone if they did not commit any crime. Of course, you can make it "Landing" at your country a crime, but that is what I said, if you did that then the law itself is unjust.

Again, put it on one to one. would China just go randomly round up Chinese in the street of Wuhan because "personal freedom" are less important than the safety of 1 billions Chinese? Ask yourself this and then see how ridiculous on the notion of rounding all Mexican up.

UK,US, Australia and Canada banning all flight from China disregards of WHO advise is not discriminating? While you claim China asking all Mexican landed in China less than 14 days to be qurantine is discriminating? LOL.. You think we are stupid to take your crap explanation?

What's does a company banning flight from China have to do with anything? You seems to confused that airline does not own by the state. Airline base their decision on company direction. They can ban their flight from anywhere to anywhere for any reason at all, be it risk involved (very obvious, they don't want to get their crew infected), profit involved (no one would actually travel to and from China anyway if there are this virus, why bother to fly to and from China with an empty plane?) or anything company made their decision to base with.

Qantas banned flight to China does not mean Australia, as a country, banned their citizen or non-citizens to travel to China, at most the DFAT of Australia can do is issue warning, right now is at level 4, the highest which advice you not to travel to China, but at no time I cannot just pick up and go to China. But whether would I do that would be another issue.

This have no relation to China forcible quarantine Mexican, none at all.

typical tactics to repeat the same old trick. This is a new strand which nobody can understand how it works and even this Dr Li cannot comfirm everything and we have a smart alec bragging what action shall be taken earlier. How do u know this strand can transmit from human to human? Oh yah.... Becos of 2 weeks earlier happened and confirmation. Of cos keyboard warrior like you will brag the action to isolate Wuhan shall have done even 1 month earlier like a expert who can predict future....

You still have not explain to me the relation of acting quickly and acting responsibly. You can act 2 weeks earlier with the SAME action you did today and it will still be better off then you act 2 weeks later because you don't have the Chinese New Year coming if you act 2 weeks earlier. And it was not 2 weeks, more like 4 weeks.

So you are saying it does not matter? Even if A.) You know this is a virus and you know it infect people (at least that is what you know), B.) Chinese New Year is coming.

What a stupid response of typical shredding responsibility, you didn't even think. But well, I guess I am targeting the wrong audience if I ask you to think. Everyone know you 50 cent-er are zombies.
Islam is the only religion which solves race problem. It is a fact.

Sir, you convinced me with your superior, educated argumentation. In comparison, I am an illiterated shit with no self-critism. Please teach me how to obbey without questioning and abandon any scientific facts. You must be a true master of these.
Sir, you convinced me with your superior, educated argumentation. In comparison, I am an illiterated shit with no self-critism. Please teach me how to obbey without questioning and abandon any scientific facts. You must be a true master of these.

Why do you racist scum swarm PDF? What is here for you in a Pakistan forum?

After reading the full text, the first thing that comes to my mind is not racism, but the lack of breeding and morality, and bad-mannered.
I have repeatedly said that British people of England are predominantly the most racist ***** in the entire world, they have spread their racism where ever they went, US, Canada, Australia, South Africa through their colonization successes. They have always been obsessed about things like race, color, language etc. through out their modern history.
And they are passive aggressive. #@##@£#@

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