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Chinese in UK report 'shocking' levels of racism after coronavirus outbreak Asian community faces ve

Chinese in UK report 'shocking' levels of racism after coronavirus outbreak
Asian community faces verbal and physical abuse in aftermath of first recorded cases of virus in Britain

Sun 9 Feb 2020 16.29 GMT

“We’ll be in trouble if these guys sneeze on us,” Jason Ngan overheard as he and his brother got into a lift in Manchester’s Piccadilly station. Born and bred in Manchester, home to more than 7,000 Chinese people, the legal adviser said the level of anti-Asian racism the coronavirus had unearthed was “shocking”.

“People seem to have put a whole race behind it and it’s exposing all these underlying prejudices towards Chinese people, or at least anyone who looks Chinese. It’s shocking in this day and age. It was so blatant,” Ngan said.

Ngan’s mother runs a Chinese restaurant in Heywood, in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. There had been “a real downturn” over the lunar new year period, particularly since cases were confirmed in York last week, he said. “It’s been very noticeable, far fewer customers since all this started.”

Despite only four confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the UK, Britain’s 390,000-strong Chinese community have noticed a markedly racist response to the global health crisis.

In Sheffield, a postgraduate student was reportedly verbally and physically harassed in the street for wearing a face mask, while in Leicestershire two students – mistakenly thought to be Chinese – were pelted with eggs on the street in Market Harborough. The Manchester Chinese Centre has received scores of complaints of racist incidents targeting children in schools across the region.

North Yorkshire police confirmed they had received two reports of verbal abuse where individuals of an “Asian appearance” had comments about coronavirus shouted at them in York, and there was a further incident where staff at an Asian tea house had been verbally abused.

Last week the University of York, home to around 2,000 Chinese students, issued a statement calling for respect and tolerance after xenophobic and racist comments were published on the anonymous confessions page Yorfess.

The site was shut down, but the student newspaper York Vision reported that comments ranged from stating that the risk of the virus spreading was minimal because Asian students were “cliquey and unwilling to integrate”, to one user not wanting to share cutlery with their international housemates.

It is relatively common in some Asian countries to wear a face mask to protect against pollution and sickness, but in the UK some Chinese immigrants say wearing a mask makes them a target for hate.

Jingyi Qian, 24, a student at the University of York, said she felt uncomfortable wearing her mask in public “because people stare at me.” Hearing about the incident in Sheffield had put her off wearing one. “I don’t want to get attacked, I just want to protect myself.”

The abuse is not confined to big cities. Waiting for a train in Edale, Derbyshire, Alice, a charity worker, overheard a woman saying she didn’t want a group who appeared to be east Asian to get on the train. She said the woman’s friend must have tried to reason with her because she then said: “I’m looking out for myself!”

The deeper prejudices exposed by the coronavirus are symptomatic of a long history of demonising Chinese people, according to Jex Wang, a Chinese-Australian DJ and writer, who was sent threatening, racist abuse after writing about the coronavirus on Instagram.

“Stereotypes of Asians as submissive and non-aggressive make them a target that people think they can make fun of and laugh at. I’ve seen posts saying Chinese people are dirty, disgusting, uneducated, we ‘deserved’ the virus because of our ‘weird’ food habits,” she said.

“I kept seeing memes and jokes being shared which really upset me. There was even a coronavirus-themed club night in Sheffield that got shut down – they were offering ‘traditional Chinese hats’ to the first 100 people. What is a traditional Chinese hat??”

After calling out the problematic behaviour and language surrounding the coronavirus on Instagram, her inbox was soon flooded with such “hateful” messages that she had to turn comments off on the post. “People accused me of eating bats, told me to go back to China, that I had betrayed the west, I was even accused of fraternising with the Chinese Communist party.” One message said: “China needs to be cancelled. Period.”


I really feel for Chinese and East Asian people. Hope you understand now how toxic stigma and stereotyping is.

We Muslims have been going through such things since 1979 Iranian revolution, then it came back again in 2001 attacks, and again in 2007 with US elections.

The difference is that most racists are genuinely scared of Muslims, Blacks, Latinos, but around East Asians they get brave because they are seen as weak and feeble. Asian girls especially get targeted due to fetishes by whites.

My first experience of anti-Chinese racism in the US was in one of my first days of middle school, a poor Chinese student with a bike was being bullied by two White kids until he was bloody in the face, the whole school walked by without saying a word. It got me angry so i jumped in with flying fists and I knocked those kids on their backs. I went to the principal and he was proud of me for what I did, but I still got exemplary punishment.

I am sure many other Paks would also share similar stories.
When it comes to Xenophobia/racism towards people from countries with virus problems China has no equal. Any treatment they feel is bad is just a drop in the bucket compared to how horribly they treated Mexicans during the H1N1 outbreak. They rounded up Mexican nationals and stuck them in quarantined hotels with the doors locked even though NONE of them tested positive. The Mexicans were outraged and called it kidnapping. The Chinese didn't care what Mexico thought and Mexico had to evacuate them because they were treated so badly.

Check out how they were treated like lepers

So suddenly people covering their noses is far worse than that??

Swine flu: Mexican citizens flown back from China after being held in hotels

Tue 5 May 2009 03.01 EDT
First published on Tue 5 May 2009 03.01 EDT

A plane chartered by the Mexican government arrived in China today to bring home more than 70 Mexican citizens who it said had been the target of "repressive and discriminatory measures" because of the swine flu outbreak.

(5 May 2009) A chartered Mexican plane headed to several Chinese cities Tuesday to collect up to 70 Mexicans quarantined over swine flu fears in what their president denounced as discrimination and one stranded traveller compared to a kidnapping. Early on Tuesday, several Mexican nationals arrived at the Mexican embassy in Beijing, to take the flight back home.

Swine Flu Causes China, Mexico Trade Rift
Mexico's government on Sunday called China's treatment of its citizens unacceptable and said it would not participate in a Shanghai trade fair in a dispute over anti-swine flu measures adopted by the Asian giant. (May 11)
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When it comes to Xenophobia/racism towards people from countries with virus problems China has no equal. Any treatment they feel is bad is just a drop in the bucket compared to how horribly they treated Mexicans during the H1N1 outbreak. They rounded up Mexican nationals and stuck them in quarantined hotels with the doors locked even though NONE of them tested positive. The Mexicans were outraged and called it kidnapping. The Chinese didn't care what Mexico thought and Mexico had to evacuate them because they were treated so badly.

Check out how they were treated like lepers

So suddenly people covering their noses is far worse than that??

Swine flu: Mexican citizens flown back from China after being held in hotels

Tue 5 May 2009 03.01 EDT
First published on Tue 5 May 2009 03.01 EDT

A plane chartered by the Mexican government arrived in China today to bring home more than 70 Mexican citizens who it said had been the target of "repressive and discriminatory measures" because of the swine flu outbreak.

(5 May 2009) A chartered Mexican plane headed to several Chinese cities Tuesday to collect up to 70 Mexicans quarantined over swine flu fears in what their president denounced as discrimination and one stranded traveller compared to a kidnapping. Early on Tuesday, several Mexican nationals arrived at the Mexican embassy in Beijing, to take the flight back home.

Swine Flu Causes China, Mexico Trade Rift
Mexico's government on Sunday called China's treatment of its citizens unacceptable and said it would not participate in a Shanghai trade fair in a dispute over anti-swine flu measures adopted by the Asian giant. (May 11)
I think you mixed up taking precaution vs racism... Did the video showed Chinese authority screaming at them to ask them get out of China? They are ask to be quarantine. That's all. It's for safety of all. And u can claim that as racism? What happened if one of them tested swine flu? Can u tell me the consequences?
I think you mixed up taking precaution vs racism... Did the video showed Chinese authority screaming at them to ask them get out of China? They are ask to be quarantine. That's all. It's for safety of all. And u can claim that as racism? What happened if one of them tested swine flu? Can u tell me the consequences?

There is a reason why Australia, Canada, and America do not round people up and force them into Quarantine, that is call personal privacy, a body (as in your body) is one's own subject, but not states subject. And you cannot force people to do things they don't want.

I am not familiar with other country, but in Australia, the government do not force people (Australian Citizens or Permanent Resident, you cannot enter Australia if you are not a resident or citizen) to go into quarantine camp if they were to come from China, they will ask you if you want to be quarantined, For example, in the extraction of Australian Citizen in Wuhan and putting them into Christmas Island, they don't force them to take the flight, you can stay at Wuhan if they want, if you do not want to put into Christmas Island for 14 days or and people who come back from China in the last 14 days were asked to stay in their home, but they don't put people under guard and force them into a camp or something, and certainly not foreign national.

I am not saying the racist thing does not exist, it does, and unfortunately it happens and wide spread, but you also cannot denied Chinese would also do that. What is the different between putting unwilling people into unwilling quarantine and people started covering your mouth when they see you are Asian? There are no difference.

I would say both are more about scare of the disease rather then a racial prejudice. Can it be excuse those? No
No other race worships white people than East Asian and no other race gets discriminated than East Asians.

BS as usual. Less developed EU countries are notorious for racism. I think it comes a defence mechanism to cover their insecurity over being less developed or relevant.
Thats true, most of the "real" germans here are quite cool. The majority of my negative encounters from what I have experienced here are from less developed/educated people like turks with headscarf (normal turks not) and gypsys.

Actually I am quite surprised (generelly) how calm german people are. But also surprised how uneducated other european countries are.

Chinese have their fair share of racist among them. I suffered discrimination at the hands of Chinese when i was working on project which was also the reason i left that job by telling my manager that he can go **** himself. Racism is not limited to whites or asians. Indians and Pakistan are biggest racist arses when it comes to dark color. If an unfortunate soul has black color in a Pakistani school then he/she is bound to suffer the ultimate humiliation every day of her life.

Sorry to hear that. But true, I know both countries, Germany and China. And although some germans can be racist (quite few) but I know Chinese and I believe the other east asians are more worse :hitwall: there is no good or evil, actually everybody are shitty haha
Thats true, most of the "real" germans here are quite cool. The majority of my negative encounters from what I have experienced here are from less developed/educated people like turks with headscarf (normal turks not) and gypsys.

Actually I am quite surprised (generelly) how calm german people are. But also surprised how uneducated other european countries are.
I avoid them to be honest but I met some nice Turks where I live right now but I gotta say they are significantly more educated than the average Turk you meet in Germany. Maybe that's why. I think the key is to avoid people with insecurities or without self esteem. If it's not racism they will come up with something else to bring you down.

Sorry to hear that. But true, I know both countries, Germany and China. And although some germans can be racist (quite few) but I know Chinese and I believe the other east asians are more worse :hitwall: there is no good or evil, actually everybody are shitty haha
Koreans take it to a whole new level :D My negative impression of East Asians come from some early experience with Koreans tbh. Although back then I myself was just a German learner doing blue collar part time jobs while preparing for C1 exam. Maybe it had a bigger impact than it should have. If I were to face the same experience now, don't think I would care for a day.
There is a reason why Australia, Canada, and America do not round people up and force them into Quarantine, that is call personal privacy, a body (as in your body) is one's own subject, but not states subject. And you cannot force people to do things they don't want.

I am not familiar with other country, but in Australia, the government do not force people (Australian Citizens or Permanent Resident, you cannot enter Australia if you are not a resident or citizen) to go into quarantine camp if they were to come from China, they will ask you if you want to be quarantined, For example, in the extraction of Australian Citizen in Wuhan and putting them into Christmas Island, they don't force them to take the flight, you can stay at Wuhan if they want, if you do not want to put into Christmas Island for 14 days or and people who come back from China in the last 14 days were asked to stay in their home, but they don't put people under guard and force them into a camp or something, and certainly not foreign national.

I am not saying the racist thing does not exist, it does, and unfortunately it happens and wide spread, but you also cannot denied Chinese would also do that. What is the different between putting unwilling people into unwilling quarantine and people started covering your mouth when they see you are Asian? There are no difference.

I would say both are more about scare of the disease rather then a racial prejudice. Can it be excuse those? No
Lol.. are u sure? British citizen back from Wuhan are forced to undergo quarantine. Another poor attempt by you to smear China. What China did to Mexico is no different from what UK is doing to their citizen. Can the British back from Wuhan choose not to go for quarantine?


If u are in China, u need to follow China law. If Chinese in UK, I expect them to follow UK law too. Fredom vs follow the law are 2 different thing. Typical tactics of u to misled readers.

Earlier u accuse Chinese official of not taking action quick enough and now In Mexico swine flu incident, you claim the action of CPC is infringing freedom of mexican. While I see fast and decisive action of CPC to stop spreading to Chinese citizen. See how selective u use cases to suit your agenda. You claim China law transparency from this coronavirus case is lacking just from some BS media and yet I have quote from US VP Mike Pence praising China transparency. See how much BS u try to feed us about your China hatre with selective data to manipulate our mindset.
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less developed/educated people like turks with headscarf (normal turks not) and gypsys.

Way to be a racist and Islamophobe in one sentence.

but I know Chinese and I believe the other east asians are more worse

Yeah, you definitely seem worse than the average human being.

I think the key is to avoid people with insecurities or without self esteem

Like a SL posting racist BS in every thread on PDF. Talk about insecurity.
Lol.. are u sure? British citizen back from Wuhan are forced to undergo quarantine. Another poor attempt by you to smear China. What China did to Mexico is no different from what UK is doing to their citizen. Can the British back from Wuhan choose not to go for quarantine?


Yes I am sure. The British did NOT FORCE them to take the flight home. In fact, many of the British Citizen decided to stay in China instead. The first flight, they expected 200+ brits on, but only 87 on board.


The evacuation flight is like a contract. Since they (the Brits stuck in Wuhan) don't have ways to leave, the UK government offer them a way to leave China, but in return you stay in their designated quarantine camp for 14 days. It's up to the individual to decide whether or not they take the contract up. You can either accept it, then accept the full term of contract, which is stay in isolation camp for 14 days, or you can refuse it, and stay in Wuhan. You very obviously need to sign something to honour the contract if you do take it up.

This is based on one willingness, it's not like British Police come to China (Or ask their Chinese counterpart) to round up British Citizens and make them board the flight and make them stay at the quarantine camp.

I already did explained it with the Australian Evacuate Flight and Christmas Island example. You should read one's post before comment on it.

If u are in China, u need to follow China law. If Chinese in UK, I expect them to follow UK law too. Fredom vs follow the law are 2 different thing. Typical tactics of u to misled readers.

I am not talking about whether they should follow the law. I am talking about putting said law in effect violate the principle of "Personal Privacy" Of course, Mexican need to follow Chinese law when they were in China, but that does not mean the law is just, and discriminating, and you are discriminating them by forcibly put them into quarantine. That's because you choose them specifically for it, which is the basic constitution of bias, which mean that was build on discriminatory act.

In fact, while they should follow law in China, but these people, as international national should have freedom of movement, ie they should be able to leave China anytime they like (Unless is clashed with legal matter) if these people, who are not your citizens, did not committed any crime, they should be free to move (ie leave China) under international law, you cannot round them up and forcibly imprison them under international law. Unless you are claiming all these people are criminal.

Earlier u accuse Chinese official of not taking action quick enough and now In Mexico swine flu incident, you claim the action of CPC is infringing freedom of mexican. While I see fast and decisive action of CPC to stop spreading to Chinese citizen. See how selective u use cases to suit your agenda. You claim China law transparency from this coronavirus case is lacking just from some BS media and yet I have quote from US VP Mike Pence praising China transparency. See how much BS u try to feed us about your China hatre with selective data to manipulate our mindset.

lol, what are stupid argument.

On one hand, I accuse of China did not take action as soon as they receive the warning from Dr Li. And this is about said action whether or not justified.

For argument sake, let put them at the same pedestal. Did you forcibly put round up Wuhan Citizen and put them in Quarantine Camp? If no, why do you think it's okay to put Mexican national in Quarantine Camp back in 2009?

Now going back to your own personal argument, let's make the Mexican quarantine thing more extreme, let's say Chinese execute all Mexican National because they think they have swine flu. Now if you can use the "I argue Chinese did not do shit in this outbreak" to justify Chinese executing Mexican National?

You are arguing with an argument (readiness in this case) which are not mutually exclusive to another argument (which is the severity of the action) You can act quick and don't put extreme reaction at the same time, so what is the relation between a countries reaction time and the severity of its action, on another different outbreak no less.
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Yes I am sure. The British did NOT FORCE them to take the flight home. In fact, many of the British Citizen decided to stay in China instead. The first flight, they expected 200+ brits on, but only 87 on board.


The evacuation flight is like a contract. Since they (the Brits stuck in Wuhan) don't have ways to leave, the UK government offer them a way to leave China, but in return you stay in their designated quarantine camp for 14 days. It's up to the individual to decide whether or not they take the contract up. You can either accept it, then accept the full term of contract, which is stay in isolation camp for 14 days, or you can refuse it, and stay in Wuhan. You very obviously need to sign something to honour the contract if you do take it up.

This is based on one willingness, it's not like British Police come to China (Or ask their Chinese counterpart) to round up British Citizens and make them board the flight and make them stay at the quarantine camp.

I already did explained it with the Australian Evacuate Flight and Christmas Island example. You should read one's post before comment on it.

Your accusation are full of flaw. When swine flu started in Mexico, some mexican just landed in China less than 14 days. They are required to follow Chinese law to be qurantine for 14days. You think the mexican can have a choice not to be qurantine and then claim its infringement of their personal freedom? Their personal freedom is important than the health of 1 billion Chinese. Chinese are not human, mexican personal freedom is precious. Do u mean that? They will be forced if they dont comply. I see not different from what other countries doing with China. Yet , its you all the while trying to make a different and then accuse China of bad thing. Enough of your manipulation.

I am not talking about whether they should follow the law. I am talking about putting said law in effect violate the principle of "Personal Privacy" Of course, Mexican need to follow Chinese law when they were in China, but that does not mean the law is just, and discriminating, and you are discriminating them by forcibly put them into quarantine. That's because you choose them specifically for it, which is the basic constitution of bias, which mean that was build on discriminatory act.

In fact, while they should follow law in China, but these people, as international national should have freedom of movement, ie they should be able to leave China anytime they like (Unless is clashed with legal matter) if these people, who are not your citizens, did not committed any crime, they should be free to move (ie leave China) under international law, you cannot round them up and forcibly imprison them under international law. Unless you are claiming all these people are criminal.

UK,US, Australia and Canada banning all flight from China disregards of WHO advise is not discriminating? While you claim China asking all Mexican landed in China less than 14 days to be qurantine is discriminating? LOL.. You think we are stupid to take your crap explanation?

lol, what are stupid argument.

On one hand, I accuse of China did not take action as soon as they receive the warning from Dr Li. And this is about said action whether or not justified.

For argument sake, let put them at the same pedestal. Did you forcibly put round up Wuhan Citizen and put them in Quarantine Camp? If no, why do you think it's okay to put Mexican national in Quarantine Camp back in 2009?

Now going back to your own personal argument, let's make the Mexican quarantine thing more extreme, let's say Chinese execute all Mexican National because they think they have swine flu. Now if you can use the "I argue Chinese did not do shit in this outbreak" to justify Chinese executing Mexican National?

You are arguing with an argument (readiness in this case) which are not mutually exclusive to another argument (which is the severity of the action) You can act quick and don't put extreme reaction at the same time, so what is the relation between a countries reaction time and the severity of its action, on another different outbreak no less.

typical tactics to repeat the same old trick. This is a new strand which nobody can understand how it works and even this Dr Li cannot comfirm everything and we have a smart alec bragging what action shall be taken earlier. How do u know this strand can transmit from human to human? Oh yah.... Becos of 2 weeks earlier happened and confirmation. Of cos keyboard warrior like you will brag the action to isolate Wuhan shall have done even 1 month earlier like a expert who can predict future....
When WHO, US government and majority of global health agencies all lauded China for her transparency and quick response to contain the virus, do you really care what 黄尸 thinks?
Everyone is a racists. This is a vague and subjective term.
For a black , Whites are racists , for Whites , Blacks are.
For some Chinese are racists and vice versa.
In South Asia , for dark skin people , fair ones are racists.
So no one , absolutely no one holds the moral ground to call anyone a racist......
No other race worships white people than East Asian and no other race gets discriminated than East Asians.
That's why the whites hate the Chinese the most?
Pulling something out of your a$$ again?


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