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Chinese general arrested for gilded lifestyle

yeah, thats the history, thats why, u cant trust ur General, they r full of liar and corrupted.

China's history can lie, but bcz China came and begged for US's protection, so it was writen in US's history

Ur corrupted general'd better to admit that they gained Nothing except few island in SCS(E sea) during war wt VN. Laos-Camb still full of VN under cover troops and they r under our control .

Deng went to US and asked Carter to approval the plan!

You really lost your f*cking mind.

BTW, you are the real beggar who ask Soviet Union to protect you .

Cam ranh bay was the tribute for signing the treaty.

We say "no" to Khrushchev when he tried to get a military base in china.

Do you shame about that ?
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Ur corrupted general'd better to admit that they gained Nothing except few island in SCS(E sea) during war wt VN. Laos-Camb still full of VN under cover troops and they r under our control .

Yes , we only get few islands in scs and we will get the others back step by step, you thief !
Deng went to US and asked Carter to approval the plan!

You really lost your f*cking mind.

BTW, you are the real beggar who ask Soviet Union to protect you .

Cam ranh bay was the tribute for signing the treaty.

We say "no" to Khrushchev when he tried to get a military base in china.

Do you shame about that ?
Yeah, that history was written in US's website. Deng shamelessly came and begged for US's protection . its You who really lost your mind coz u have been cheated for so long :laugh:

I repeat, its US's website, and American agreed that the Truth . its not VN's site. China should arrest more and more General and force them to tell all the truth to the people :laugh:
Was he arrested for his lifestyle? Or was he arrested for how he was financing that lifestyle?
Yeah, that history was written in US's website. Deng shamelessly came and begged for US's protection . its You who really lost your mind coz u have been cheated for so long :laugh:

I repeat, its US's website, and American agreed that the Truth . its not VN's site. China should arrest more and more General and force them to tell all the truth to the people :laugh:

Yes , you repeat your ignorance! Your brain is frozen once you see the western website.

And Vie repeats the indignity and sell cam ranh bay again.

Was he arrested for his lifestyle? Or was he arrested for how he was financing that lifestyle?
For how.
yes , with out local militant , there was no elite VPA.

And with out the munitions from Ru and Cn, no matter how elite VPA is , they are nothing.


read my comment above. No USSR, there is no existed the state called PRC. China is rule by ROC KMT.:coffee:

if it wasn't russia, there is no state called PRC, there is ROC.

Vietnam is democracy state like Malaysia, Thailand, Philippine. ... :yahoo:
中国有句古话: “和珅跌倒,嘉庆吃饱。”

当无法从老百姓手里榨出油,就该轮到向贪官污吏开刀! GCD从农村&城市无产阶级革命发迹,从改革开放发家致富。除非GCD想跟KMT一样,这个时候应该党内整风肃贪。

“水能载舟,亦能覆舟。” GCD这个以推倒KMT获得中国正统拥有8000万党员的政党, 要从KMT败走大陆&苏维埃垮台 学会历史经验。

中国上下5000年,历朝历代不管朝廷香火多少年。上层利益阶级作威作福,离开了群众支持,最后一定是“分久必合,合久必分”。 中国人根子里就是“共患难,仇不公”&“王候将相宁有种乎”, 这种“革命”理念深入人心。

BTW 北京38军 和 武警 火拼小道消息,完全是扯淡! 我那北京亲戚晚上睡的好好,他老公是一名空军高级军官,这事他不可能不知道。

改革:不仅是社会生产力改革,也是GCD体制内“改革”。 社会财富分配,必须公平合理!抄你的家,革你的命 <== GCD体制内优胜劣汰。

Those princelings who have looted China's state owned corporation must be out.

We must use the Maoist flag to crush these bastards.
. .
if it wasn't russia, there is no state called PRC, there is ROC.
Vietnam is democracy state like Malaysia, Thailand, Philippine. ... :yahoo:

there is no Russia but USSR in 1949
there is no more USSR but Russia in 1985

vietnamese thai pinoy malaysian democracy? just a lesser joke than india!
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You mean USSR help us to defeat KMT ?

You lost your mind deeply.

Soviet Union liberated Manchuria, given back big land North East to China, with weapons, human resource, most developed area in China after WW II 1945, without such help you could not facing with KMT (with USA help).
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. .
KMT is ok with me, I m not a communist.

Forget about ideology. Ideologies are for incompetant people. democracy, communism, dictartorship are just tools to govern. KMT is bad for China because they want to be a lap dog to the west. I care not if a country is communist, democracy as long as people's lives are getting better and as long as we are strong and not a lap dog.
Soviet Union liberated Manchuria, given back big land North East to China, with weapons, human resource, most developed area in China after WW II 1945, without such help you could not facing with KMT (with USA help).

North East was more developed than the other area ?

When the Civil war happened , the Northeastern china was controlled by KMT ,idiot!
. .

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