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If you have nothing to do with those extinct states then why do you harp on Southern Han Chinese ancestry.

I smell an inferiority complex here,you are desperate to associate Southern Han Chinese with Vietnamese for some reason.

For the last time we are not Baiyue people.

The classification into two kind of Han made by Chinese, not Vietnamese. Your history book stated that Southern China was land of Bai Yue, who speak Tai/Katay language.

I'm only part Hakka,on my paternal grandmother's side.

Base on paternal worshiping custom in China, your are no Hakka. If your grandfather was native Cantonese descendant from 2,000 years, You are Yue, bro.
The classification into two kind of Han made by Chinese, not Vietnamese. Your history book stated that Southern China was land of Bai Yue, who speak Tai/Katay language.
No the Baiyue spoke Austronesian,Austro Asiatic,Tibeto Burman,Tai Kadai,Hmong Mien etc.

You don't seem to realize that there are Southern and Northern Han because of geographical proximity.

Base on paternal worshiping custom in China, your are no Hakka. If your grandfather was native Cantonese descendant from 2,000 years, You are Yue, bro.
I never claimed to be Hakka,I said I was part Hakka big difference.

My grandfather was from Fuzhou,his ancestors from Putian and even further the central plains nothing to do with Baiyue.
No the Baiyue spoke Austronesian,Austro Asiatic,Tibeto Burman,Tai Kadai,Hmong Mien etc.
You don't seem to realize that there are Southern and Northern Han because of geographical proximity.

so what languages spoken Bai Yue people in the past ?


I never claimed to be Hakka,I said I was part Hakka big difference.
My grandfather was from Fuzhou,his ancestors from Putian and even further the central plains nothing to do with Baiyue.

Putian's are in Chengxiang District, where dialect Min is the largest dialect spoken in Putian. I think you are Min Yue.
This is serious, not funny discussion. When are you going to accept our offer of a VAR with full state rights?
lol you want to degrade VN to a status like HK? offer rejected.

No the Baiyue spoke Austronesian,Austro Asiatic,Tibeto Burman,Tai Kadai,Hmong Mien etc.

You don't seem to realize that there are Southern and Northern Han because of geographical proximity.
I never claimed to be Hakka,I said I was part Hakka big difference.

My grandfather was from Fuzhou,his ancestors from Putian and even further the central plains nothing to do with Baiyue.
just curious. have you studied history and how have you kept your family history book so long?
so what languages spoken Bai Yue people in the past ?

I already stated in post 122 that the Baiyue spoke different languages.

None of which have anything to do with modern day Southern Chinese languages other than some mutual borrowing.

Putian's are in Chengxiang District, where dialect Min is the largest dialect spoken in Putian. I think you are Min Yue.
I don't know to say either you are being intentionally dense or really just that ignorant.

Min is descended from Old Chinese,the Min Yue people did not speak a language in any way shape or form similar to the Sinitic Min of today.

A cursory glance at the Shiji chapter 114 東越列傳.


The son of heaven said Eastern Yue is narrow and hard to traverse,furthermore Min Yue is full of fierce,disloyal people.

The emperor therefore issued a decree where the army would settle the native people to in the lands between the Chang Jiang and Huai rivers.,thus Eastern Yue became a barren land.

So how could I be related to a group of people that have been forcibly settled out of Fujian?
lol you want to degrade VN to a status like HK? offer rejected.

Why not bro? It's a good offer. How could you say "degrade"? It's upgrade.

Christy Chung, famous HK actress, very popular in Asia. She was born in Montreal to a Chinese father and a Vietnamese mother.

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