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Chinese fishing boats leave disputed shoal in South China Sea

Why doesn't the Chinese gov't simply buy out the sovereignty claims of the other claimants? It would be a lot cheaper than gunship diplomacy and create less bad blood as well.
Why doesn't the Chinese gov't simply buy out the sovereignty claims of the other claimants? It would be a lot cheaper than gunship diplomacy and create less bad blood as well.

They desperatly need a war to prove their newly acquired next super power tag. Act of desperation.Very irresponsible thinking.
They desperatly need a war to prove their newly acquired next super power tag. Act of desperation.Very irresponsible thinking.
Perhaps "insecure" is a better description than "irresponsible". I do get that vibe...Tiananmen, you know. The Party's scared stiff by the prospect of economic recession, fearing that a near-irresistible push for political change will follow.

Yet buying out the sovereignty claims in the South China Sea is a more certain route to continued prosperity than the disinvestment and hoarding that are the results of increased tensions. So I suspect this has more to do with Party-military political maneuvering than anything else.
What a stupid suggestion. Why 'buy' something that belongs to you?
To settle the argument beyond dispute and simultaneously acknowledge the merits of others. It's not like China is the only country with a claim. Since you're at Oxford why not suggest it as a topic at the next Oxford Debate?
To settle the argument beyond dispute and simultaneously acknowledge the merits of others. It's not like China is the only country with a claim. Since you're at Oxford why not suggest it as a topic at the next Oxford Debate?

Don't think you get it. If we "buy" it, we're admitting it's not ours. We offer to buy it, they refuse, and now that's evidence that we don't really think it belongs to us.
Don't think you get it. If we "buy" it, we're admitting it's not ours.
There is ample legal precedent outside of the Far East for Chinese diplomatic scholarship to draw upon. Don't you think it would be foolish to ignore it?
u have bad memory. just to help u in ur memory. Russia also inked agreement with Vietnam to drill oil there. So u should say Viet and Phillippine and India and Russia.

Also wait for a second. what basis is ur assumption that USA is leaving SCS? likely it wont leave ever so u should by ur own admission forget about SCS forever.

Ours surveillance ship still drifting around the SCS near dispute claim lands, where the hell is the fillipino now? Why indian only talk ##@@@, but cannot deal with China one on one have to ask for USA. Are India are really slave of Mighty USA from now on?
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