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Chinese Expert Claims PLA troops used Directed Energy Weapon on Indian Troops at Pangong Lake

India's IQ is only 81. lol

LOL - no wonder the Chinese believe anything their daft professors say - hahahaha. Always believing debunked lies.
The only source the Chinese should rely upon for information about India is the 100,000 Chinese refugees here.
Why is the Chinese IQ so low in the US over other immigrant groups? Almost seems like once you are outside of the great wall, you can't cook the books and the real IQ becomes evident.

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It's been debunked - some white supremacists made that number up and the Chinese gleefully accepted it -

Why is the Chinese IQ so low in the US over other immigrant groups? Almost seems like once you are outside of the great wall, you can't cook the books and the real IQ becomes evident.

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LOW IQ Indian boy boasting about INDIANS in AMERICA. They ARE US CITIZENS not India's. Your Indian per capita in India is only $1877. Don't boast like your delusional Indians are rich.

LOL - no wonder the Chinese believe anything their daft professors say - hahahaha. Always believing debunked lies.
The only source the Chinese should rely upon for information about India is the 100,000 Chinese refugees here.

It's been debunked - some white supremacists made that number up and the Chinese gleefully accepted it -

Yeah, we know that here. All their IQ numbers are fantastically up when any tests are conducted within China. But in the real world outside,a different story.
LOL - no wonder the Chinese believe anything their daft professors say - hahahaha. Always believing debunked lies.
The only source the Chinese should rely upon for information about India is the 100,000 Chinese refugees here.

It's been debunked - some white supremacists made that number up and the Chinese gleefully accepted it -

What is lie about Indian's IQ? lol . You delusional Indians are easily brainwashed by fakes news through Whatsapp and doing mob lynching.
What is lie about Indian's IQ? lol . You delusional Indians are easily brainwashed by fakes news through Whatsapp and doing mob lynching.

Maybe that's the narrative peddled in Communist China to prevent more Chinese citizens to join the 100,000 Chinese refugees in India. But don't worry - you can get in queue and apply.
LOW IQ Indian boy boasting about INDIANS in AMERICA. They ARE US CITIZENS not India's. Your Indian per capita in India is only $1877. Don't boast like your delusional Indians are rich.

I'm not Indian, and you came in making remarks about IQ. I'm simply reminding you that the Chinese are average at best when living in an open society. I guess china is not around to help cook the IQ books to make you look smart. Why are you guys so average was the question, wu mao?
India has also used Ultra High Energy Weapon but it works a little differently as compared to other weapons. The soldier has to drink it to unleash their super human fighting capabilities, and it is easily available from Cattle farms.
I'm not Indian, and you came in making remarks about IQ. I'm simply reminding you that the Chinese are average at best when living in an open society. I guess china is not around to help cook the IQ books to make you look smart. Why are you guys so average was the question, wu mao?
Right Indian boy. We believe you. Only LOW IQ Indians like you like to boast about the wealth of US CITIZENS.
UNICEF had to spend wasted money on LOW IQ Indians to teach them about pooping.

LOL Glass houses. CCP had to spend money to publish a book to teach the Chinese not spit, poop, pee and talk loud in the open when visiting foreign countries.
“Don’t spit phlegm or gum, throw litter, urinate or defecate wherever you feel like it."
UNICEF had to spend wasted money on LOW IQ Indians to teach them about pooping.
And yet 100,000 of your citizens had to seek refuge here. I guess UNICEF must have realized it's better to teach the Chinese once they get refuge in India than to teach them in China.
LOL Glass houses. CCP had to spend money to publish a book to teach the Chinese not spit, poop, pee and talk loud in the open when visiting foreign countries.
“Don’t spit phlegm or gum, throw litter, urinate or defecate wherever you feel like it."
Talk about spoon feeding
Right Indian boy. We believe you. Only LOW IQ Indians like you like to boast about the wealth of US CITIZENS.

Not the wealth of US citizens. Since you were taunting others, I was showing how the Chinese-American community is below average compared to so many immigrant groups, in practically every success measure i.e. not just in wealth but also behind in, education, the caliber of jobs held, and every success measure in that PEW@ data chart.
LOL Glass houses. CCP had to spend money to publish a book to teach the Chinese not spit, poop, pee and talk loud in the open when visiting foreign countries.
“Don’t spit phlegm or gum, throw litter, urinate or defecate wherever you feel like it."

Indian government are better since they CAN INCREASE THEIR PER CAPITA by paying their people to use a toilet.
"Paid to poo: Combating open defecation in India"

And yet 100,000 of your citizens had to seek refuge here. I guess UNICEF must have realized it's better to teach the Chinese once they get refuge in India than to teach them in China.

Talk about spoon feeding
100,000? Is that what INDIAN NEWS MEDIA PROPAGANDA are telling the LOW IQ Indians?

Indian students want to leave that shit hole India for China.

And yet 100,000 of your citizens had to seek refuge here. I guess UNICEF must have realized it's better to teach the Chinese once they get refuge in India than to teach them in China.

Talk about spoon feeding

It's not spoon feeding @GamoAccu's own logic says it's because the Chinese suddenly develop a LOW IQ when they leave China for foreign lands...I'm just applying is own logic to the equation. :rolleyes1:
It's not soon feeding @GamoAccu's own logic says it's because the Chinese suddenly develop a LOW IQ when they leave China for foreign lands...I'm just applying is own logic to the equation. :rolleyes1:
Since you INDIANS LIKE TO BOASTS. Here is something for you to boast about.


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