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Chinese Execution Buses

Where did you get this 3-5K executions a year, any RELIABLE SOURCE or did you just pull that out of your arse? India is the human rights violation and EXTRA-JUDICIAL EXECUTION capital of the world. So much is secretive and happening in tribal/rural areas, and the fact that NGOs are hampered/restricted we really don't know the tally.

Hey SinoIndusFriendship

You know what .. you are right ....its really not fair for me to not to give you a link.

There you go ..I underestimated ...The annual death penalty rate is some where about 5-7K per year ...official estimate for 2007.

When compared to India or Pakistan in that matter

Guess you also believe the whole "19 Arab Hijackers" MYTH. Damn those Arab muslims from Saudi, they are so stealthy that they managed to bypass check-in and port security to hide in the airplane's cargo, only to magically over-power a plane packed full of Americans with mere "box-cutters".

You need therapy dude!
Hey SinoIndusFriendship

You know what .. you are right ....its really not fair for me to not to give you a link.

There you go ..I underestimated ...The annual death penalty rate is some where about 5-7K per year ...official estimate for 2007.

When compared to India or Pakistan in that matter

You need therapy dude!

It is Dua Hua's estimate, no "official" estimate. Guess you Indians believe everything bad you hear about China without knowing better. :crazy:

By the way, if I find some "official" estimates that the REAL number of executions in India is 10-20,000 does it make it true? :cheers: Go ahead with your anti-Ch1nkie bias. Every year there are massive crimes and riots in your country. Living there I got used to the daily barrage. :cheesy:
Hey SinoIndusFriendship

You know what .. you are right ....its really not fair for me to not to give you a link.

There you go ..I underestimated ...The annual death penalty rate is some where about 5-7K per year ...official estimate for 2007.

When compared to India or Pakistan in that matter

You need therapy dude!

Probably you don't know that, within your country, in a single state, 40,000 pregnant women died of neglect every year. InfoChange India News & Features development news India - Why 40,000 pregnant women die in UP every year

Instead of merely 7k, you should execute 70k of your criminal governmental officials every year, in federal, state and local level, to save those poor Indians.
Probably you don't know that, within your country, in a single state, 40,000 pregnant women died of neglect every year. InfoChange India News & Features development news India - Why 40,000 pregnant women die in UP every year

Instead of merely 7k, you should execute 70k of your criminal governmental officials every year, in federal, state and local level, to save those poor Indians.

But then a new crop of criminal gov officials will replace the old crop. Unless fundamental changes are done to improve the environment and mentality of the common people not much will improve. :smitten:
********.com - China's Execution Buses

Its quite moving.

This article accuses China "the execution capital of the world ". while acknowledging that China has big human rights problem, being the execution capital of the world is much better than being murder capital of the world. BBC NEWS | South Asia | India tops list of murder numbers

I guess all developing (and developed) countries need to work hard to protect human rights.
This article accuses China "the execution capital of the world ". while acknowledging that China has big human rights problem, being the execution capital of the world is much better than being murder capital of the world. BBC NEWS | South Asia | India tops list of murder numbers

I guess all developing (and developed) countries need to work hard to protect human rights.

ALL nations, especially the hypocritical ones (USA, France, UK...) need to clean up their act. Not all executions are reported, such as "friendly fire", "collateral damage", "accidental? deaths", "extreme interrogation (new CIA terminology for death-by-torture)", and "death camps". UK and USA are especially guilty of these. During the somali pirate episode where the pirates were given millions in ransom, and when they got on shore and into a SUV to escape, the UK special forces in helicopters chased after them and blew up their vehicle.

Imagine a foreign forces entering your airspace, murdering your citizen (out of judiciary) and getting away with it!!!

Not to mention reports that France, UK, Germany have used the waters off the coast of Somali to dump their radioactive spent Uranium.

And they routinely kidnap these Somali and African "terrorists" and put them in a kangaroo court for trial. A day will soon come when the shoe is on the other foot, and these 'savages' will get their justice.
"%99.99" :woot: Wow you believe that face value? That's a figure of speech. Who said China is more secretive than US, it is published.

China Acts to Reduce High Rate of Executions - New York Times
China executes more people every year than all other nations combined, by some Chinese estimates, up to 10,000 a year. Chinese courts have been embarrassed in recent years by a number of executions of people who were later proved innocent.

China does not disclose the number of executions it carries out under the criminal code, where almost 70 offenses carry the death penalty.
Now here is US capital punishment statistics.

The Federal Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

There are differences between 'punishable', 'sentenced' and 'executed', with the execution figures the lowest per any given year compared to those sentenced to receive capital punishment and to those whose crimes are punishable. Crimes that are punishable does not automatically move the guilty into sentence. There may be circumstances where the defendant will be sentenced to life imprisonment instead of capital punishment. In the link above, there is total of 57 inmates on death row, compared to 'up to 10,000 a year' executed in China. How long will those 57 death row inmates remain alive? Who knows. But the point is that the US execute far less prisoners than China. So either China is filled with criminals or that the criteria to earn the death sentence in China is quite broad.

In the US, there is a healthy debate about capital punishment. Some states have capital punishment, some states do not. The reason is because the people have an active voice in the issue and voted for representatives who will reflect the people's opinion on the subject. Does the average Chinese have any say on whether the government should have capital punishment or not? I doubt it, else we would not see 'up to 10,000 a year' executions in China. If given a chance and if the Chinese people elect to have capital punishment, I am willing to bet the criteria for a crime to earn the death penalty will be quite narrow. Like US.

Also the US does not include the SECRET EXECUTIONS of "terrorists" in Gitmo, Abu Graib and other "secret" foreign places. In fact they route the planes full of "terrorists" (really just innocent people) all over UK and Europe, and blame nations like Afghan for it.
Give US a break. Extraordinary renditions is a response to an extraordinary situation the US is currently facing. Whereas in China, what we consider 'extraordinary' is business as usual.

Guess you also believe the whole "19 Arab Hijackers" MYTH. :cheesy: Damn those Arab muslims from Saudi, they are so stealthy that they managed to bypass check-in and port security to hide in the airplane's cargo, only to magically over-power a plane packed full of Americans with mere "box-cutters".

Beejeezus, if I could only go to S.A. and hire meself some of these super-ninja-arab-jihadis I can take over the world. MUWHAAAA!!!!!! MUAHHHAAAAA!!!!!! :victory::chilli::taz::flame:

/sinister grin!
There is an existing thread about this silly conspiracy theory. Dig it up and I will debunk there.
19 Arab-hijackers aren't my crappy accusations, they are Zionist Media's. They are still peddling the whole Arab/Muslims did 9/11 lie. Larry Silverstein right after the attack (unknowingly) confessed to ordering to have it "pulled", you can search for the video online. Watch the entire video, there's no mistake what "pull it" refered to in demolition industry. :argh:
You really have no clue about anything do you.:agree:

For a start that refers to 7 World Trade Center . Not the 2 tower building so get you base fact correct first before engaging single brain cell or keyboard.

As I said you are getting very boring and worse you don't even get you so called facts correct.
Gambit, you've got your head too far up your arse. I guess you don't consider non-whites as humans, so it doesn't matter if they are executed. All those "sand-n1ggers" and "towel-heads" aren't human to you, so why count them?! Of course they are "extraordinary" cases, since it was a FALSE ACCUSATION OF WMD that started this war for zion. CIA was responsible for Killing Fields, yes public testimonies by those involve admited it.

And quoting "estimates" from NYT (another zionist mouthpiece) isn't credible at all. But go ahead and believe all your white-supremacist ideology, karma will kick you in the arse before you face hits the grave.
By the way Gambit, Mr. "American" I lived in America so I know better! :) And you don't really know much about Chinese people or China, just stereotypes. :) Really, white supremacism is sick.

But not all Americans are in denial. John L. Walker was a courageous soul who after witness the destruction his countrymen did to Afghans, he converted to Islam and supported their cause. Another notable fella as the Football player who was assassinated in "friendly fire" and his homocide was buried in a kangaroo court. Yes, nice system of crooks and murderers you've got running America.

How's your buddy Bernard Madoff doing lately? Feel sorry for all the suckers and innocent people who got scammed. China and Chinese people aren't your enemy buddy. America's real enemies are within, the likes of Greenspan who swindle the social-security of the nation.
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19 Arab-hijackers aren't my crappy accusations, they are Zionist Media's. They are still peddling the whole Arab/Muslims did 9/11 lie. Larry Silverstein right after the attack (unknowingly) confessed to ordering to have it "pulled", you can search for the video online. Watch the entire video, there's no mistake what "pull it" refered to in demolition industry. :argh:

Yeah I know, the Eskimos from an island north-east of Green Land carried out the 9/11 attack and in this endeavour they were assisted by the neo-nazis from Serbia.
Self delusion pure and simple.

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