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Chinese Envoy: We admire Israel

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Chinese Envoy: We admire Israel

After three years as China's ambassador to Israel, Zhao Jun is in love. 'You have created miracles for 62 years,' he says. In Yedioth Ahronoth interview, he talks about warm relations between two countries.

China's Ambassador to Israel Zhao Jun encounters the same question time and again. During visits to his homeland he is asked what it's like to serve in a country known as a world power with 200,000 residents.

"I explain to them that Israel only has seven million residents – barely a small town in China," he says. "They find it hard to believe. I understand them. News doesn't change all the time in China like it does here – every hour. It took me time to get used to it as well."

After three years in Israel, Zhao is in love. He recently asked his supervisor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing for another extension, although his term is scheduled to end soon. He wants to stay here at least one more year.

He spent Yom Kippur at the Kfat Shmaryahu synagogue near his residence. No, he didn't fast, but felt the need to express his solidarity.

"I am China's ambassador in Israel. I love Israel," he says in Hebrew, adding that he would galdly study Hebrew but can't find the time.

Didn't you have any prejudice against Israel?

"When the supervisor informed me that there was an available position for an ambassador to Israel, I immediately said yes. He said, 'Think about it for one night; consult your family.' I told him there was no need. I am interested in the position. Like others, I thought it was a country constantly in a state of war.

"When I arrived here I discovered a wonderful country. What captured my heart was the residents' friendly attitude. The friendship between Israel and the Chinese people has been going on for over 1,000 years, including during the Holocaust when Jewish refugees were given shelter in China although China was in dire straits, under a Japanese attack."

Mutual trust

On Tuesday, September 28, China marks 18 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel. The Chinese, like the Israelis, view this number as a symbolic milestone. "For us it symbolizes happiness and prosperity," the ambassador explains.

A festive gala dinner was to be held at the Beit Shean amphitheater in the presence of President Shimon Peres. This location was chosen, among other things, in honor of former politician David Levy, who lives in Beit Shean and served as foreign minister when the relations with China were first established.

Zhao says he is working with the Israeli Foreign Ministry on preparing Benjamin Netanyahu's upcoming visit to China, where he says the prime minister is expected to be welcomed warmly.

"You might not know this," he says, "but we in China admire you and your Jewish mind, which has brought many Nobel prizes. The free China was established in 1949, one year after Israel, but we view what you have achieved as a miracle. We are brothers, almost twins. We admire you for creating miracles for 62 years."

Undoubtedly, the greatest success in China and Israel's relations is the trade ties. In the past 18 years, trade relations have been extended and have grown to $6 billion.

"Israel contributes greatly to China in agricultural affairs, an important and significant field in China," Zhao says. "These days more than 20 universities have established ties with Israeli universities; nearly 20 Chinese universities have signed twin city agreements with Israeli cities; and the first Confucius Institute opened at Tel Aviv University in 2007.

"All these are signs of good relations. We have learned a lot from you. The Chinese government sees the importance of developing the relationship between China and Israel, and is willing to advance mutual trust and cooperation between the two countries and two governments."

How can the cooperation between our two countries be strengthened?

"Israel is proud of its advanced science and technology, while China enjoys the advantage of natural resources and spacious lands. So we have a lot to share in order to reach winning solutions."

Succeeding in China is every Israeli businessman's dream.

"Well, it's the dream of 90% of businesspeople in the world. But Israelis have a good chance, because it's a win-win situation."

Chinese envoy: We admire Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews
China doesn't appear to share Israel's concerns on the Iranian threat.

"That's not true. We are against the development of a nuclear weapon by the Iranians, but Iran has the right to use nuclear energy for civilian purposes. We agree with Washington's stand on this matter. We believe that the nuclear problem must be solved through a dialogue between the sides, and China definitely takes part in these discussions."

(Iranian President Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad is threatening to destroy Israel. What is your stance on this?

"We have made it clear, to the Iranians as well, that we are against countries using such threats."

Chinese envoy: We admire Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews
Where will we be 10 years from today?

"China welcomes investments from Israel. By the end of 2009, Israel set up 292 projects for investment in China, estimated at $220 million. The volume of trade grows every year.

The diplomatic ties will also grow tighter. Three of your presidents and three of your prime ministers have already visited China.

"We believe in and support integrating the Israeli mind in the Chinese market in order to generate those same miracles you have created in this small country. History has taught us that we are true friends."

Chinese envoy: We admire Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews
China to market Israel as attractive destination

Chinese Tourism Minister Shao Qiwei plans to boost activities aimed at exposing Israel as an attractive tourism destination, and says Israel is an extremely intriguing country for the Chinese tourist.

"I believe that mutual cooperation between China and Israel can lead to a huge breakthrough in the tourist traffic between the two countries," he said last week after meeting with his Israeli counterpart, Stas Misezhnikov, in Shanghai.

The Israeli tourism minister held several work meetings in China and took part in the opening of the Israeli stand at the Expo 2010 fair.

During their meeting, the two tourism ministers decided to host a joint tourism conference with representatives from all parts of the industry and to exchange information on developing rural tourism. In addition, the cooperation between the countries will be extended in the fields of culture, science, technology and agriculture.

The Chinese minister said at the end of the meeting that "the Chinese government has made a strategic decision to turn the tourism industry in the country into a key engine of growth, and we are working to implement the national tourism plan, which includes the construction of 1,000 additional five-star hotels in the next five years and the training of professional manpower in foreign languages in order to reach 100 million tourists in the coming years."

Minister Misezhnikov noted that one of the Tourism Ministry's targets was to bring tens of thousands of tourists from China every year by easing visa restrictions on Chinese tourists.

China to market Israel as attractive destination - Israel Travel, Ynetnews
Israel on the technological and scientific front has indeed achieved miracles and on the pure academic point give credit where its due..regardless of friend or foe!
As for Pakistan, I can only say that compared to Pakistan, Israel is not worth mentioning. Of course, we hope to develop relations with all countries.
But why is the trade volume between China and Pakistan so low? Given the excellent relations between the two one would expect it to be much higher. Perhaps because Pakistan has many difficulties and is not yet very stable (economically, politically etc.)?
But why is the trade volume between China and Pakistan so low? Given the excellent relations between the two one would expect it to be much higher. Perhaps because Pakistan has many difficulties and is not yet very stable (economically, politically etc.)?

Good question, many aspects, the key is cost. Shipping too far, and border trade has been a lot of restrictions. If the Pakistan border required facilities to complete, then the trade of China western and central and Pakistan will be unlimited, but the east still has a cost.
China Eastern have good fruit, but China western and central are the lack of high quality fruit, the only grapes and cantaloupe in Xinjiang.However, production is too small to meet the western and central regions. And Southeast Asia and Taiwan fruit delivered to Western price is too high.
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Yes, because direct shipping, the cost is low, particularly in eastern China, the most economically developed areas, but the transaction to the west, there is a big cost, it is Pakistan's opportunity. Just need to complete some border transport facilities.

Thank you for the info, it makes perfectly sense. So the next job is to develop western China and eastern Pakistan.
In fact, there are good opportunities for the china east and Central Asia , if China's railway network is more developed, high-speed freight have a big development, but in any case, China western and central will have a better trade opportunities and Central Asia and West Asia.
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Chinese admire Israel and at the same time they are close friend of pakistan?? :undecided::undecided: And most importantly pakistan don't have any objection to it Hippocratesy one must say.

Oh............ i get it pakistan also don't speak up against Chinese suppression of Uighur Muslims.

What has Chinese admiration of Israel to do with Pakistan??? China is an independent country and can have relations with any country, even with India and Pakistan don't have any objections. Israel is not our enemy, we just have a principal stance on Palestine, that its land should be returned back to its people and killing of innocent civilians should be stopped. It doesn't mean that all our friends should adopt our policy and make it a rule of thumb!! They can manage their international affairs as they like. China is not harming our interests in any way, so why should we object?? For us, China will be jeopardizing our interests, the day it starts selling weapons to India, the only declared enemy!! That we do not see happening in the foreseeable future.

And before calling Pakistan and Pakistanis hypocrites, why don't you check back a little, and call your good friend Russia hypocrites, which has multiple times offered and provided Pakistan with Military hardware, either through one way or other, despite of your consistent protests? But that I am sure you wouldn't!!

Now if you are done with your thing here, move on with thread.Any thing off topic/flame/troll would be treated strictly!

For us, China will be jeopardizing our interests, the day it starts to selling weapons to India, the only declared enemy!! That we do not see happening in the foreseeable future.

It won't happen. It the govt does so, it will jeopardize itself.
I'm mistrustful of the jews. Israel has helped us a bit in the past but Jews in the West are still trying to overthrow our government. Remember the cancelled Phalcon.

I think this is just diplomatic language. Our ambassador to Iran would say the same about Iran.
^^ That's right.

There are many sects of Jews though, one of which is Zionists towards whom China/Chinese should be vigilent at all time. These are guys who control Washington and the US in general.

Jews, Ashkenazi Jews (not average Israeli Jews who have average IQ of low 90s, far below that of Chinese) in particular, are smart people. Having grown up with many of them in the European heartland, I can attest to that with my personal experiences. Most of my former classmates who tried to top me in science and maths classes in my earlier schools were Ashkenazi Jews of Dutch/German origin (one was Hungarian Jew). Unfortunately for them, I beat them majority of the time, narrowly though.

In my view one of the reasons, therefore, that Chinese have historically been friendly with / sort of "unafraid" of to the extent of "embracing" Jews (many of them temporarly migrated to China to escape prosecutions in history as recent as WWII) is that we Han Chinese in general are as smart as Ashkenazi Jews hence we haven't intuitively treated them as a threat (i.e. intellectual threat, etc) to Chinese nationhood, unlike average Europeans who have had a potential risk of lossing out to Ashkenazis in key areas in the long run.
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