YoY FDI change doesn't explain anything.
Here are Worldbank data from their very own website (2010, current dollar)
FDI(net inflows) GDP FDI as % of GDP
China 185,080,744,436 5,926,612,009,750 3.12%
USA 236,226,000,000 14,586,736,313,339 1.62% US GDP has a lower dependency on FDI
GNP per Capita GDP per Capita
China 4,270 4,428 China GNP is lower than its GDP by 3.57%
USA 47,340 47,153 US GNP is barely the same or even slightly higher than its GDP
And moreover, during financial crisis, China FDI growth rate staggnated and/or even decreased, in usual year, I would assume it would be even higher.
source: I dont meet five posts criteria to post a link, but its quite easy to find data on Worldbank website.
btw, to the minimum level, I think democracy would means it shoule "we" get a say on what we deem as necessary, instead of your self-claimed Chinese democracy condition.