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Chinese Dragon and RussianBear clipped the claws ofAmerican Eagle


Dec 29, 2011
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At the moment, the United States has deployed in Japan 35,000 USPACOM (the United States Pacific Command) military units, a pair of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, five destroyers, four frigates, and built their base in the port of Yokosuka. About 17,000 marines are stationed on the island of Okinawa. The Japanese Fleet has 3 helicopter carriers, 8 missile destroyers, 20 frigates and 16 submarines at its disposal.
At the same time, the Second infantry division, and a brigade of Special Forces consisting of 19,700 servicemen are stationed in South Korea. USPACOM warehouses with military equipment, ammunition, fuel and food for the remainder of the 8th Army are located in Japan. The American Pacific Fleet (USPACFLT), consisting of 3 carriers, 4 helicopter carriers, 9 cruisers, 25 destroyers and 26 nuclear submarines located in Pearl Harbor and San Diego, is specially prepared for action in South-East Asia.

On the other hand, the Chinese Naval Forces have changed significantly over the last decade. Now they have modern equipment, created in 2004-2012 and aimed not at protection of the coast of China, but at offensive actions, and capable of hitting any target in Japan and Korea. Viet Nam also possesses an effective fleet consisting of 7 destroyers, 18 frigates and 2 submarines.
Referring to the sources close to the Pentagon, the Reuters Agency states that American Minister of Defense Chuck Hagel is going to increase the efficiency of the Fort Greely base (Alaska) in order to confront North Korea.
This is a propagandistic measure, as the trajectory of intercontinental ballistic missiles fired by North Korea lies outside the zone of activity of American missile interceptors.
Now to the postponement of the U.S. military intervention in North Korea. Despite all provocations of Pyongyang, the U.S. will not fall into the trap skillfully made by the Chinese. First of all the United States needs to redeploy its forces from Japan and Hawaii to the Korean Peninsula. Meanwhile, China will receive free access to the Japanese water area, and the Russians without a moment's thought will put on the wing their 36 supersonic TU-22М3 bombers capable to bring down strategic B-52 bombers of the military airbase Andersen (the island of Guam).
The U.S. administration is printing dollars without security in order to finance civil wars or American military invasions. Thanks to the theft of resources of entire countries, the White House covered the deficit of the uncontrolled printing of currency, and distributed the rest in the pockets of the accomplices from the administration. This rule, in force since the end of the Second World War, changed with the coming to power of George W. Bush in 2000. His greed resulted in the fact that the covering of deficit now led to the enrichment of his family and the IMF political commissars. As a result of the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S.A. accumulated a huge debt.
In 2001, Jiang Zemin and Vladimir Putin signed the Treaty on Neighbourliness and Fraternal Cooperation. After deciding to act together, Russia and China increased their chances of a successful confrontation with the three centers of power (the United States, Japan and the EU). Russia and China jointly implemented the economic method of «Chinese drops», capable of destroying the huge American military force in subsequent years.
The U.S debt exceeds $ 16 trillion, which is more than 100% of the GDP. China holds the most part of the debt of the United States - about $ 2 trillion (that is equal to the triennial U.S. defense budget). If China took out the borrowed funds, the U.S. economy would have collapsed.
In 2005, Vladimir Putin introduced a new strategy of increasing the gold reserves of Russia. Russia became the main buyer of gold on the world market, and in five years it doubled its gold reserves. Now Russia occupies the fifth place, monthly buying $ 500 million worth of gold.
The Chinese took notice of 8133 tons of gold, which are stored in U.S. banks and represent 74.5 % of the total volume of foreign exchange reserves. China wants this gold instead of the U.S. debt. China wants to issue a new currency, which will become an alternative to the dollar and will be secured in gold. With this purpose, China has started the repatriation of its gold reserves from Switzerland, London and New York.
Beijing signed a contract with more than 20 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, the UAE, Japan and others), which recognize the yuan as the official currency of international transactions to the detriment of the dollar. For the U.S. currency this means its withdrawal from a part of the international financial market.
There is no loophole left for the U.S., and all it can do is to delay the predictable result. Now it must strengthen its presence in South-East Asia, despite the reduction in the budget. That is why the Pentagon is obliged to distribute resources from other units in this area (other than USPACOM).
thread sounds like a world war 3....any ways...1 point i like to clarify here is chinese did not buy the u.s bonds to favour them they made it to strengthen their economy..how does this happen??

to have more profits on exports its good to have the value of currency lower but as the trade increase the currency also increases which would be not in favour of china..so what they did is just buy the u.s bonds with the forein reserves they have which means more dollars in circulation .which took the place of rmb.meaning rmb value would be lower than dollar meaning more profits on exports..its a great game of economy and they're playing it well..so fall in u.s economy or chinese economy would become a disaster to the world.and same to any case where large amount of trade involves...as simple as that..this explains more
You belong to an evil state that bombed 90 countries since 1947...and invades every other with oil.. While being the champion of liberty and democracy, you didn't know? :P

Don't forget, they give the world "freedom fries" as well. :lol:
You belong to an evil state that bombed 90 countries since 1947...and invades every other with oil.. While being the champion of liberty and democracy, you didn't know? :P

i dont like this.....maybe your country failed to act in its interests......but dont fault others for acting for their own.......americans are not responsible for upholding other countrys interests....only their own......something every nation should learn from usa....

yeah that might have been disadvantageous to you.......but americans dont need to worry about that......u shold worry about ur own leaders and generals selling you out for dollars....same goes out for every country whining against evil imperialist americans.......
i dont like this.....maybe your country failed to act in its interests......but dont fault others for acting for their own.......americans are not responsible for upholding other countrys interests....only their own......something every nation should learn from usa....

yeah that might have been disadvantageous to you.......but americans dont need to worry about that......u shold worry about ur own leaders and generals selling you out for dollars....same goes out for every country whining against evil imperialist americans.......

Nobody on this thread is American, so what are you talking about?

I'm sure it is good for Americans, but we are not Americans so it doesn't count for us.

China does what is in our best interests too, but that is not in the best interests of your country India, right? And you guys complain about us too, same way that others will complain about America.
America's biggest stooge will support it (you know the country I'm talking about).
Nobody on this thread is American, so what are you talking about?

I'm sure it is good for Americans, but we are not Americans so it doesn't count for us.

sure as hell it doesnt count us....but still this mindless whining about how evil america is, when our own leaders are hands in gloves with them is only chasing the ghost......

China does what is in our best interests too, but that is not in the best interests of your country India, right? And you guys complain about us too, same way that others will complain about America.

I dont complain......its for our leaders to do things to counter-act that.......u have no obligation to help us....ur leaders are mandated to look after chinese interests only....not indian....i will not blame u for our own failings........
sure as hell it doesnt count us....but still this mindless whining about how evil america is, when our own leaders are hands in gloves with them is only chasing the ghost......

That's true, the fault lies with the leaders/politicians who sell out their own countries on behalf of America.

Such behaviour is worse than treason.
i dont like this.....maybe your country failed to act in its interests......but dont fault others for acting for their own.......americans are not responsible for upholding other countrys interests.....

Yeah, Hitler also did everything for the interest of the German people and you defend the US because you're like a Nazi. BTW those who fund and support the politicians who sell the interest of their countries, like Mr. Ten Percent of Pakistan, are no less evil than the traitors of those countries.
I don't really know what the OP's article wanted to convey. But man i think the guy who worte this need some serious thinking about the term "Global Economy"

Think of a Bank. Why we put money in our bank??

THe things is, when we put money in our bank. The money physically disappear and become an "Account" in the Bank's system a series of payable and receivible. Where do the money goes then? Then you need to look at how the banks make money. Some bank (Commercial Bank like Macquarie Bank) use your money to buy Credit so they can lend to others and earn the proceed. Some bank (Namely Federal Reserve) use your money to buy Gold and put them to their Foreign Exchange or Reserve.

Either way, your money is literally gone (I mean Physically) and becoming a number in the system. When you go to the bank and take out the money, those money are not yours. Those are other people money, obtained by the same ways as yours.

So what if people lose interest, or trust of the bank. They go to the bank and withdraw. However, as i stated before, your money is long gone, only a bit called "credit" payable remain. It's ok if the withdraw amount is lower than the cash flow. But If the Amount of Withdraw are larger than the cash flow. big Problem.

As a customer, credit mean nothing to you if all you wanted is money. The problem is, if the bank lacking the money to pay you. What are they gonna do? They borrow from other bank, other commercial bank or federal reserve bank. However, when you have a net withdrawal and you are earning not enough, your system are going down and the time came when you don't have enough money to pay your debtor (Either your customer or the bank you borrow from) you go out of business.

This is commonly known as Bank Panic.

Now, imagine the bank is a country's own federal Reserve and the debtor is a country.

What will happen if that country request a withdraw that federal reserve cannot pay up? The country goes bankrupt. A fire sale follow. When you get everything cheap and must goes. You take the world economy with you as the only way you can pay up is by selling the gold reserve that federal reserve have. Hence the gold price lower and since everyone in everycountry uses Gold as a transfer balance, to be precise, ounce of gold. When the gold become cheaper. Your saving become lighter, does not matter where you are.

If you fail to see my point then........

People keep saying America is evil. The problem is, we don't get to where we are by being nice. This is not a game you can replay when you died. You only get one chance to play this game. We do what we have to do when we have to do it. In term of US policy, the only thing we need to satisifed with is ourself. This is true no matter where you are. You play a game, you gamble. You either are with us or against us. You can't blame us for things got wrong if you choose to either be with us or against us. It's one country own choice. We have nothing to do with it.

When you hire a guy and do stuff for you with all the intruction and stuff, and it went to shiite, can you blame yourselve for it?? You got pay the moment you accept the work. if it all went to shiite, this is your problem, not mine. THis is how i see the world. You like it, you take it, but if you take it and you failed, or you don't take it and you failed. You can't come back and blame us.
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