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Chinese diplomat meets Kurdistan Region PM, says Beijing wants to increase investment in Kurdistan

Northern Iraq's civil servants salaries Paid by Turkey till 2015. They have been in a very difficult economic situation for three to five years.

Let China pay their salaries. Our relatives live there, we are happy to see this help.
Ok, i didnt know this.

I feel like countries are now seeing Kurdistan like the Middle East's Afghanistan- everyone wants to be there due to strategic position..
Ok, i didnt know this.

I feel like countries are now seeing Kurdistan like the Middle East's Afghanistan- everyone wants to be there due to strategic position..
Also you do not seem to know that the KDP and KRG leaders have been carrying Turkish passports too since the 1970s.

After the second gulf war, while relations with the KRG corrupted, the KDP still continues all the economic activities dependent on Turkey.

When Turkey taking into account the legitimate concerns of the Iraqi central government and begin of policy development together, economic life in northern Iraq has deteriorated considerably. Nevertheless, the Barzani family still have billions of dollars of assets in Turkey.

We can't handle this load right now. Because we are at the point of getting results in the fight against the PKK and the line of the KDP is still unclear. As we continue to move towards Qandil Mountain(which is the HQ of pkk), it is not a bad thing for China to take on some of our responsibilities for a while.
Turkey is KRG's papa. It's not about China or Galactic Empire help. It's all about Turkey is landlocked KRG's only option to survive in the Middle East. We sell them electricity, water and anything from needle to foods. We also sell their oil via pipeline. Remember they tried to be independent by holding referandum despite Turkey's rejection. Usa and Israel gave them promises. Then what? They learned that we own them in this neighborhood and can't do a shjt without us.
~80% of Barzanistans GDP comes from Oil, which reaches the International market through Turkey.

I think we don't need to tell you what it means if we isolate them, they once made a big mistake and felt the consequences.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. For now the Turks have the upperhand in the surrounding area, but how long until the chinese catch up in the middle-east power play? What if China got offer it cant refuse from the khurds? With chinese support those khurds can easily avoid any obstacles the turks thrown at them. Once khurds prove themselves loyal to China, China will support them unconditional unlike USA or Russia who let the khurds down to suit their international agenda.
The middle-east region is a lucrative weapons market, OBOR project and most importantly China got their oil mostly from the middle-east region. So it is obvious China will enter the middle-east sooner or later. I think China choose khurdistan as the place to start the middle-east adventure.
It is true the middle-east region is a mess and in crisis year in year out but for every crisis there is opportunity.

And what they can offer maybe cookies ;)? You should google middle east corridor turkey then you will understand how much turkey and iran are important for belt and road success iraq is only on paper unified because of the UN you realise that if iraq officially looses northern iraq then not only iran syria or turkey but whole world would suffer the consequences can you actually imagine how much boost and confidence would get separatist movements around the globe i am especially talking about bosnia(chetniks) spain(catalonia and basque) uk(scotland and ireland) belgium(french and dutch speaking groups) italy(south tirol) france(corsica and catalonia) i am talking only about western europe but you get my point that’s why borders of iraq or other weak states would be “protected” not because big powers like but for fear of chain reaction that will happen sooner or later to them it’s “interesting” that both illegal referendum happened in spain and iraq at the same time maybe 1 day difference(correct me if have mistaken days)
By the way akar and esper will talk today for the launch of operation in NE syria all who had anti turkish dreams would have to wake up tomorrow with news about northern syria maybe hevals can get asylum in china that might be the offer you are talking about
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And what they can offer maybe cookies ;)? You should google middle east corridor turkey then you will understand how much turkey and iran are important for belt and road success iraq is only on paper unified because of the UN you realise that if iraq officially looses northern iraq then not only iran syria or turkey but whole world would suffer the consequences can you actually imagine how much boost and confidence would get separatist movements around the globe i am especially talking about bosnia(chetniks) spain(catalonia and basque) uk(scotland and ireland) belgium(french and dutch speaking groups) italy(south tirol) france(corsica and catalonia) i am talking only about western europe but you get my point that’s why borders of iraq or other weak states would be “protected” not because big powers like but for fear of chain reaction that will happen sooner or later to them it’s “interesting” that both illegal referendum happened in spain and iraq at the same time maybe 1 day difference(correct me if have mistaken days)
By the way akar and esper will talk today for the launch of operation in NE syria all who had anti turkish dreams would have to wake up tomorrow with news about northern syria maybe hevals can get asylum in china that might be the offer you are talking about

Lets wait and see. China is playing the long term game. The middle-east is too important for China to be left alone. If there is one thing China/East-Asian countries cant stand, it is chaos. Middle-East is notorius for chaos. No peace stays forever there. Time to make order so the energy supply and OBOR project wont be disrupted. USA, UK, Russia and EU had their chance, time to pass the baton to China. Lets see what the future will hold.
The chain reaction caused by separatist as you mentioned would not make a dent in China's ambition as long it suits China's agenda. After the fall of the Sovjet Union, Russia was confident and content to have the possibility to control all the central asians countries. Nowaday it is China who is controling the central asian countries via OBOR AIIB and SCO. Same situation with South East-Asian region. What make you think the middle-east region would be so different to handle once China sets its eyes on the region? Your mistake is to think Turkiye is in the same league as China.

Lets wait and see. China is playing the long term game. The middle-east is too important for China to be left alone. If there is one thing China/East-Asian countries cant stand, it is chaos. Middle-East is notorius for chaos. No peace stays forever there. Time to make order so the energy supply and OBOR project wont be disrupted. USA, UK, Russia and EU had their chance, time to pass the baton to China. Lets see what the future will hold.
The chain reaction caused by separatist as you mentioned would not make a dent in China's ambition as long it suits China's agenda. After the fall of the Sovjet Union, Russia was confident and content to have the possibility to control all the central asians countries. Nowaday it is China who is controling the central asian countries via OBOR AIIB and SCO. Same situation with South East-Asian region. What make you think the middle-east region would be so different to handle once China sets its eyes on the region? Your mistake is to think Turkiye is in the same league as China.

One thing is certain you don’t need analysis for it if an artificial state is formed from iran iraq syria and turkey then china can say goodbye to Belt&Road just look at the map and you will see it there’s no way that you can connect Europe and Asia without stable and strong Iran+Turkey Belt and Road also passed through Syria but it seems due to ongoing war that route is blocked that means China is even more reliant on Iran and Turkey
By the way china has its own separatism problem their official policy is respect for state borders I don’t expect chinese support for separatism in Middle East
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One thing is certain you don’t need analysis for it if an artificial state is formed from iran iraq syria and turkey then china can say goodbye to Belt&Road just look at the map and you will see it there’s no way that you can connect Europe and Asia without stable and strong Iran+Turkey Belt and Road also passed through Syria but it seems due to ongoing war that route is blocked that means China is even more reliant on Iran and Turkey
By the way china has its own separatism problem their official policy is respect for state borders I don’t expect chinese suppoet for separatism in Middle East

I dont think China is stupid enough to officially acknowledge khurdhistan as a state to not ruffle the feathers. I was thinking more in the line as semi autonomous region with emphasize on de facto independent. After all China is doing what Turkiye is doing right now in northern syria. So why so hypocrite?
In case of China's own separatist movement, who want to support them? China nowadays is not the same China as the old days.
chinese people’s republic, has forgotten its own so called renegade province called Taiwan. And turkey will respond in kind there. Kurdistan will be insignificant to the damage Turkey action will do. China better P off. Worry about your no1 issue Donald trump
chinese people’s republic, has forgotten its own so called renegade province called Taiwan. And turkey will respond in kind there. Kurdistan will be insignificant to the damage Turkey action will do. China better P off. Worry about your no1 issue Donald trump
What Turkey can provide to Taiwan?
Technology? Not possible. Taiwan TSMC is world largest dedicated independent (pure-play) semiconductor foundry and the most advanced.

Money, come on.

Market? 40% market comes from China mainland, the rest are EU, US, Japan, ASEAN.

Weapon? Not possible, Taiwan is paying protection fee to U.S. When France tried to sell weapon to Taiwan many years ago, their politicians involved were fcuked, and all Taiwan politicians involved either go to jail or suicide (killed). The water is much deeper than you think.
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This is how China will end up, lol.

I dont think China is stupid enough to officially acknowledge khurdhistan as a state to not ruffle the feathers. I was thinking more in the line as semi autonomous region with emphasize on de facto independent. After all China is doing what Turkiye is doing right now in northern syria. So why so hypocrite?
In case of China's own separatist movement, who want to support them? China nowadays is not the same China as the old days.
I will reply only to your normal comments because if I reply to what other chinese members are writing then it will be pointless discussion

So this north iraqi region no matter what it will be always under turkish control other turkish members and I already have told you that their oil is totally dependent what’s interesting is that there are 1.5 milion in northern iraq of whom at least 300000 are turks i don’t need to count the rest but my point is that very easy an unrest can be provoked if necessary and what are you talking about syira THAT SHIT CALLED ASSAD FINANCED PKK THAT KILLED MORE THAN 40000(most of them kurds but also significant number of turks too) do you know that the total damage of turkish economy was 450B$ 2011 was our REVENGE anyway the region known as northern syria was LEGITIMATE TURKISH TERRITORY IN 1920 BEFORE IT WAS STOLLEN BY FRENCH BASTARDS!!!

Haha, dream on, even 100% Han Chinese provinces become independent, whoever made this map doesn't have any basic clue of what he was talking about.
Well taiwan and hong kong are at least 90% HAN chinese ...
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