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Chinese City Severs Ties After Japanese Mayor Denies Massacre


Mar 15, 2010
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The Chinese city of Nanjing has suspended its sister-city relationship with Nagoya in Japan after the Japanese city’s mayor expressed doubts that the Japanese army’s 1937 Nanjing Massacre actually took place, the Nagoya City Hall said on Wednesday.

The falling out began on Monday, when Nagoya’s mayor, Takashi Kawamura, told a visiting delegation of Chinese Communist Party officials from Nanjing that he doubted that Japanese troops had actually massacred Chinese civilians. Most historians say that at least tens of thousands of civilians were slaughtered in Nanjing, in one of the most infamous atrocities of Japan’s early 20th-century military expansion across Asia.

The falling out underscored how history remains a potential flashpoint in Japan’s ties with the nations that it once conquered. While such denials are common by Japanese conservatives like Mr. Kawamura, they are rarely raised in such a public manner, and directly to Chinese officials. But there is also a widely shared perception in Japan that China’s communist government plays up the massacre for its own propaganda purposes, with many serious historians dismissing the official Chinese claims of 300,000 dead as exaggerated.

Still, the Japanese government scrambled to head off a full-blown diplomatic incident. The top government spokesman restated Japan’s official position that the massacre did, in fact, take place.

“This is a problem that should be appropriately resolved between the cities of Nagoya and Nanjing,” said the spokesman, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura.

The City Hall of Nagoya, an industrial city in central Japan, said it received what it described as a short and business-like e-mail on Wednesday morning from the city government of Nanjing saying that the Chinese city was temporarily halting all exchanges.

On Wednesday, Mr. Kawamura remained unrepentant, saying that he did not intend to retract the statement or apologize. He explained that his father had been a solider in Nanjing in 1945, and was treated kindly by city residents, which he said would have been impossible had an atrocity taken place there just eight years earlier.

“There are many opinions about the so-called Nanjing incident,” he told reporters, using the Japanese term for the killings in December 1937. “I have said I want to have a debate with people from Nanjing.”

Such disagreements between Japan and its neighbors have quieted from the early 2000s, when then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi angered many in China and South Korea by visiting the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo that honors Japan’s war dead, included executed war criminals.

However, questions of history can still disrupt relations. In Kyoto in December, Japan’s prime minster, Yoshihiko Noda, was rebuffed by the South Korean president, Lee Myung-bak, when he asked for removal of a statue in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul to remember women forced to work as sex slaves for the Japanese military during World War II. The South Korean leader responded by asking for compensation for the surviving former sex slaves, most now in their 80s. Japan says war-related reparations were settled when it established diplomatic ties with South Korea after World War II.


moderator edit- to remove insulting comments added by this poster
It is very clear that the west media is extremely biased. Japan killed thousand thousands of people across asia, in china, in korea... But the west media have not criticized even a bit on japanese atrocity. instead they have been focusing on few, the west called "democracy activists". that is why the world is not peaceful these days. the west media is culpable or the blame, since they encourage riot instead of criticizing the japanese atrocity
It is very clear that the west media is extremely biased. Japan killed thousand thousands of people across asia, in china, in korea... But the west media have not criticized even a bit on japanese atrocity. instead they have been focusing on few, the west called "democracy activists". that is why the world is not peaceful these days. the west media is culpable or the blame, since they encourage riot instead of criticizing the japanese atrocity
That's why I knew "the flowers of war" wouldn't win any western film award.
This is the main reason that I could never respect Japan. They never have the gut to take responsibilities and let the past go. The atrocities were committed by old generations that are passed away and normally Chinese won't ask paybacks or hold resentment against the current generation if Japanese don't poke the scar by themselves from time to time. Japanese are very detail oriented but in general lack the grandeur view.

What's really ridiculous about this mayor is one of the reasons he uses to deny the massacre. His father was a WOW of WWII and surrendered in Nanjing. His father said he was treated humanly by Nanjing people. "If there's a massacre, Chinese people would've not treated me so nice, therefore the massacre could not exist". The logic clearly demonstrates the typical Japanese thinking.
This is the main reason that I could never respect Japan. They never have the gut to take responsibilities and let the past go. The atrocities were committed by old generations that are passed away and normally Chinese won't ask paybacks or hold resentment against the current generation if Japanese don't poke the scar by themselves from time to time. Japanese are very detail oriented but in general lack the grandeur view.

What's really ridiculous about this mayor is one of the reasons he uses to deny the massacre. His father was a WOW of WWII and surrendered in Nanjing. His father said he was treated humanly by Nanjing people. "If there's a massacre, Chinese people would've not treated me so nice, therefore the massacre could not exist". The logic clearly demonstrates the typical Japanese thinking.

Hmm, it's unwise to equal a country to its people. Many Japanese appologized and the rest don't dare to say a thing due to various reason, mainly vote and money. You know how people can sell their souls when it comes to money. There are tons of Chinese sold theirs as well. You know CIA pays "free tibet" guys pretty well.
Hmm, it's unwise to equal a country to its people. Many Japanese appologized and the rest don't dare to say a thing due to various reason, mainly vote and money. You know how people can sell their souls when it comes to money. There are tons of Chinese sold theirs as well. You know CIA pays "free tibet" guys pretty well.

That I understand, that's why I said I don't respect Japan, not all Japanese. I've been to Japan myself and there're certainly a lot of kind Japanese I deeply respect. However somehow as a nation Japan overly respects power. It is hard to imagine a country could quickly suck up to another country that dropped two atomic bombs on its land but in the mean time look down upon countries it victimized.
Hmm, it's unwise to equal a country to its people.

I'm not a nation but I don't like Japs. Yes, Japs it is. I hope that someday someone should try the very same thing that the Japs did during WWII on themselves. I'm looking forward to the Japs' "hospitality".
That I understand, that's why I said I don't respect Japan, not all Japanese. I've been to Japan myself and there're certainly a lot of kind Japanese I deeply respect. However somehow as a nation Japan overly respects power. It is hard to imagine a country could quickly suck up to another country that dropped two atomic bombs on its land but in the mean time look down upon countries it victimized.
U.S. is pretty good at brainwash. And Japan is having hard time of getting rid of U.S. control. It is a pity that China gave up the right to deploy troops in Japan after WWII.
During the last Nanjing commemoration, Japanese hired 100 Chinese prostitute and had an orgy in China. They don't only deny it; it's evidence of their superiority over your race.

Don't know about Japanese superiority over Chinese, but everyone is pretty sure about you inferiority , ask any of the Americans ,Pakistanis, Chinese and Indians.

Anyone with even a little level shame or self -respect would atleast keep low during a ban rather than create another id just to display their insecurity.
Don't know about Japanese superiority over Chinese, but everyone is pretty sure about you inferiority , ask any of the Americans ,Pakistanis, Chinese and Indians.

Anyone with even a little level shame or self -respect would atleast keep low during a ban rather than create another id just to display their insecurity.

During the last Nanjing commemoration, Japanese hired 100 Chinese prostitute and had an orgy in China. They don't only deny it; it's evidence of their superiority over your race.

That happened in 2005. China has gotten wealthier in the past few years so this won't happen again. The time frame where Japanese could do this was only about 15 years from 1995 to 2010. This is just a blip in history and its just for money.

Contrast with Japanese prostituting themselves in the thousands to the people who nuked them twice, and for 65 years and counting. It started out as for money, but even after they got rich, they keep doing it.

China will become rich enough to avoid Japanese perverts, but can Japan become unoccupied?
what do the standard average people in PRC and Japan opine about the bilateral relations -- is there still much mutual animosity today between the 2?
what do the standard average people in PRC and Japan opine about the bilateral relations -- is there still much mutual animosity today between the 2?

depends on who you ask. Just remember the average age in China is 37 and average age in Japan is 47. The average Japanese was born in the 1960's while the average Chinese was born in the 70's.
"ao555"="ao333" had just come back, a tireless false flags troll with its disgusting manner on insulting others.

This Viet troll must be eliminated out of community!!! ao333 is nobody but that :guns: "bigfeet" and :sniper:"vntsx" :hitwall:
"ao555"="ao333" had just come back, a tireless false flags troll with its disgusting manner on insulting others.

This Viet troll must be eliminated out of community!!! ao333 is nobody but that :guns: "bigfeet" and :sniper:"vntsx" :hitwall:

wow, i learnt that this thead is started by a vietnomese troller to show their supports to japanese atrocity. It means that the vietnom is the conspirator of japanese facist. vietnamese loves facist, loves killing people. they are inhumane species
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